 |                                                                    |
 |                            L2 DATA ITEM                            |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: Level Two (L2) data item for NONMEM
 CONTEXT: $INPUT record and NONMEM data set

 $INPUT ... L2 ...

 L2  labels  level-two  (L2)  data  items.   The level two data item is

 Recall that the ID data item  is  used  to  group  together  the  data
 records containing observations which have the same realization of the
 level-one random effects (etas).  Similarly, the L2 data item is  used
 to  group together the data records containing observations which have
 the same realization of the level-two random effects (epsilons).   The
 observations  of  such a group is called a level-two observation.  The
 group itself is called a level-two (L2) record.  Data records of an L2
 record  must  be  contiguous (and contained within the same individual
 record).  By default, level-two observations are treated as being sta-
 tistically  independent multivariate observations.  (However, within a
 level-one observation, the level-two random effects can be made to  be
 correlated between level-two observations.)

 Here  is  an  example of a fragment of a data set using L2 data items.
 There are two types of observations, designated by the  two  different
 values  of  the  user data item TYPE.  Note that the L2 data items are
 the same for both of the observations at TIME=2, and they are also the
 same for both of the observations at TIME=112.5.

      ID   TIME    AMT   APGR     WT     DV TYPE L2
       1    0.    25.0    1.4      7      .   .   1
       1    2.0      .    1.4      7    6.0   1   1
       1    2.0      .    1.4      7   17.3   2   1
       1   12.5    3.5    1.4      7      .   2   2
       1   24.5    3.5    1.4      7      .   2   2
       1   37.0    3.5    1.4      7      .   2   2
       1   48.0    3.5    1.4      7      .   2   2
       1   60.5    3.5    1.4      7      .   2   2
       1   72.5    3.5    1.4      7      .   2   2
       1   85.3    3.5    1.4      7      .   2   2
       1   96.5    3.5    1.4      7      .   2   2
       1  108.5    3.5    1.4      7      .   2   2
       1  112.5      .    1.4      7    8.0   1   2
       1  112.5      .    1.4      7   31.0   2   2

 When  the  data  are single-subject and the L2 data item is defined to
 NM-TRAN in a $INPUT record, the ID data item is taken  to  be  the  L2
 data  item.   The  ID  item may be defined, but then it is not in turn
 identified to NONMEM as such.  The labels L2 and ID (if  defined)  may
 be  used in abbreviated code, and then they refer to the corresponding
 items of the data record, as specified in the $INPUT record.  However,
 if  the  user  uses  the label L1 instead of the label ID, or uses the
 label L1 as a synonym with the ID label, then NM-TRAN does not  change
 the designations: For NONMEM, the items labeled L1 are taken to be the
 ID data items, and the items labeled L2 are taken to be  the  L2  data

REFERENCES: Guide II Section D.3.3
REFERENCES: Guide V Section 12.4.2, 12.5

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)