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MEANING: Part of NONMEM's estimate of the precision of its parameter
Asymptotic statistical theory applied to extended least-squares esti-
mation (as used in NONMEM) says that the distribution of the parameter
estimators is multivariate normal, with variance-covariance matrix
that can be estimated from the data. NONMEM supplies such an estimate
of the variance-covariance matrix of the parameter estimates
(See covariance matrix of estimate). The correlation matrix is the
variance-covariance matrix in correlation form. If the correlation
between two parameters is large (e.g., >.95), then one may conclude
that a considerable portion of the uncertainty in each parameter is
due to the inability of the data to distinguish between the two. The
problem can be avoided by getting additional data or by using a sim-
pler (fewer parameters) model.
**************** CORRELATION MATRIX OF ESTIMATE ********************
TH 1 TH 2 OM11 OM12 OM22 SG11
TH 1 1.01E+00
TH 2 -2.85E-01 2.55E-02
OM11 8.87E-01 -6.77E-01 1.67E+01
OM12 ......... ......... ......... .........
OM22 2.81E-01 -9.96E-01 6.72E-01 ......... 1.31E-03
SG11 -4.83E-01 3.10E-01 -5.44E-01 ......... -2.67E-01 1.60E-01
The matrix (which is symmetric) is given in lower triangular form. In
this example, the 2x2 matrix, OMEGA, was constrained to be diagonal;
the omitted entries above (.........) indicate that omega(2,1) is not
estimated, and consequently has no corresponding row/column in the
correlation matrix of the estimates.
With NONMEM 7.2 and higher, the diagonal elements are equal to the |
square root of the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix (stan- |
dard error); with previous versions they were 1.0.
When the size of the array exceeds 75x75, a compressed form is printed
in which the omitted entries (.........) are not printed. The com-
pressed form may also be requested for arrays smaller than 75x75
(See $covariance).
REFERENCES: Guide I Section C.3.5.2
REFERENCES: Guide V Section 5.4
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