 |                                                                    |
 |                      ABSORPTION LAG PARAMETER                      |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: Absorption lag (ALAG) parameter for PREDPP
 CONTEXT: Additional PK Parameters

  ALAG1= ....


 Absorption  lag  parameters  are  used with PREDPP.  They are optional
 additional PK parameters.  With NM-TRAN, they are  symbolized  in  the
 $PK block by reserved variables ALAGn, where n is the compartment num-
 ber to which the parameter applies.

 There is one absorption lag time  (parameter)  associated  with  every
 possible dose compartment of the kinetic model (the output compartment
 is not a possible dose compartment) and the absorption lag  time  used
 for  a  given  dose  is  that one associated with the compartment into
 which the dose is given (the dose compartment).

 The event time t on a dose record refers to the recorded time the dose
 was administered. In the case of a regular infusion, t is the time the
 infusion was initiated.  An absorption lag time  is  an  increment  of
 time  L  such  that  the time that the dose is regarded (by PREDPP) as
 entering (or starting to enter) the system is t+L.

 Absorption lag times are optional in the  sense  that  absorption  lag
 times associated with compartments never used as dose compartments may
 be ignored. The values of absorption lag times that are  not  computed
 in PK are always understood to be 0.

 An absorption lag time for a dose is computed by the PK routine using,
 if needed, information in the dose record.  When additional doses  are
 specified  on  a dose event record, the absorption lag time applies to
 the dose and to all the additional doses.  With a steady-state  multi-
 ple  dose  the  absorption lag time applies not only to this dose, but
 also to all the preceding implied doses. With a steady-state dose, the
 lag time should be less than the interdose interval.

 (See cmt, pk, $pk, default_compartment).

REFERENCES: Guide IV Section V.C.5
REFERENCES: Guide VI Section III.F.6, V.F.1, V.H

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