 |                                                                    |
 |                              FINEDATA                              |
 |                                                                    |



 ..\util\finedata fineplot.ftl
 ..\util\finedata < fineplot.ftl

 The utility program finedata augments an NM-TRAN data file to incorpo-
 rate additional, non-observation, time values spaced at regular incre-
 ments so that when a table is generated, NONMEM can fill these records
 with predicted values, from which  smooth  prediction  curves  may  be
 plotted.   If  data items DV, EVID and/or MDV are listed in $INPUT and
 are present in the input data records, inserted records will be  given
 the following values by default


 This  may  be over-ridden by a data item specification, such as $FINE-
 DATA EVID=2.  See also the EXAMPLE below.

 Alternately, finedata can be used to fill in missing covariate values,
 but not to add any additional records.

 fineplot.ctl  is  the name of a control stream file containing special
 commands for the finedata program.

 The only records that finedata pays attention to is $INPUT, from which
 it  obtains  the  column names, $DATA, from which it obtains the input
 data file, $FINEDATA, which contains instructions, and $PROB by  which
 problems are separated.

 With  NONMEM  7.4, the $EXTRADOSE record may be used to add additional |
 non-observation dose records to those already existing, but it  allows |
 items  such as compartment number, or EVID, etc., to vary.  The EXTRA- |
 DOSE has particular value when adding  time-delay  compartments  to  a |
 model, to deal with time-delay problems. For details:                  |
 See INTRODUCTION TO NONMEM 7, finedata Utility Program

 All  other  control  stream records are ignored.  All options of $DATA
 are ignored, including RECORD  and  IGNORE  options.   (Input  records
 whose  first non-blank character is  alphabetic are copied to the out-
 put file but not used otherwise.) Thus, a  way  to  create  a  control
 stream is to copy the first records describing the data layout from an
 existing NONMEM control stream file, and  then  adding  the  $FINEDATA

 Multiple  data  sets  may  be processed by one finedata control stream
 file, by using $PROB records to separate the problems.

 The options to $FINEDATA are as follows:

           FILE= filename
           AXIS= label[(LIN) | (LOG)]
           NEVAL= [n | label ] | [TDELTA= [x | label ]
           [TSTART= [x | label | FIRST ]]
           [TSTOP= [x | label | LAST ]]
           [OCC= label ]
           [item= list]  ...
           [item= [PREV | NEXT] [LIN | LINLIN | LOG | LOGLIN ]]  ...
           [DELIM=s | DELIM=t | DELIM=, ]
           [MISSING=list ]

 $EXTRADOSE ...                                                         |



      Required.  The name of the output file.

 AXIS= label[(LIN) | (LOG)]
      Required.   Name  of  column  containing  times,  usually   TIME.
      Optionally,  designate (LIN) or (LOG) in parenthesis, to indicate
      linear or geometric time incrementing when new records are incor-
      If LIN: additive time increment=(tstop-tstart)/(neval+1)
      If         LOG:         multiplicative         time        incre-

      Times may be entered as numerical values, or in hh:mm:ss  format.
      Data  sets with DATE/TIME records may also be processed (but then
      TSTART and TSTOP must be in numerical hours or hh:mm:ss format).

 NEVAL= [ n | label ]
      The number of additional incremental time records to  be  created
      per  subject.   Either an integer value n, or the label of a data
      item in the original data set containing the NEVAL  value.   When
      NEVAL=-1,  then  missing  values  will be filled in for specified
      items, but no additional records will be created.  If  NEVAL/=-1,
      only  the  inserted records will have filled in interpolated val-
      ues, and the original records will remain untouched.
      Optional.  One of NEVAL or TDELTA is required.

 TDELTA= [x | label ]
      The increment in time.  Either a number, or the label of  a  data
      item  in  the  original  data  set  containing  the TDELTA value.
      Optional. One of NEVAL or TDELTA is required.

