 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |

 Some systems defined with differential equations can be  discontinuous
 with respect to time. Discontinuities are  typically introduced in the
 system by suddenly  changing the value of one or more  model variables
 at specific points of time. Such changes can be periodic due to e.g. a
 circadian rhythm. It is important to define discontinuous variables in
 $PK using model event time (MTIME) variables rather than updating them |
 in  $DES using IF-ELSE-ENDIF tests of T or using the discontinuous INT
 function. In fact, when integrating from time ta  to   time  tb,  rou-
 tines such as DVERK (ADVAN6) may go  slightly beyond time tb (i.e., it
 may happen that $DES is called at T>tb).  The values of DADT should be
 continuous.  If any element of DADT changes at T=b, this should happen
 at  the next integration interval, integrating from time b to time c.

 Two examples are provided for the implementation of periodic disconti-
 nuities  using  MTIME  variables.  The  first (step_circexa.ctl) shows
 how to model the daily reset of a step function  and  illustrates  how
 NONMEM  update the MTIME and closely related MNOW variables at and  in
 between event records. The second (idr_circexa.ctl) applies this  step
 function  in  an  indirect response  model that describes  a truncated
 sinusoidal baseline  reponse. It also shows  how   values  of  T  that
 range  from  0 to infinity can be transformed into repeated values  of
 0-24h. All files may be found in the examples directory.  These  exam-
 ples  were  suggested  by  Sebastien  Bihorel, Luann Phillips and Jill

 The data set used in both examples is circadian.csv. This data set has
 4 subjects with sparse data (one observation  every 24 hours from time
 0 to time 168) and 4 subjects with finely-spaced data (every 0.5 hours
 from time 0 to time 48). It is with the  second group of subjects that
 scatters of the step function, variable T24, and indirect response vs.
 time can best be seen.
 There  are  no dose event records (i.e. AMT=0 for all records) because
 the step function and indirect response  are  generated  endogenously.
 If  this  model is incorporated in a larger model, dose records can be
 used for other compartments.


      This example illustrates how to turn on a step function, FLAG, at
      a  certain  time  of  the day, SHIFT, turn it off after a certain
      duration, DUR, and repeat this every 24 hours.

              1 -|  ---------      ---------      ---------
                 |  |       |      |       |      |       |
                 |  |       |      |       |      |       |
              0 -|---       --------       --------       -------- FLAG
                 ---------------------------------------------------> TIME
                    |   |              |              |
             SHIFT-24   0              24             48
                        <-  SHIFT -><- DUR ->

      The MTIME(1) and MTIME(2) variables respectively define the times
      at which FLAG is set to 1 and 0, such  as  MTIME(2)-MTIME(1)=DUR.
      After  MTIME(2) is reached, both variables are incremented by 24,
      and  the FLAG update process  perpetuates itself  every 24 hours.
      Compartment 1 is a dummy compartment intended to monitor the pro-
      per update of the FLAG variable: the amount A1 starts at 0 and is
      incremented by DUR every day.

      Because the FLAG variable is not necessarily updated at the  time
      of event records, both $TABLE and WRITE statements within the ab-
      breviated code are used in step_circexa.ctl to report  the values
      of the variables  of  interest. WRITE statements are used because
      lines in a table file are  produced only  for  event records, but
      not for nonevent times such as Model times (MTIMES) at  which the
      variables computed in $PK are of special interest here.

      Besides  MTIME(1)  and  MTIME(2), the  following variables are of
      interest in step_circexa.ctl:
      * MPAST(1) and MPAST(2): variables automatically updated based on
      MTIME(1) and MTIME(2), and  used to set FLAG in $DES.  MPAST(i)=0
      until the call to PK  subsequent to  the one for which MNOW=i. At
      that call and until MTIME(i) is redefined, MPAST(i)=1.
      * INTMTIME ("interval MTIME")  is  the  value of MTIME(1) for the
      entire integration interval during which FLAG=1, ie from MTIME(1)
      up to and including the  endpoint at MTIME(2). It is not specifi-
      cally used in  step_circexa.ctl, but will be in the next example.
      INTMTIME is computed and displayed here so that it  can  be  dis-
      cussed with the other variables.
      * TSTATE  is  a  reserved  variable  giving the time at which the
      current state vector (compartment amounts) was computed. It gives
      the time to which  the  system  was most recently advanced.

