 |                                                                    |
 |                    DISPLAYED PRED-DEFINED ITEMS                    |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: Displayed values of PRED-Defined Items

 PRED-defined items can be displayed in tables and scatterplots.  (This
 includes PK-defined and ERROR-defined items.)  These  items  are  com-
 puted and recomputed many times during a NONMEM run, with various val-
 ues of theta and eta.  It is important to know which values  are  used
 in the computation of the items as displayed.

 Consider this fragment of an NM-TRAN control stream:

 The  values  of ETA(1) and the PRED-defined item CL that are displayed
 depend on which task specification records are present.

 Task specification records          THETA     Displayed values
                                               ETA(1)          CL
 none                                initial   0               typical
 $EST (or $MSFI) METH=0              final     0               typical
 $EST (or $MSFI) METH=1 or POSTHOC   final     conditional     conditional
                                               (CPE)           (CPE)
 $SIMULATION                         initial   0               typical
 $SIMULATION  ... ONLYSIM            initial   simulated*      simulated
 $NONPARAMETRIC ETAS                 final     nonparametric   nonparametric
                                               (CNPE)          (CNPE)

 * Displayed etas are the simulated etas  if  the  simulated  etas  are
 stored  in  common  NMPRD7. This is the case when NM-TRAN is used.  If
 they are not stored in NMPRD7, displayed etas are all 0.

 Displayed values of PRED, RES, and WRES are always computed with typi-
 cal values of parameters, except as noted below.

 Displayed  values  of  DV  are  simulated  values  when $SIMULATION is

 With NONMEM 7, Additional types of PRED, RES, and WRES values  may  be |
 requested  than  the  usual  set  available in NONMEM VI.  They may be |
 specified at any $TABLE command or  $SCATTER  command,  as  one  would |
 request  PRED, RES, or WRES items.  Such items are supplied internally |
 by NONMEM, and in the case of L2 data, more accurately.  An example of |
 their use is in Example #4a, below.                                    |

 Every NONMEM output report contains the line:                          |
 THE FOLLOWING LABELS ARE EQUIVALENT                                    |
 Subsequent  lines  show the relationship of such items for the current |
 Estimation method.                                                     |
 (See $table, $scatter).                                                |
 (See PRED,RES,WRES).                                                   |
 See INTRODUCTION TO NONMEM 7, $TABLE: Additional Statistical  Diagnos- |
 tics, Associated Parameters, and Output Format

 Suppose that marginal items appear.  If this item is 1 or 2 on a given
 record, the values of PRED  and  any  PRED-defined  displayed  item  D
 (assuming  D  is  not  in the SAVE region (See comsav) associated with
 this record) are determined as follows:

   If the Simulation Step is implemented, and ONLYSIMULATION is  speci-
   fied,  the  PRED  item  is the simulation expectation of F, over the
   simulated values of eta for all the  individuals  in  the  data  set
   (including those individuals with no observation records), and the D
   item is the simulation expectation of the variable D.

   If conditional estimates are obtained (e.g.  with  the  use  of  the
   POSTHOC  option),  the  PRED item is the posterior expectation of F,
   over the conditional estimates of eta for  all  individuals  in  the
   data set (that have some observation records), and the D item is the
   posterior expectation of the variable D.

   Otherwise, the PRED and D items are the same as with a marginal item
   of 0 (see description above).

 Suppose  that  the  raw-data  items  appear.   If this is 1 on a given
 record, the values of the DV, RES, and any PRED-defined displayed item
 D  (assuming D is in the SAVE region (See comsav) associated with this
 record) are determined as follows:

   The data record serves as a template record.  The DV item  appearing
   in  a  table or scatterplot is the raw-data-average of the values of
   DV in observation records matching the  template  record.   The  RES
   item  is  the  difference between the PRED item and this average.  A
   PRED-defined item D is the average of the values of D obtained  with
   observation records matching the template.

 (See mrg, raw, template).

 Several  examples  will illustrate techniques for displaying (subject-
 specific) conditional values, (non-subject-specific)  typical  values,
 and simulated values.

 #1 Display typical and conditional values using different variables:
   $ESTIM  ... POSTHOC ...

 TVCL is a typical value by definition. CL is a conditional value.

 #2 Display typical and conditional values of the same variable:
   $ESTIM  ... POSTHOC ...

 TVCL  is  a  SAVE  variable  because it is defined in a copying block.
 During the copying pass with COMACT=1, it is set to the typical  value
 of CL, because when COMACT=1, etas are 0.  Were the values of TVCL not
 stored in the SAVE region, then during the copying pass to obtain val-
 ues for tables and with COMACT=2, TVCL would retain its value set with
 the previous data record.
 The first column of the table is labelled TVCL and contains the  typi-
 cal value of CL, and the second column contains the conditional value.

