 |                                                                    |
 |                               ETABAR                               |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING:  NONMEM's  estimate  of the bias in the underlying assumption
 about eta.


 ETABAR is printed when a conditional population estimation  method  is
 used.  The following is an example.


  ETABAR:        -3.5224E-02 -7.1437E-05  2.5095E-03
  SE:             3.4060E-01  3.1223E-03  1.9001E-01
  N:                      12          12          12

  P VAL.:         9.1763E-01  9.8175E-01  9.8946E-01

 The  ith  number  listed  after "ETABAR" is the sample average (across
 individuals) of the conditional estimates of the ith eta, and the  ith
 number  listed  after  "SE"  is  the  standard error for this average.
 Under the assumed model, the population average of the the conditional
 estimates  is approximately zero.  If the model is well-specified, the
 sample average should be near 0. (but see below for a mixture  model).
 The  P-value helps one assess whether the sample average is "far" from
 0.  A value under 0.05, for example, indicates such an average (notice
 the value 0.32E-02).

 With  a  mixture  model, the ith eta is understood to have a different
 distribution for each subpopulation of the mixture.  Accordingly, dif-
 ferent  instances of the above output will appear, one for each of the
 different subpopulations.  Using a standard Bayesian-type computation,
 each  individual is classified into one of the subpopulations, and the
 conditional estimate of the ith eta under the model for this  subpopu-
 lation is used in the sample average for that subpopulation.  If under
 the mth submodel, the ith eta does not influence  the  data  from  any
 individual,  but it does influence the data from some individual under
 some other submodel, then the sample average for the ith eta  for  the
 mth  submodel  will  be 0.  If the ith eta does not influence the data
 from any individual under any model, then the sample average  for  the
 ith  eta for the mth submodel will usually be 0, but it will not be if
 (i) the ith eta is correlated with an eta that influences  some  indi-
 vidual's  data  under  the  mth  submodel, and (ii) that individual is
 classified to be in the mth subpopulation.

 The population average of the conditional estimates is  only  approxi-
 mately  zero  because a conditional estimate is a (Bayesian) posterior
 mode, and not a posterior expectation.  However with a mixture  model,
 with  the  estimate for a given individual, the posterior distribution
 is that for the subpopulation into which the individual is classified,
 and due to possible missclassification the expectation of the estimate
 may be even "further from" zero than with  a  nonmixture  model.   For
 this  reason  too,  the  centered FOCE method may not work well with a
 mixture model.

 With a mixture model, or with a nonmixture model, one may implement  a
 second  Estimation  Step  (in a subsequent problem), and then a second
 ETABAR estimate (EB2) can be obtained, with  which  the  first  ETABAR
 estimate  (EB1)  can be compared.  If the data-analytic model is well-
 specified, the two estimates should represent nearly  the  same  quan-
 tity.   Using  an option on the $ESTIMATION record, the second P-value
 assesses the magnitude of the difference between EB1 and EB2, and a P-
 value  under  0.05  would  suggest that the data-analytic model is not
 well-specifed.  To obtain EB2, a data set is simulated under the  fit-
 ted  model, and EB2 is obtained using this data set.  Both EB1 and EB2
 are (univariate) measures of central tendency of the  distribution  of
 interindividual  "residuals", i.e. the distribution of the conditional
 estimates of the etas.  In both cases the  residuals  are  defined  in
 terms  of  the  data-analytic model.  But for EB1, the distribution is
 governed by the true (unknown) model, and for EB2, the distribution is
 governed by the fitted  model.  If the two models are "close", EB1 and
 EB2 will be close.  The conditional estimates of  the  etas  from  the
 simulated  data  should be based on the population parameter estimates
 from these data.  It may cost considerable CPU  time  to  obtain  this
 second  set of parameter estimates, and so it may not always be feasi-
 ble to compute EB2.

 One proceeds by constructing a problem specification that
 (a) includes the same $INPUT record as was used with a previous  prob-
 lem wherein EB1 was obtained
 (b)  includes  an  $MSFI  record specifying a model specification file
 from that previous problem, so that in particular, EB1 is available
 (c) includes a $SIMULATION record with the option TRUE=FINAL, so  that
 a  data  set will be simulated using the final parameter estimate from
 that previous problem.
 (d) includes a $ESTIMATION record with  the  option  ETABARCHECK  (and
 either the option METHOD=COND or METHOD=HYBRID).
 A  data  set  will  be  simulated, and EB2 will be obtained.  With the
 ETABARCHECK option, the P-value for the  difference  EB2-EB1  will  be
 computed.   Otherwise,  if  the  model  is  a nonmixture model, EB1 is
 ignored, and the P-value will be simply that for EB2, and if the model
 is a mixture model, no P-value will be output (only the standard error
 for EB2 will be  output).   The  numbers  of  data  and/or  individual
 records in the simulated data set may differ from those for the previ-
 ous problem; so if desired, this data set can be much larger than  the
 real data set.


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