 |                                                                    |
 |                        NMFE UTILITY PROGRAM                        |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: The name of a computer program
 CONTEXT: NONMEM support utility routine


  nmfe74  controlfile reportfile [-background]
          [-prsame] [-prcompile]
          [-prdefault] [-prseq]
          [-trskip] [-nobuild]
          [-maxlim=1]  [-maxlim=2]  [-maxlim=3]
          [-rundir=directoryname] [-runpdir=directoryname]
          [-nmexec=filename] [-xmloff]
          [-simparon] [-flushtime>=0.0]

 Default, if used in the run directory:
 nmfe74 controlfile reportfile
 -prsame (if possible; else -prcompile)
 -runpdir=temp_dir -nmexec=nonmem

 Options may need to be in quotes, e.g.,
 nmfe74 CONTROL5 REPORT5.res "-prsame"

 The  name  of the command indicates the version of NONMEM, e.g. nmfe74
 denotes NONMEM 7.4.0.  The command will be shown generically as  nmfe7
 in  this  help  file.  For details specific to an earlier release than
 NONMEM 7.4.0, see the help file for that release.


      Name of the input file containing the NM-TRAN control stream.

      Name of the output file into which  NONMEM  writes  the  results.
      Also called "the standard results" file.

      By  default,  nmfe7  copies the required PREDPP routines from the
      nonmem  ..\pr  and  ..\resource  directories  into  a   subfolder
      temp_dir  of  the  current  directory  and  compiles the routines
      there.  (Some of these routines are needed  even  when  $PRED  is
      used.)  This is referred to as "pr recompilation".  The resulting
      object files are then linked with NONMEM,  and  the  nonmem  exe-
      cutable  is created.  In a subsequent run, nmfe7 will skip the pr
      recompilation if the same ADVAN/TRANS (or a $PRED) are used,  and
      the  size  of the problem (e.g., size of OMEGA and SIGMA) has not

      Force pr recompilation, in case the run does not appear  to  exe-
      cute properly when no pr recompilation occurs.

      Force  the skipping of pr recompilation.  Used when nmfe7 detects
      a change in the previous run from the present run, but  the  user
      is  convinced  there is no significant change.  Uses the compiled
      files from the previous run.

      Do not recompile any routines other than FSUBS.  Use the  precom-
      piled routines in ..\pr and ..\resource directories.  May be used
      if it is sufficient to use default values in  sizes.f90  for  the
      various parameters (see ..\util\prsizes.f90 for the list of those
      that are used.).  Any NONMEM parameters that are not  used  (that
      is,  those  not  listed in prsizes.f90) will still be dynamically

      Tests if is okay to do -prdefault.  If it is not  okay,  then  it
      will  test  if  there are compiled pr routines in temp_dir direc-
      tory,and if they are appropriate for the present model.   If  so,
      it  will  not recompile those pr routines, and use those that are
      already there.  If not, it will perform a fresh  PREDPP  compile.
      May be combined with either -prcompile or -prsame.

 -tprdefault -prcompile
      Tests  if  is  okay to do -prdefault.  If it is not okay, then it
      will perform a fresh compile of the  particular  ..\pr  routines,
      even   if  there  were  appropriate  ones  in  temp_dir  already.
      (-prcompile forces a compile regardless of whether it was  neces-

 -tprdefault -prsame
      Tests  if  is  okay to do -prdefault.  If it is not okay, then it
      will use those in temp_dir, assuming that  they  are  appropriate
      for the present problem.

      As  of  nm75,  the option -prseq is available to cause the PREDPP
      files to  be  compiled  sequentially,  rather  than  in  parallel
      (default).   Sometimes the parallel method of compiling may actu-
      ally take longer, or the compiler license may limit the number of
      simultaneous  instances  of the compiler that are permitted to be
      operating at once.

      Requests that the NMTRAN step be skipped.  The -trskip option  is
      useful if you wish to modify FSUBS.f90 created by a previous run,
      and insert extra debug lines into  FSUBS.f90,  and  prevent  your
      modified  FSUBS.f90  from  being  over-written by NMTRAN (it will
      still be compiled).

      -trskip and any one of -prskip, -prnoskip, or  -prstatic  options
      may be used together, or -trskip may be used by itself.

      Prevents  a  new nonmem executable from being built, particularly
      useful for a series of nonmem runs during boostrap procedures.

