 |                                                                    |
 |                         DURATION PARAMETER                         |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: Duration (D) parameter for PREDPP
 CONTEXT: Additional PK Parameters

  D1= ....


 Duration  parameters  are  used  with PREDPP.  They are optional addi-
 tional PK parameters.  With NM-TRAN, they are symbolized  in  the  $PK
 block  by  reserved variables Dn, where n is the compartment number to
 which the parameter applies.

 There is one duration parameter associated with  every  possible  dose
 compartment of the kinetic model (the output compartment is not a pos-
 sible dose compartment) and the duration parameter used  for  a  given
 dose  is  that one associated with the compartment into which the dose
 is given (the dose compartment).

 A duration-modeled zero-order bolus dose is actually an infusion,  but
 one  whose  duration is given by the rate parameter computed by the PK

 Duration parameters are optional in the sense that duration parameters
 associated  with  compartments  never receiving duration-modeled zero-
 order bolus doses may be ignored.  However, if the RATE data  item  on
 some  dose event record contains the value -2, then a duration parame-
 ter for the dose compartment must be computed in the PK routine.

 A duration parameter is computed by the PK routine using,  if  needed,
 information  in  the  dose record.  Therefore, its value for the given
 dose is constant over time.

 When additional doses are specified on a dose event record  the  dura-
 tion parameter applies to the dose and to all the additional doses.

 (See cmt, rate, pk, $pk, default_compartment).             (See multi-
 ple dose example).

REFERENCES: Guide IV Section V.C.5
REFERENCES: Guide V Section 12.2.3
REFERENCES: Guide VI Section III.F.3

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)