 |                                                                    |
 |                 BIOAVAILABILITY FRACTION PARAMETER                 |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: Bioavailability fraction (F) parameter for PREDPP
 CONTEXT: Additional PK Parameters

  F1= ....


 Bioavailability  fraction  parameters  are used with PREDPP.  They are
 optional additional PK parameters.  With each possible  dose  compart-
 ment  of  the  kinetic model (the output compartment is not a possible
 dose compartment), there is associated  one  bioavailability  fraction
 (parameter), symbolized in the $PK record by the reserved variable Fn,
 where n is the number of the compartment.

 If the amount on a dose record is A, and the bioavailability  fraction
 is  F,  only the fraction F of A actually appears in the dose compart-
 ment (either instantaneously at the time the dose enters the  compart-
 ment  -  with  a bolus dose, or over a period of time - with a regular
 infusion; the bioavailability fraction does not  apply  to  a  steady-
 state infusion).

 Bioavailability fractions are optional in the sense that bioavailabil-
 ity fractions associated with compartments never used as dose compart-
 ments may be ignored. The values of bioavailability fractions that are
 not computed in PK are always understood to be 1.

 When additional doses are  specified  on  a  dose  event  record,  the
 bioavailability fraction applies to the dose and to all the additional
 doses.  When a steady-state dose is specified on a dose event  record,
 the  bioavailability  fraction  applies to the dose and to all implied
 doses leading to the steady-state.

 (See cmt, pk, $pk, default_compartment).

REFERENCES: Guide IV Section V.C.5
REFERENCES: Guide V Section 6.8, 7.4.4
REFERENCES: Guide VI Section III.F.6, V.F.1, V.H

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