 |                                                                    |
 |                           CALL DATA ITEM                           |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: Call (CALL) data item for PREDPP
 CONTEXT: $INPUT record and NONMEM data set

 $INPUT ... CALL ...

 CALL  labels  PREDPP's  call  (CALL) data item.  The call data item is
 optional.  It is used to force calls to PK  and/or  ERROR  subroutines
 with  event  records  for  which  such calls would not normally occur.
 (When $PK and/or $ERROR blocks are  present,  the  effect  of  calling
 these  routines  with  an  event  record is to evaluate the $PK and/or
 $ERROR abbreviated code for that particular event record.)

 Values are:

 0    (Default) No forced call; PREDPP takes its normal action.

 1    Force a call to ERROR with the event record.

 2    Force a call to PK with the event record.

 3    Force calls to both PK and ERROR with the event record.

 10   Call ADVAN9, ADVAN15, or ADVAN17 with the event record.   May  be
      used  whether  or not the TIME data item is defined.  May be com-
      bined with values 1, 2, and 3.  e.g., CALL = 11 forces  calls  to
      ADVAN9, ADVAN15, or ADVAN17 and to ERROR with the event record.

 If  the  PK  routine is not called with a given event record, then the
 basic and additional PK parameters retain the values  they  had  after
 the  last  call  to  PK.  This would cause a problem if some parameter
 depends on an data item whose value is different on  the  given  event
 record than on the last event record for which PK was called.

 If  the  ERROR  routine  is not called with a given event record, then
 NONMEM's PRED value is a scaled compartment amount.  This would  cause
 a  problem  if  the  event  record  is  an  other-type event which was
 included in the data set in order to obtain a prediction  of  (say)  a
 pharmacodynamic effect.

 The pattern of calls to ADVAN9,  ADVAN15, ADVAN17 depends on the pres-
 ence or absence of the TIME data item.

 If TIME is defined, ADVAN9, ADVAN15, or ADVAN17 is called  by  default
 exactly  as  other  ADVAN  routines  are  called: when TIME increases.
 CALL=10 may be used to obtain additional calls.  For example,  immedi-
 ately  following a bolus dose event record one might include an other-
 type event record having the same value of TIME and CALL=10.   ADVAN9,
 ADVAN15, or ADVAN17 is called, and the amounts in the equilibrium com-
 partments are computed based on the amounts in the other compartments.

 If TIME is not defined, ADVAN9,  ADVAN15,  or  ADVAN17  is  called  by
 default  with  every event record unless the AES routine specifies the
 calling protocol "call once per individual  record".   In  this  case,
 CALL=10  may  be  used to force calls to the ADVAN routine for records
 subsequent to the first.

REFERENCES: Guide VI Section V.J
REFERENCES: Guide IV Section V.C.1

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)