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MEANING: Inferential statistics
NONMEM provides estimates of the precision of its parameter estimates.
Confidence intervals for parameters, hypothesis tests on parameter
values, and model-building all require determination of plausible
bounds on parameters. These can be assigned if the distribution of
the estimates (upon imagined replication of the data set) can be esti-
mated. Asymptotic statistical theory applied to extended least-
squares estimation (as used in NONMEM) says that the distribution of
the parameter estimators is multivariate normal, with variance-covari-
ance matrix that can be estimated from the data. NONMEM supplies such
an estimate of the variance-covariance matrix of the parameter esti-
mates (See covariance matrix of estimate). The square roots of the
diagonal elements of that matrix are the estimated standard errors of
the corresponding parameter estimators (See standard error of esti-
mate), while the off-diagonal elements can be transformed into corre-
lation coefficients, and are presented in the correlation matrix of
the parameter estimates (See correlation matrix of estimate). The
inverse of the covariance matrix and the eigenvalues of the correla-
tion matrix are also available (See $covariance).
REFERENCES: Guide V Section 5.4
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