 #3  Display  typical and conditional values of the prediction, and the
 individual residual and weighted residual values:
   $ESTIM  ... POSTHOC ...

 The IPRED column contains the conditional value of F ("individual pre-
 diction").   (F is not a left-hand quantity and cannot be specified in
 a $TABLE or $SCATTERPLOT record.)  The PRED column contains the  typi-
 cal  value.   The IRES column contains the "individual residual".  The
 IWRES column contains a value which is proportional to (but not  equal
 to) the "individual weighted residual".

 If  predicted  values  of  F may be zero, then division by zero can be
 avoided by code such as the following.
   IF (IPRED.EQ.0) DEL=1

 #4 Display intra-individual weighted residual:

 This uses the constant CV intraindividual error model, and allows  one
 to  display the weighted intra-individual residual that is used during
 Estimation when the FOCE method without interaction is used.
   IF (FT.NE.0) WR=(DV-IPRED)/FT/SQRT(SIGMA(1,1))                       |
   IF (IPRED.NE.0) WR2=(DV-IPRED)/IPRED/SQRT(SIGMA(1,1))                |

 IPRED is the conditional estimate of F.
 FT is a SAVE variable because it is defined in a copying block.   Dur-
 ing  the copying pass with COMACT=1, it is set to the typical value of
 F, because when COMACT=1, etas are 0.   Were  the  values  of  FT  not
 stored in the SAVE region, then during the copying pass to obtain val-
 ues for tables and with COMACT=2, FT would retain its value  set  with
 the previous data record.
 WR  is  the weighted intraindividual residual with no eta-eps interac- |
 tion.  It is defined in a conditional assignment since it is  possible |
 that  the typical value of F is zero with some non-observation record. |
 (With previous versions of the help guide the SIGMA term  was  omitted |
 and the WR was proportional to the weighted intraindividual residual.) |
 It is a no-interaction residual  because  the  denominator  term,  the |
 residual   standard   deviation  FT*SQRT(SIGMA(1,1)),  represents  the |
 epsilon error, and uses the predicted value (FT) evaluated with eta=0, |
 that is, eta does not interact with the epsilon error.  WR2 is the     |
 conditional  intra-individual  weighted residual with eta-eps interac- |
 tion.  It is an eta-eps interaction residual because  the  denominator |
 term,  the  residual standard deviation IPRED*SQRT(SIGMA(1,1)), repre- |
 sents the epsilon error, and uses the predicted value  (IPRED)  evalu- |
 ated  with  a  non-zero  eta,  that is, eta interacts with the epsilon |
 error.                                                                 |

 #4a Display intra-individual weighted residual  using  reserved  vari- |
 ables                                                                  |

 With NONMEM 7, It is possible to obtain the same table more easily, as |
 follows, using  the  reserved  residual  variables  CIWRES  (=WR)  and |
 CIWRESI(=WR2) :                                                        |

   $ERROR                                                               |
   Y=F+F*EPS(1)                                                         |
   $ESTIM METHOD=COND                                                   |
   $TABLE IPRD CIPRED CIWRES CIWRESI                                    |

 #5 Display simulated values:

 ETA(1) and CL are simulated values.

 #6 Display simulated and estimated values:
   $INPUT  .... CLSM E1SM ...
   $SIMULATION (seed)

 Modification of the data record during the simulation pass is the only
 way to save the simulated values in the absence of ONLYSIM.  Column  1
 and  2  of the table are the simulated values.  Column 3 and 4 are the
 typical values.

 #7 Display conditional values of a variable in  each  of  two  mixture
   IF (MIXNUM.EQ.1) CL=  ...
   IF (MIXNUM.EQ.2) CL=  ...
     IF (MIXNUM.EQ.1) CL1=CL
     IF (MIXNUM.EQ.2) CL2=CL
   $ESTIM  ... POSTHOC ...

 CL1  (and  CL2)  is a SAVE variable because it is defined in a copying
 block.  Were the values for CL1 not stored in the SAVE region,  during
 the  copying  pass  to obtain values for tables and with MIXNUM=2, CL1
 would retain its value set with the previous data record.

 #8 Display conditional values of a variable in the subpopulation  into
 which the individual is classified:
   IF (MIXNUM.EQ.1) CL=  ...
   IF (MIXNUM.EQ.2) CL=  ...
   $ESTIM  ... POSTHOC ...

 CLE is a SAVE variable because it is defined in a copying block.  Were
 the values for CLE not stored in the SAVE region, during  the  copying
 pass  to  obtain  values  for tables and with MIXNUM>MIXEST, CLE would
 retain its value set with the previous data record.

REFERENCES: Guide IV Section III.B.7, IV.E.2
REFERENCES: Guide  Section Introduction_7

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)