 |                                                                    |
 |                           NONMEM PROGRAM                           |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: The name of a computer program.
 CONTEXT: NONMEM input/output

 The  acronym  NONMEM  denotes both a type of statistical model and the
 program used to analyze data according to  such  a  model.   (See non-
 mem_model).   This entry briefly describes the NONLINEAR MIXED EFFECTS
 MODEL (NONMEM) program.

 NONMEM is a computer program written in FORTRAN  90  used  to  analyze
 data  according to a Non-linear Mixed Effects Model.  NONMEM is batch-
 oriented.  It is accompanied by an input preprocessor  (NM-TRAN)  that
 provides  a  SAS-like  user communication interface, and by a suite of
 subprograms (PREDPP) that, within the context of the  NONMEM  program,
 implements  most  of  the common simple pharmacokinetic models used by
 pharmacokineticists.  PREDPP also has code for solving general  linear
 and  non-linear  differential  equations  describing  more complicated
 pharmacokinetic models.

 The user generally will have to supply data and a code (either  in  an
 abbreviated  form  understood  by NM-TRAN, or in a FORTRAN subroutine)
 specifying the dependence on the mixed effects.  He will also have  to
 make  choices  regarding the NONMEM process: e.g., whether to estimate
 parameters, and if so, which of  several  estimation  methods  to  use
 (each method minimizes a different objective function).

 NONMEM  output  reports  the  minimum value of the objective function,
 parameter estimates, standard errors, tables, and  line-printer  scat-
 terplots, etc., as requested.  NONMEM computes model predictions using
 the parameter estimates, and similarly, residuals and weighted residu-
 als, and makes these available for tables and scatterplots.

 NONMEM can also easily be used to simulate data under a NONMEM model.

 With NONMEM 7, there are additional output files, called the "raw" and
 "additional" output files.  Here, "root" is the name  of  the  NM-TRAN
 input  file  specified on the nmfe7 command (not including extension).
 These provide an efficient way of way of extracting numerical  results
 from  the analysis.  By default, the raw output file is root.ext.  The
 additional output files include root.ext  root.cov  root.coi  root.cor
 root.phi,  etc.,  where  root  is  the  name  of the control file (not
 including extensions).

 (See raw_output_files).
 (See additional_output_files).
 (See estimate, method, parameter, parameter_estimate).
 (See objective_function, table, scatterplot).
 (See residual, weighted-residual, predpp).

REFERENCES: Guide I Section A
REFERENCES: Guide V Section 1, 2

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)