 |                                                                    |
 |                        NM-TRAN OUTPUT FILES                        |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: NM-TRAN output files
 CONTEXT: NONMEM input file


 NM-TRAN  produces  several  output  files,  several of which are input
 files to NONMEM itself.

 In the first column, the files are listed by the  default  file  names
 supplied  by  constants  in NM-TRAN's ABLOCK routine.  (Some installa-
 tions may use different names for these files.)

 The second column lists the inputs to NM-TRAN that contribute to these

 The third column indicates how the files are used.

 Note that file FSIZES is a convenient reference for users to view, but |
 is not used.  SUBROUTINE FSIZESR in FSUBS is  what  is  actually  used |
 during the NONMEM run.

 File      Relevant portion           How file is used
 name      of NM-TRAN inputs

 FCON      All                        NONMEM (control stream)
 FDATA     Data file, $DATA, $INPUT   NONMEM (data file)
 FSTREAM   Filenames from $DATA,      NONMEM (file control stream)
           $MSFI, $MSFO, $TABLE
 FSUBS     Abbreviated code           Generated FORTRAN subroutines
 FREPORT   $SUBROUTINES               Input  to  whatever generates
                                      the commands that create  the
                                      NONMEM  executable (e.g., the
                                      NMLINK routine).
 FORIG     Abbreviated code, $ABBR    When $ABBR REPLACE  is  used,
                                      this file contains the origi-
                                      nal abbreviated code.
 FREPL     Abbreviated code, $ABBR    When $ABBR REPLACE  is  used,
                                      this  file contains the post-
                                      replacement abbreviated code.
 FWORK     Data file                  NM-TRAN (work file)
 FWARN     All                        Warning   and   informational
 FSIZES    Abbreviated        code,   Dynamic  array sizes for NON-
           $THETA, $OMEGA,  $SIGMA,   MEM
           $SIZES, SIZES.f90
 prsizes   Abbreviated        code,   Static array sizes for PREDPP
           $THETA,  $OMEGA, $SIGMA,
           $SIZES, SIZES.f90

 With NONMEM 7, files FSUBS2 and FSUBS_MU are used by  NMTRAN  as  work
 files during the creation of FSUBS.

REFERENCES: Guide III Section V.6.0
REFERENCES: Guide  Section Introduction_7

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)