      The FLAG variable can be computed in either $PK or $DES, but  the
      latter is preferred.

      Background details:

      Suppose that the values of TIME on the event records are t1 t2 t3
      etc. and that PK  is called with every event record and  NONEVENT

      Suppose there are k MTIME variables with values
      t1 <= MTIME(1) <= MTIME(2) <= ... <= MTIME(k) <= t2

      The interval [t1,t2] is integrated by smaller intervals
      [t1, MTIME(1)], [MTIME(1), MTIME(2)] ... [MTIME(k), t2].

      Calls to DES during any integration  interval [ta, tb] will  have
      ta  <=  T,  but it  may  happen  that T > tb. For calls to PK and
      ERROR, the sequence of calls for the record with TIME=t2 is:
      * for each i from 1 to k: call PK with the record at MTIME(i)
      (MNOW=i, TSTATE=MTIME(i-1))     (if i=1, TSTATE=t1)
      * call PK with the record at t2
      (MNOW=0; TSTATE=MTIME(k))
      * call ERROR with the record at t2
      (MNOW is set to 9 to identify the WRITE in $ERROR; TSTATE=t2)

      The same  calls to PK occur even if  MTIME(k) happens  to corres-
      pond to  t2. In such a case, the  call with  MNOW=k precedes  the
      call  with MNOW=0, and the values in the table  file are from the
      second call.

      The lines of the file step_circexa.txt that corresponding to  the
      second event record (TIME=24) for ID 1 (set with SHIFT=0.9088 and
      DUR=20.8385), are:

              MNOW    TIME    MT1     MT2    MP1    MP2    TSTATE INTMTIME
        (1)   1.0000 24.0000  0.9088 21.7473 0.0000 0.0000  0.0000  0.9088
        (2)   2.0000 24.0000 24.9088 45.7473 1.0000 0.0000  0.9088  0.9088
        (3)   0.0000 24.0000 24.9088 45.7473 0.0000 0.0000 21.7473 24.9088
        (4)   9.0000 24.0000 24.9088 45.7473 0.0000 0.0000 24.0000 24.9088

      where MTi and MPi stand for MTIME(i) and MPAST(i).

      At line 1, FLAG=0. This corresponds to the advance from time 0 to
      MTIME(1): no update of MTIME variables is performed.
      At line 2, FLAG=1. This corresponds to the  advance from MTIME(1)
      to MTIME(2), at  which point  the MTIME(1) and MTIME(2) variables
      are updated, but INTMTIME retains its value.
      At line 3, FLAG=0. This corresponds to the  advance from MTIME(2)
      to time 24, i.e. the call to PK with MNOW=0, in which  INMTIME is
      updated to the new value of MTIME(1) defined at the previous call
      to PK.
      At line 4, FLAG=0. This corresponds to the call to ERROR.

      The  corresponding line of the table file  step_circexa_debug.tab

      TIME       MT1       MT2       STS    INTMTIME
      24.0000   24.9088   45.7473   21.7473   24.9088

      Note that TSTATE values are:
      0 (time of 1st. event record)
      0.9088 after advance to MTIME(1)=0.9088
      21.7473 after advance to MTIME(2)=21.7473
      24.0000 after advance to t2=24.

      There will be as many lines with MNOW=0.0 in step_circexa.txt, as
      there are lines in  step_circexa_debug.tab. These  lines will  be
      consistent except for the values of MNOW.

      INMTIME retains the value of MTIME(1)=0.9088 that pertains to the
      entire integration interval, up to and including the end point at
      MTIME(2).   It is set in $PK before the  MTIME values are changed
      when MNOW=2.  The values in the table are those set in  $PK  when
      MNOW=0 (the final call to PK with this data record) by which time
      INTMTIME and the MTIME(i) have their new values for the next  set
      of advances.

      In  this  particular  example,  with simulated etas, it sometimes
      happens that MTIME(1)<t1.  From a biological point of  view,  the
      step  function  (and the response) likely started well before the
      data collection.  The beginning of the data collection may  occur
      with FLAG=1 (in the next example, this is during  the oscillation
      of the response) or with FLAG=0 (during  the  flat  part  of  the
      response).   When  MTIME(1)  < t1, MTIME(1) is ignored during the
      set of calls to PK described above.

