 |                                                                    |
 |                         DOSE EVENT RECORD                          |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: Specification of dose for PREDPP
 CONTEXT: $INPUT record and NONMEM data set

 PREDPP  recognizes two varieties of doses, transient and steady-state.
 Steady-state  doses  are  described  separately   (See SS_dose_event).
 Transient doses are described here.

 For  a transient dose, the SS data item must be not defined or must be
 zero. The ADDL data item may be used to specify  additional  transient
 doses at regular intervals given by II.  The dose is introduced into a
 dose compartment n, which is defined either explicitly  in  the  event
 record (by the value n>0 of the CMT data item), or as the default com-
 partment for doses for the particular ADVAN (when the CMT data item is
 not defined or contains zero).

 Absorption  lag  applies  to the initiating dose and to all subsequent
 additional doses.  If an absorption lag parameter is defined by PK for
 the  dose  compartment  (this  parameter is coded ALAGn in abbreviated
 code) and has a positive value, then the dose  is  referred  to  as  a
 "lagged  dose"  and  it  is  actually  introduced into the system at a
 "lagged time" equal to the time at which the dose would ordinarily  be
 introduced  plus the value of the absorption lag parameter.  The value
 of ALAGn in effect at time T applies to the dose and to all subsequent
 additional  doses, even if ALAGn changes value with a subsequent event

 Bioavailability applies to the initiating dose and to  all  subsequent
 additional  doses.   A  bioavailability parameter may be defined by PK
 for the dose compartment (it is coded Fn in abbreviated code) and must
 have a positive value.  If no such parameter is defined, the bioavail-
 ability parameter is assumed to have the value 1.  The value of amount
 in  the  following discussion is the value of the AMT data item multi-
 plied by the value of the bioavailability parameter in effect  at  the
 time  the  dose is actually introduced.  Changes in the value of Fn at
 later times have no affect on past doses, e.g.,  infusions  and  zero-
 order bolus doses that are already in progress are unaffected.

 The  type  of dose is described by the values of the AMT and RATE data

 >0    0       Bolus dose.
               The dose is introduced into the dose compart-
               ment  at  the  event  time  (before  ERROR is
               called with the event record).

 >0    >0      Infusion dose ("regular infusion").
               The infusion is started at  the  event  time.
               Its duration is computed as amount/RATE.

 >0    -1,-2   Zero-order bolus dose.
               Similar  to  a  regular infusion, except that
               the duration of a regular infusion is  speci-
               fied  by information in the dose event record
               and computed by PREDPP  itself,  whereas  the
               duration   of   a   zero-order  bolus dose is
               regarded as a parameter which may be  modeled
               and  computed by the user's PK routine or $PK
               abbreviated code.  The infusion is started at
               the dose event time.

               If  RATE=-2,  the duration is computed by PK.
               The parameter  is  coded  Dn  in  abbreviated
               code,  e.g.,  D1 models the duration of zero-
               order bolus  doses  to  compartment  1.   The
               duration  is given by the value of Dn as com-
               puted by PK at the dose event time (or lagged
               time,  if  the dose is lagged).  Rate is com-
               puted as amount/duration and  is  thus  fixed
               for  this  infusion,  even if the value of Dn
               changes value with a later event record.

               If RATE=-1, the infusion rate is computed  by
               PK.  The parameter is coded Rn in abbreviated
               code, e.g., R1 models the rate of  zero-order
               bolus doses to compartment 1.  The rate which
               applies during the advance from a  particular
               state  time to a later state time is given by
               the value of Rn in effect for the  the  later
               time, and may change during the course of the
               infusion.  The duration at any state time  is
               computed  as amount/rate, where amount repre-
               sents the remaining dose amount and rate rep-
               resents  the  value  of Rn at the state time.
               The infusion continues until the entire  dose
               amount has been introduced into the system.

 CAUTION:   If  PREDPP  is used without using NM-TRAN as a preprocessor |
 then any user-supplied negative values for these data  items  will  be |
 passed to PREDPP.  For a discussion of the circumstances such that the |
 data file used by NONMEM and PREDPP is FDATA (in  which  case  NM-TRAN |
 has  preprocessed  it)  or is the file named in the $DATA record,  see |
 NONMEM Users Guide, Part IV.

 (See multiple dose example, exogenous supplementation example).

REFERENCES: Guide VI Section III.B.2, V.F, V.G, V.H

REFERENCES: Guide V Section 6.8

REFERENCES: Guide IV Section III.B.5

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)