 |                                                                    |
 |                                LPCC                                |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: Line Printer Controls Converter Program (NM75)

 The  utility  program Line Printer Controls Converter will convert the
 line printer control characters in the NONMEM report file  into  their
 proper  actions.  The line printer control characters are in the first
 character in each line, and at one time was  interpreted  by  old  132
 column line-printers.

 lpcc inputfile outputfile codes ...

      should be the name of the NONMEM report file (e.g., root.res).

      The results are written to outputfile.

 codes ...
      A list of 1 or more codes.

 The conversion is acted upon only between the lines
 and just before
 Stop Time:
 as  the  lines  before  and after these do not use column 1 as a line-
 printer control column.

 The code command characters are interpreted by lpcc as follows:
 Code      Acting on Action
 Option    Control
 A0        +         Advance 0 lines (overprint on (merge with) previous line)
 A1        space          Advance 1 line (no action is taken)
 A2        0         Advance 2 lines (insert a blank line)
 A3        -         Advance 3 lines (insert 2 blank lines) Not used in NONMEM
 AS                  Remove action character column once code is acted upon
                     (But will not remove character in col 1 if not one of the above)
 FF        1         Advance page (insert Form feed character)
 FFA       1         Advance page and add blank line
 (insert Form feed with a next line)
 FFA2      1         Advance page and add 2 blank lines
 FF1       1         Replace '1' as ' ' (interpret FF as A1)
 FF2       1         Replace '1' as '0' (interpret FF as A2)
 FF3       1         Replace '1' as '-' (interpret FF as A3)
 ALL                 FF,A0,A1,A2,A3
 ALLS                FF,A0,A1,A2,A3,AS
 After an action, the control character is replaced with a space.  That
 space  will  be printed unless AS is requested.  So AS shifts the line
 one column to the left.
 An N followed by the code prevents that action from occurring.

 EXAMPLE  (options are acted upon in order):

 lpcc example1.res example1.lst FF A0
 Only replace "1" in column 1 with form feed, and merge line  with  '+'
 with previous line.

 lpcc example1.res example1.lst ALL FFA
 Act on all codes, and replace "1" with FF/next line.

 lpcc example1.res example1.lst ALLS FFA
 Act  on  all  codes, replace "1" with FF/next line, and shift line one
 column to the left.

 See INTRODUCTION TO NONMEM 7, lpcc: Line  Printer  Controls  Converter

REFERENCES: Guide Introduction_7

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)