      This example extends the concepts introduced in  step_circexa.ctl
      and illustrates how to apply the daily reset of the step function
      to model a process whose  baseline is characterized by a sinusoid
      function during part of the day  and a flat line  for the rest of
      the day. It also show how to create a 24h clock time variable T24
      in $DES by transforming the T variable ranging from 0 to infinity
      into repeating intervals of continuous time between 0 and 24.

       Rmin+Amp -|    ---            ---            ---
                 |   |   |          |   |          |   |
                 |  |     |        |     |        |     |
                 | |       |      |       |      |       |
       Rmin     -|--       --------       --------       ---- Response R
                 -------------------------------------------------> TIME
                   |   |              |              |
            SHIFT-24   0              24             48
                       <- SHIFT -><- DUR ->

      The baseline response depicted above can be described by:

      R(t) = | Rmin + Amp*sin(z(t)) for t in [SHIFT+n*24,SHIFT+DUR+n*24] (Eq.1)
             | Rmin                 for any other value of t

        Rmin is the minimum response
        Amp  is the amplitude of the sinusoid function of time
        z(t) is a circadian  function  of  time  which  scales the time
             intervals [SHIFT+n*24, SHIFT+DUR+n*24] to [0, PI], that is
             an interval of x such that sin(x)>=0:
             z(t) = PI * (t-(SHIFT+n*24))/DUR
         n   is (-1,0,1,2,...) if (SHIFT+DUR)>24
             is ( 0,1,2,...) if (SHIFT+DUR)<=24

      The case when SHIFT+DUR>24 is when the flag function is already 1
      at time 0, that is it started before the first event.  Therefore,
      an offset of 24 is needed.

      z(t) is the function that drives the circadian rhythm of R and is
      implemented using the INTMTIME variable described in the previous
      example and that represents SHIFT+n*24. MTIME(1) and MTIME(2) are
      defined as in  step_circexa.ctl  to  periodically update INTMTIME
      and the FLAG variable used later in the $DES block.

      The  baseline function, R(t), can be fitted using Eq.1 in absence
      of drug effect.  However, some biological processes which  follow
      such  circadian rhythms can be influenced by drugs (eg, metabolic
      effects of corticoids). If the effect of the drug is not  direct,
      one  can  express  the biological response and the drug effect in
      terms of an indirect response model (IDR). Assuming that the drug
      stimulates  the  formation  of  the  biological response, one can
      parameterize the system using the  following  differential  equa-

      dR/dt = KIN(t)*(1+S(Cp)) - KOUT*R                            (Eq.2)

        KOUT   is the elimination rate of the biological response and
               is stationary
        KIN(t) is the formation rate of the biological response and is
               time-varying dependent on the step function FLAG:
               FLAG = MPAST(1)-MPAST(2)
        S(Cp)  is a stimulation function of the drug concentration.

      In absence of drug, there is no stimulation (i.e., S(Cp) = 0) and
      the  baseline response R(t) described in Eq.1 can be reparameter-
      ized as follows:

      dR/dt = KIN(t) - KOUT*R                                      (Eq.3)

      The model is defined such as, when FLAG=0, KIN(t) is constant and
      equal to KOUT*Rmin, and such as, when FLAG=1, KIN(t) has a  sinu-
      soidal shape,  increasing  from its minimum value to its maximum,
      and  decreasing back to its  minimum within the duration DUR. One
      can obtain the explicit expression of KIN(t) within the time when
      FLAG=1, by determining the  first derivative of R(t), as  defined
      in the first part of Eq.1 and solving for KIN(t) using Eq.3. This
      expression of KIN(t) is used in $DES.

      The $DES block also includes an independent line of code meant to
      define a continuous 24h clock time. This code is supported by the
      definition and circadian  reset  of the MTIME(3) variable in $PK.
      More specifically, this code is dependent on INTMTIME3, the value
      of MTIME(3) for the 24-hour intervals.

      Note: Original idea for this example stems from  Andreas Krause's
      post  on  the  NMUsers  email  list dated from 5/26/2011, subject
      "Coding INTEGER Function in NONMEM".  The original code was modi-
      fied to use model event time variables.

 (See mtime).


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