NONMEM Users Guide Part I - Users Basic Guide - Chapter D
D. Nonlinear Regression with Nonnested Random Effects
D.1. Introduction
D.2. Example with One Random Effect
D.3. Implementation of Example 1
D.4. Example with Two Random Effects
D.5. Implementation of Example 2
D.5.1. Introduction
D.5.2. STRUCTURE Record for OMEGA
D.5.3. BLOCK SET Record for OMEGA
D.5.4. Sorting in Tables
D.5.5. Separating Scatterplots
D.5.6 Selected Printout

NONMEM Users Guide Part I - Users Basic Guide - Chapter D

D. Nonlinear Regression with Nonnested Random Effects

D.1. Introduction

In this chapter the example discussed in chapter C is elaborated in order to begin illustrating the large variety of modeling possibilities using NONMEM.

The statistical model considered in chapter C has exactly one random effect. As such, it is a particular example of a class of regression models with possibly more than one random effect and where no random effect is nested within any of the others. An example of such a model, again a nonlinear regression model with just one random effect, but which does not have the simple error structure of the example of chapter C, is discussed in sections D.2 and D.3. Another example with two random effects is discussed in sections D.4 and D.5.

D.2. Example with One Random Effect

In recent years a variant of the statistical model discussed in chapter C has been found useful in kinetic situations. Let Image grohtml-19414-3.png , and let

Image grohtml-194143.png


Image grohtml-194144.png

Image grohtml-194145.png

and f is as in chapter C. Again, there is only one random effect, Image grohtml-19414-7.png , whose values for the observations in the data set, the Image grohtml-19414-8.png , are statistically independent random errors with means 0 and commmon variance Image grohtml-19414-9.png . However, with this model

Image grohtml-194146.png

i.e. the variances of the Image grohtml-19414-11.png are proportional to an (unknown) power of the mean values of the Image grohtml-19414-12.png . If Image grohtml-19414-13.png , the model reduces to the simple nonlinear regression model. If Image grohtml-19414-14.png , the coefficient of variation of the Image grohtml-19414-15.png is constant across i, viz. Image grohtml-19414-16.png . In order to implement this model it is important to note that in the expression for this model the random effect occurs linearly and that its coefficient is a value of a function g evaluated at Image grohtml-19414-17.png ; see section D.3.

The ELS objective function with this model is:

Image grohtml-194147.png

The efficacy of using this objective function with this model is discussed in Sheiner and Beal, 1985 and Beal and Sheiner, 1988. The objective function can also be written

Image grohtml-194148.png

The quantity in square brackets being squared is the weighted residual from Image grohtml-19414-20.png , the residual divided by its standard deviation. The weighted residuals are defined as the weighted residuals from all observations Image grohtml-19414-21.png .

D.3. Implementation of Example 1

A code for PRED which implements the example is given in Fig. 36. The only difference between this code and the code in Fig. 1 is the value that is returned in G(1). In the earlier code, the value is uniformly equal to 1. In this code the value Image grohtml-19414-22.png is returned. (This value is uniformly equal to 1 only when Image grohtml-19414-23.png is fixed to 0.) In general, the Ith linear coefficient of the Ith random interindividual effect is returned in G(I). Here, though, there is only one random interindividual effect in the model.

A control stream for this example is given in Fig. 37. The essential difference between it and the one in Fig. 2 is that it specifies that there are 4 Image grohtml-19414-24.png , rather than 3. The initial estimate of Image grohtml-19414-25.png is unspecified, but is constrained to be between 0 and 3 (see section C.4.5). Also, this control stream specifies that a plot of weighted residual vs time be obtained, rather than specify that a plot of residual vs time be obtained.

The minimum value of the objective function is computed to be 8.778, not really different from that obtained with the simple nonlinear regression, 8.940. The final estimates of the parameters of the regression function are also only a little different: Image grohtml-19414-26.png (vs 1.94), Image grohtml-19414-27.png (vs .102), Image grohtml-19414-28.png (vs 32). The estimate of Image grohtml-19414-29.png is .45, so that the variances of the Image grohtml-19414-30.png are estimated to be approximately proportional to the Image grohtml-19414-31.png . However, the imprecision in this estimate is large (the standard error estimate is about 400% of the point estimate), and the presence of this parameter in the model is only to provide robustness in the presence of possible heteroscedasticity (Beal and Sheiner, 1988). The plot of weighted residual vs time is also very similar to the earlier plot of residual vs time.

D.4. Example with Two Random Effects

This example is very similar to the one given in chapter C. An oral dose of theophylline is administered to a single subject, but at various times both plasma and saliva concentrations are measured. At some times only plasma concentration or only saliva concentrations are measured. Therefore, there will be two types of observations in the data set. The regression function for the plasma concentrations is taken to be the "one-compartment model without absorption"

Image grohtml-194149.png

because although an oral dose was administered, the observations were taken after the absorption phase of the process was effectively over, and only an exponential elimination phase was in progress. The regression function for the saliva concentrations is taken to be

Image grohtml-1941410.png

That is, the predicted saliva concentration is modeled to be proportional to the predicted plasma concentration. These two models can be combined into a single regression function as follows.

