 |                                                                    |
 |                            II DATA ITEM                            |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: Interdose Interval (II) data item for PREDPP
 CONTEXT: $INPUT record and NONMEM data set

 $INPUT ... II ...

 II  labels  PREDPP's interdose interval (II) data item.  The interdose
 interval data item is optional.  In a dose or reset-dose event  record
 it  gives  the  time  between  implied  or additional doses (i.e., for
 repeated doses with a given period, the II data item is this period).

 For a steady-state infusion (AMT=0; RATE>0), II should be 0.

 For other steady-state doses, II should  be  a  positive  number.   II
 gives the time between implied doses.

 For non-steady-state doses, II should be a positive number if and only
 if the ADDL data item is a positive number.  II gives the time between
 additional doses.

 For  observation,  other-type,  and  reset event records, II should be

 The units of II should be consistent with those of TIME.

 Any II value in the NM-TRAN data set that  contains  a  colon  (:)  is
 assumed to be a clock time (hh:min) and NM-TRAN converts it (to hh.fr)
 as in the first example:

      NM-TRAN data set   NONMEM data set
      II                 II
      ----               ----
      1:30               1.50
      1.30               1.30

 The $DATA record may include the option  TRANSLATE=(II/24),  in  which
 case all interdose interval data items (obtained after clock time con-
 version) are divided by 24.  (See $data).

 (See exogenous supplementation example).

REFERENCES: Guide VI Section V.G
REFERENCES: Guide IV Section V.B

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)