      With maxlim=1, then LIM1, LIM3, LIM4,  LIM13,  and  Lim15  (those
      used  during  estimation,  and  therefore  by workers in a paral-
      lelization problem), will be set to the size needed to assure  no
      buffer  files  are  used, and everything is stored in memory, for
      the particular prolem.  With -maxlim=2, then  LIM1,  LIM2,  LIM3,
      LIM4,  LIM5,  LIM6,  LIM7, LIM8, LIM13, LIM15, and LIM16 are also
      sized to what is needed to  assure  that  buffer  files  are  not
      needed.   With  -maxlim=3,  then  MAXRECID will also be sized, to
      MAXDREC, the largest number of records in any  individual.   With
      maxlim=3, it is preferred to also use -tprdefault, or -prcompile,
      but not -prdefault, as NMTRAN's optional resizing of  the  PREDPP
      size parameter MAXRECID may conflict with the -prdefault option

      Specifies  a directory for the NONMEM run if it is different from
      the present working directory.  The  directory  must  exist,  and
      must  contain all necessary input files, such as the controlfile,
      msf files, and data files.

      Specifies a directory for the compile if  it  is  different  from
      temp_dir.  This is useful if you are repeatedly going between two
      or more problems, so that often they need to  be  pr  recompiled,
      and  you  want to save time. Specify a unique temporary directory
      for the compilation for each problem.

      Name of the "parallel file" (the  parallelization  profile)  that
      controls  parallelization  (distributed computing).  Default file
      name if not specified: parallel.pnm.  For details on the content,
      see  the  INTRODUCTION TO NONMEM 7.  Versions prior to NONMEM 7.2
      do not support parallel computing.                                |

 -parafprint=n                                                          |
      Sometimes the parallelization log files  can  become  very  large |
      during the $EST and $COV steps. Each of these records have paraf- |
      print options to control the print intervals.  Or, you  can  con- |
      trol the print iterations globally with the -parafprint option at |
      the command line.

      Name of a file to override the default  file  called  "nmloc"  or
      "nmloc.bat".  This is the location file, which gives the path for
      compiler or MPI system.  The nmfe7 script will display  a  state-
      ment  as  to  what path it uses.  E.g., "Pathlist information for
      compiler and MPI systems are  located  in  nmpathlist.txt"  where
      nmpathlist.txt describes which verson of nmloc is being used.

      Specifies  an alternate name for the NONMEM executable instead of
      the default nonmem.exe (windows) or nonmem  (Linux).   Note  that
      when  parallelization is used, this name must be specified in the
      pnm file.  Example:

      nmfe7 controlfile reportfile -nmexec=nonmem2 -parafile=mpi2.pnm
      Suppose mpi2.pnm is based on mpilinux_onecomputer.pnm, which con-
      1:mpirun -wdir "$PWD" -n 1 ./nonmem  $*
      2:-wdir "$PWD/wrk_mpi" -n 1 ./nonmem <control_stream> <licfile>

      Then mpi2.pnm must be changed as follows:
      1:mpirun -wdir "$PWD" -n 1 ./nonmem2  $*
      2:-wdir "$PWD/wrk_mpi" -n 1 ./nonmem2 <control_stream> <licfile>

      If "-background" is present NONMEM does not poll the terminal for
      ctrl characters (See below.)

      Turns off production of the XML output file root.xml, where  root
      is  the  root name of the control stream file.  This may speed up
      fast computational problems such as $SIM  on  simple  models  and
      small data sets.                                                  |

 -simparon                                                              |
      Turn on parallelization during simulation step.                   |

 -flushtime>=0.0                                                        |
      File buffer contents are flushed to file not more frequently than |
      flushtime seconds  (1.0  second)  is  default.   Floating  number |


 NMFE7.bat  and  NMFE7 are front-end tools for running NONMEM 7.  Their
 use is optional.  NMFE7.BAT is a MS-DOS batch  program.   NMFE7  is  a
 UNIX  C-shell  script.  Both are supplied on the NONMEM 7 distribution

 They should be placed in a directory in the user's  path.   Both  make
 use of the support utilities nmlink7 and compile7, which are also sup-
 plied on the NONMEM 7 distribution medium.

