 |                                                                    |
 |                        NONMEM OUTPUT FILES                         |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: NONMEM output files
 CONTEXT: NONMEM output file


 NONMEM produces several output files.

 First  is  the NONMEM report file.  The name of this file is specified
 by the user on the nmfe command.  Help entries  describe  the  various
 sections of the report.


 With  NONMEM  7,  tag labels are present in the report file to allow a
 third-party program to find the  appropriate  positions  in  the  file
 without  having  to  search  for  specific words in the text.  (a more
 efficient way of extracting numerical results  from  the  analysis  is
 from  the  raw  and  additional output files (see below)).  Tag labels

 #PARA (NM72)
      This tag identifies the parallelization file and number of  nodes
      used, if parallel estimation is performed.

 #TBLN (NM72)
      This  tag  specifies that following it, on the same line, will be
      found an integer that refers to the  number  of  this  estimation
      method.  This number is also the table number listed in the title
      to tables in the various output files  (raw  output  file,  .cov,
      .cor, etc).  The table number is incremented for each $EST state-
      ment, across all problems in the control stream file.

      This tag specifies that following it, on the same line,  will  be
      found  a  text that describes the method, for example First Order
      Conditional Estimation Method with Interaction.

      This tag  indicates  that  beginning  on  the  next  lines,  text
      describes the termination status of the analysis.

      This  tag  indicates the end of the lines describing the termina-
      tion status of the analysis.  Thus, a software program may trans-
      fer all lines between #TERM: and #TERE: to a summary file.

      Indicates  that  following  it,  on  the  same  line, is the text
      describing the objective  function,  such  as  Minimal  Value  Of
      Objective Function.

      Indicates  that  following it, on the same line, is the objective
      function value.

      Indicates that following it, on the same line, is  the  objective
      function standard deviation (MCMC Bayesian analysis only).

 #OBJN (NM73)
      Indicates that following it, on the same line, is the nonparamet-
      ric objective function value.

 #CPUT (NM73)
      Total CPU time.  It is an accurate representation of the computer
      usage, whether single or parallel process.  The same problem when
      run singly or in parallel will report a similar cpu  time.   This
      is  in  contrast with elapsed time, which is improved with paral-

 With NONMEM 7, raw and additional output files are generated  to  cap-
 ture parts of the report file.

 The raw output file is called root.ext, or named by the FILE option of
 the $ESTIMATION record.
 (See raw_output_file).

 The additional output files capture portions of the report file.
 (See additional_output_file).
 They are listed in the same order as in additional_output_fil.

 root.iph (NM75)
 root.phm (NM72)
 root.shk (NM72)
 root.shm (NM73)
 root.grd (NM72)
 root.xml (NM72)
 root.clt (NM74)
 root.cnv (NM72)
 root.smt (NM72)
 root.rmt (NM72)
 root.imp (NM73)
 root.npd (NM73)
 root.npe (NM73)
 root.npi (NM73)
 root.npl (NM74)
 root.fgh (NM73)
 root.agh (NM73)
 root.vpd (NM74)
 root.ets (NM74)
 root.bfm (NM75)
 root.cpu (NM73)
 msfroot_RMAT, msfroot_SMAT (NM73)

REFERENCES: Guide Introduction_7

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)