 TSTART= [ x | label | FIRST ]
      Optional.  Default: FIRST
      The start time for creating incremental time records.   Either  a
      real  or  integer numeric value x, or the label of a data item in
      the original data set containing the start time.   If  TSTART  is
      not  a  number  and  is  not FIRST, then it is interpreted as the
      label of a data item in the  original  data  set  containing  the
      start  time.   If omitted or coded as FIRST, then the time of the
      first record of the subject.  When TSTART  is  given  by  a  data
      item,  it  can differ according to occasion.  The same holds true
      for TSTOP and NEVAL (see below) if they  are  obtained  from  the
      data file.

 TSTOP= [ x | label | LAST ]
      Optional. Default: LAST
      The  stop  time  for creating incremental time records.  Either a
      numeric value real or integer x, or the label of a data  item  in
      the original data set containing the stop time, or LAST, in which
      case the last record of the subject or occasion or  time  section
      is used.

      Finedata  stops  inserting records when occasion changes (if OCC=
      was given), or if EVID=3 or 4, or after  a  re-initialization  of
      time  (indicated  by  the time in the data record being less than
      that of the previous record).   TSTART  will  be  the  next  TIME

 OCC= label
      Optional.   Restart  the  time  incrementing  when  the  occasion
      changes, in addition to the other conditions listed above.

 item= list
      List of values for data item ITEM for which  there  is  to  be  a
      record  at  each time increment.  May be a list of values such as
      1,3 etc.  This can be done for a series of data items.  For exam-
      ple, if you enter $FINEDATA CMT=1,3 EVID=2,2 then two records per
      time point are inserted, one with CMT=1, EVID=2,  and  the  other
      with CMT=3, EVID=2.

 item= [LAST | NEXT] [LIN | LINLIN | LOG | LOGLIN ]  ...
      A  scheme to determine how to supply values to various data items
      for these inserted records may also be given. The  following  may
      be interspersed with numeric values.

      NEXT:   When  inserting  records between two consecutive original
      records of time t1 (PREV) and t2 (NEXT), the PREDPP's default  of
      using the covariate value of the t2 (NEXT) record is used for the
      inserted records.  NEXT is the default.

      PREV: When inserting records  between  two  consecutive  original
      records  of  time t1 (PREV) and t2 (NEXT), the covariate value of
      the t1 (PREV) record is used for the inserted records. (LAST  may
      be  coded  instead  of PREV, to be consistent with the options of
      the $BIND record.  Note that the $BIND  record  is  not  used  by

      LIN,  or LINLIN: A covariate-linear, time-linear interpolation is
      used for the covariate value for the inserted  records.  LINT  or
      LINLINT  (T for truncate) produces truncated integer values, LINR
      or LINLINR (R for round) produces values rounded to  the  nearest

      LOG,  or  LOGLIN: A covariate-logarithmic, time-linear interpola-
      tion is used for the covariate value for the inserted records.  A
      T  or  R  suffix  results in truncated or rounded integer values,

      LINLOG: A  covariate-linear,  time-logarithmic  interpolation  is
      used  for  the covariate value for the inserted records. A T or R
      suffix results in truncated or rounded  integer  values,  respec-

      LOGLOG:  A  covariate-logarithmic, time-logarithmic interpolation
      is used for the covariate value for the inserted records. A T  or
      R  suffix results in truncated or rounded integer values, respec-

      Optional.  DELIM=delimiter of output data file, if it  is  to  be
      different  from the input data file. DELIM=S is space, DELIM=t is
      tab, DELIM=, is comma.

      Optional.  List is a comma delimted list of symbols  that  denote
      missing  values.  By default, a period (.) and space (s) are con-
      sidered missing values.  Values such as 0 or -99 may  be  present
      in the data as symbols for missing values.  They may be described
      with MISSING=0 or  MISSING=-99.   During  interpolation,  missing
      values  will be skipped, and only records with non-missing values
      will be used for interpolation.


 With NONMEM 7.3 and higher, if an MDV is set to a value  greater  than
 or  equal  to 100, it is converted to that value minus 100 upon input,
 but will also not be used at all during  estimation,  only  for  table
 outputting.  This option allows you to use the same enhanced data file
 for estimation and Table outputs, without significantly  slowing  down
 the estimation.  So, the finedata control stream file might include

           CMT=1,3 MDV=101,101 FILE=example6b.csv

 See Guide Introduction_7 for details and examples.

REFERENCES: Guide Introduction_7

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)