 Both execute the following steps, stopping after  any  step  in  which
 errors occur:

 1)   NM-TRAN processes the NM-TRAN control stream, which is found in a
      file whose name is given  as  the  first  command-line  argument.
      With NONMEM 7.2 and higher, both lower and upper case may be used
      for all user-defined and reserved words in  the  control  stream. |
      With  NONMEM 7.3 and higher, & may be used at the end of any line |
      of the control stream to indicate that the line is to be  contin- |
      ued,  including  control  records  as  well  as abbreviated code. |
      Lines may be longer than 160 characters long. The maximum  length |
      is  given  by  FSD in resource/SIZES.f90.  (FSD=67000 with NONMEM |
      7.3).  This step is omitted if option -trskip is used.

 2)   NMLINK7 creates the file LINK.LNK (a list of object files  to  be
      included in the NONMEM executable).  With NONMEM 7, compile7 cre-
      ates the file compile7.lnk (a list of PREDPP routines to  be  re-
      compiled  with  the  current  array  sizes)  and a work directory
      temp_dir is created.  All files listed in compile7.lnk are copied
      to temp_dir and compiled. They are then copied to the current run
      directory.  The recompilation  of  PREDPP  routines  can  take  a
      noticeable  amount  of  time.   This  step  is  skipped if option
      -prsame or -prdefault is used.
      (See $sizes.ctl).

 3)   If a file FSUBS.f90 of  generated  and/or  user-supplied  FORTRAN
      code  was  created  by  NM-TRAN, it is compiled by the FORTRAN 90

 4)   Utility program  nonmem_mpi.exe is called to  check  if  parallel
      processing  is  requested,  what transfer type is to be used, and
      make sure the parallel file is syntactically okay.  Either of two
      sets of messages will appear at the console:
      Exit status = 1
        IN MPI
      This  indicates  that parallel proccesing using the MPI method is
      requested.  MPI libraries will be included  in  the  NONMEM  exe-

      Exit status = 0
      This indicates that no parallel processing was requested, or par-
      allel processing uses the FPI (file  transfer)  method.   No  MPI
      library is needed.

 5)   The NONMEM executable nonmem.exe (nonmem in UNIX) is created.

 6)   The  NONMEM  executable is run.  It is passed an option -licfile,
      which tells it where to find the NONMEM license file.  Typically,
      this  is  the file nonmem.lic in the sub-directory license of the
      directory in which NONMEM was installed.
      First, arrays are allocated dynamically, according to information
      supplied by NM-TRAN in files FSIZES.
      (See $sizes).
      Processing may be performed as a single CPU process, or distruted
      among multiple cores or nodes, as specified in the parallel file.
      (See parallel).
      The output file whose name is given as  the  second  command-line
      argument  is  created. During the run, NONMEM output can be found
      in the file OUTPUT.  When the  run  terminates,  file  OUTPUT  is
      copied to the output file and then removed.

 While  NONMEM  7  and  higher is running, the following may be used if
 "-backgound" was not present:

      Turn console iteration printing  on/off  during  the   Estimation
      Step (Default is on).

      Stop the Estimation Step, which completes its output, and goes on
      to next mode or estimation method.

      Exit program gracefully.

      Monitor the progress of each individual during an  estimation  by
      toggling  ctrl-T.  Wait 15 seconds or more to observe a subject's
      ID, and individual objective function value.  It is also good  to
      test  that  the  problem did not hang if a console output had not
      been observed for a long while.

 The signal program may be used in situations  where  NONMEM  does  not
 respond to the ctrl key.
 (See signal).


 nmfe7 CONTROL5 REPORT5.res
 nmfe7 CONTROL5 REPORT5.res -background >& consout &
 (Trailing & is used in UNIX to run the command in the background.)

 Other files are created by nmfe7 and NONMEM:

      Contains  SUBROUTINE MUMODEL2.  This subroutine contains only the
      code that is needed to compute any  MU  parameters  (MU_1,  MU_2,
      etc.)  that were defined in $PK or $PRED abbreviated code.  It is
      also included in FSUBS.

 FSUBS and FSUBS.f90
      These are identical. They contain both the content of FSUBS as it
      was  in  previous  versions  of NONMEM (generated subroutines PK,
      PRED, MODEL, etc., plus any user-supplied code), and also subrou-
      tine  MUMODEL2.   Note that user-supplied code must be in Fortran
      90 format.

 With NONMEM 7 and higher, additional output files  are  created,  with
 names controlfile.xxx, where xxx is ext, cov, etc.
 (See additional_output_files).
 (See raw_output_file).

REFERENCES: Guide III Section IV.1.0, V.7.0
REFERENCES: Guide  Section Introduction_7

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)