 |                                                                    |
 |                        REPETITION_1 EXAMPLE                        |
 |                                                                    |

 This  example  illustrates  the  use of the repetition feature, and in
 particular, the use of the variables RPTI and RPTO.  For a  discussion
 of these reserved variables: (See Repetition Variables).

 We  suppose that a compartment amount A2 at time t1 is given by a con-
 volution, i.e. an integral with respect to s, of the  product  D(t1-s)
 and  r(s),  where D is a unit distribution function, and r is an input
 function.  The integral is taken from 0 to t1.  The amount in question
 can be computed by integrating the differential equation


 from  time  0 to time t1.  For A2 at a later time t2, one integrates a
 different differential equation:


 from time 0 to time t2.  This equation differs from the  first  in  so
 far as the constant t2, rather than t1, is used in D.

 Ordinarily, PREDPP will use a system of differential equations


 to  obtain the value of a vector A2 of compartment amounts at times t1
 and t2, by first integrating the system to time t1, and then by  inte-
 grating  the  same  or different system from time t1 to time t2.  This
 scheme cannot be used with the two equations described above,  because
 the  second  equation  - with the constant t2 - applies throughout the
 time interval 0 to t1, as well as throughout the interval t1 to t2.

 PREDPP requires the event records to be ordered chronologically in the
 data  set,  and  with  its  ordinary usage with differential equations
 (described above), these records are processed sequentially,  starting
 with  the  first event record (which, for the purposes of this discus-
 sion, can be thought to have time 0).  The records are passed  sequen-
 tially to the PK routine.

 The differential equations used for the convolution requires something
 special.  During a regular sequential pass of the event records to the
 PK routine, when a record R with time t - at which compartment amounts
 are desired - is initially processed and passed to the PK routine  for
 the first time, the routine should set the output variable RPTO to -1.
 This signals to NONMEM that the regular pass should be interrupted and
 a  second  pass  of the records should be initiated, starting with the
 first event record once again and ending with record R (thus the  pass
 of  these records is "repeated").  Only at the end of the second pass,
 after all event records up to and including record R have  once  again
 been  passed, will the value for A2(t) be established.  The amounts at
 times on preceeding records have already been  established,  and  they
 remain  unchanged  as  the pass of these records is repeated.  After R
 has been passed for the second time, the first pass will be continued,
 the  next event record will be passed for the first time, and RPTO can
 again be set to -1.  Whenever an event record is passed for the  first
 time,  f(s)  should  be  set to D(t-s)r(s), where t is the time on the
 record, so that during the second pass, the differential equation that
 is  used  is  the desired one.  When an event record is passed, if the
 input variable to the PK routine, RPTI, has the value 0, this  signals
 that  the record is not being passed as a part of a repeated pass, and
 so this can be used as a signal that the record is  being  passed  for
 the first time.

 Suppose  the  kinetic  system  is  a two-compartment system where drug
 absorption from a depot compartment into a sampling compartment occurs
 in  a  first-order manner, and drug elimination from the sampling com-
 partment occurs according  to  a  Weibull  unit  disposition  function
 D(s)=exp(-K(s**c)).   Suppose  too that the superposition principle is
 assumed to hold.  So drug amount is given by a  convolution.   Suppose
 the event records for an individual are simply structured, e.g.

   .0    10   .      1               rec 1
   .25   .  2.44     0               rec 2
   .5    .  5.24     0               rec 3
   .75   .  5.57     0               rec 4
   1     .  5.85     0               rec 5

 Then the control stream should look like:

 $DATA data

 $INFN                                                                  |
 IF (ICALL.EQ.0) RPTO=1      ;enables use of repetition feature         |
 K =THETA(2)*EXP(ETA(2))
 C =THETA(3)
 V =THETA(4)*EXP(ETA(4))



 Note  that  when  TIME= 0.25, RPTO need not have been set to -1; after
 the second event record has been passed for the first time, the kinet-
 ics are advanced from time 0 to time 0.25 using TI=0.25.

 (1)  The above is supplied as repeat1.ctl and repeat1.dat in the exam- |
 ples directory

 The code
 IF (ICALL.EQ.0) RPTO=1      ;enables use of repetition feature
 is needed to inform NONMEM that the repetition feature will be used.

 The code                                                               |
 IF (NEWIND.EQ.2) RPTO=-1                                               |
 initiates a pass starting with the first event record,  which  is  the |
 default with RPTO=-1.                                                  |

 (2)  Another  example,  repeat1t.ctl, demonstates that a repeated pass |
 may start with  any  designated  record,  not  necessarily  the  first |
 record.  The statement                                                 |

 IF (NEWIND.NE.2) RPTO=1                                                |
 is  used  to indicate explicitly that the first record is a repetition |
 base.                                                                  |

 (3) Example repeat1s.ctl uses the RPT_ data item for the same purpose. |
 This  is  repeat1s.ctl  and repeat1s.dat in the examples directory.  A |
 non-zero value of RPT_ marks a record as a repetition base.  A  state- |
 ment  setting  RPTO=-n  (where  n  is the value of the RPT_ data item) |
 requests repetition starting with the marked  record.   When  RPT_  is |
 used,  it  automatically enables use of the repetition feature and the |
 $INFN block may be omitted.                                            |

 The data is augmented with the RPT_ item, as in this fragment:         |
 # TIME AMT DV     EVID RPT_                                            |
 1  .0    10   .      1    1          rec 1                             |
 1  .25   .  2.44     0    .          rec 2                             |

 and the control stream contains                                        |
  $INPT ID TIME AMT DV EVID RPT_                                        |

 (4) A different example of the use of RPT_ is given in repeatf.ctl and |
 repeatf.dat.   Reserved  variables  RPTO=n and RPTO=-n are intended to |
 mark and repeat a sequence of more than 1 data records.  If  only  one |
 record is to be repeated, RPT_ must be used.  The example computes the |
 factorial of a value supplied as KRPT in the data record.  A  fragment |
 of the data is                                                         |

 ID TIME DV  MDV RPT_ KRPT                                              |
 1  1    1     0    .    .                                              |
 1  2    2     0    1    4                                              |

 The code sets                                                          |

    IF (RPT_.EQ.1) RPTO=-1                                              |
    RPTON=KRPT                                                          |

 NONMEM  calls  PRED  KRPT+1  times  for each record with RPT_=1.  This |
 allows the factorial to be computed.  This is intended as an illustra- |
 tion  of what can be done using RPT_ data item.  With NONMEM 7.3, fac- |
 torials can be computed more quickly using the DOWHILE feature and the |
 GAMLN function.


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