Image grohtml-1941411.png

Image grohtml-1941412.png

where Image grohtml-19414-36.png is the plasma-saliva indicator variable (it has the value 0 if the observation is a plasma concentration, and the value 1 if the observation is a saliva concentration).

In the statistical model the observations are doubly subscripted: Image grohtml-19414-37.png is the jth observation from the ith time point. When both plasma and saliva are measured, j assumes the values 1 and 2. When only plasma or only saliva is measured, j assumes the value 1. The statistical model is given by

Image grohtml-1941413.png

where Image grohtml-19414-39.png , Image grohtml-19414-40.png , and Image grohtml-19414-41.png are values of the independent variables associated with Image grohtml-19414-42.png , and the Image grohtml-19414-43.png are statistically independent random error vectors with 0 means and common variance-covariance matrix Image grohtml-19414-44.png . This Image grohtml-19414-45.png matrix is another model parameter to be estimated. It contains two possibly different variance components, one corresponding to plasma concentrations and one corresponding to saliva concentrations, since each type of concentration is measured with a possibly different scale. It also contains a covariance component since we wish to account for the possibility that when the two types of concentrations are measured at the same time point, these measurements (after adjustment for the fixed effects of time and dose) may be statistically correlated. Under the model, when both the observations Image grohtml-19414-46.png and Image grohtml-19414-47.png are present at the ith time point, since one of them is affected by Image grohtml-19414-48.png and the other is affected by Image grohtml-19414-49.png , and since these random effects can covary, so then can the two observations. The two observations together, Image grohtml-19414-50.png , therefore, form a multivariate observation. We let Image grohtml-19414-51.png denote the column form of this vector. When only one observation is present at the ith time point, then Image grohtml-19414-52.png denotes this single number. There is no nesting of the two random effects. Therefore, they both are treated as random interindividual effects, and as with simple nonlinear regression, the observation vectors Image grohtml-19414-53.png are regarded as coming from different individuals (see section A.5).

The model can be rewritten

Image grohtml-1941414.png


Image grohtml-1941415.png

Image grohtml-1941416.png

Image grohtml-1941417.png

This linear expression in the Image grohtml-19414-58.png , where the coefficients are given as g’s, is similar to the way the model of section D.2 is expressed, and it is called the NONMEM linear model schematic. The term ’linear’ here refers to linearly occuring random effects and not to linearly ocurring parameters. By virtue of the observation vector being multivariate at some time points, this model is a type of multivariate nonlinear regression. The absence of a plasma or saliva measurement at some time point makes the situation unbalanced, or from another point of view, there are missing data.

Let I denote the number of time points. Also, for fixed i, let Image grohtml-19414-59.png denote the column vector of values of the Image grohtml-19414-60.png , let Image grohtml-19414-61.png denote the column vector of values of the Image grohtml-19414-62.png , and let Image grohtml-19414-63.png denote the column vector of values of the Image grohtml-19414-64.png . The ELS objective function is given by

Image grohtml-1941418.png


Image grohtml-1941419.png

Image grohtml-1941420.png

Image grohtml-1941421.png

The matrix Image grohtml-19414-69.png is the variance-covariance matrix of Image grohtml-19414-70.png . The vector Image grohtml-19414-71.png is the vector of weighted residuals from the observations Image grohtml-19414-72.png . As with the previous example, it has the form residual (vector) divided by standard deviation (matrix), and it is "squared" in the expression for the objective function. The weighted residuals are defined to be the weighted residuals from all obervations Image grohtml-19414-73.png .

D.5. Implementation of Example 2

D.5.1. Introduction

A code for PRED which implements the example is given in Fig. 38. Note that the values Image grohtml-19414-74.png and Image grohtml-19414-75.png are returned in G(1) and G(2), respectively. As with the previous example, these are the coefficients of Image grohtml-19414-76.png and Image grohtml-19414-77.png in the NONMEM linear model schematic. In general, the value returned in G(I) is the coefficient of the Ith random interindividual effect in the NONMEM linear model schematic.

A control stream for this example is given in Fig. 39. The data set is embedded in it, and like the data of the previous example, the first, second, and third data items in a data record are the dose, time, and DV data items, respectively. However, there is also a fourth type of data item, the plasma-saliva indicator data item. This is labeled P/S. The DV data item is either a plasma concentration or a saliva concentration, according as the P/S data item is 0 or 1, respectively. Since all observation vectors are regarded as arising from different individuals (see section D.4), and since some observation vectors contain two elements, a plasma and a saliva concentration, ID data items must be present in the data records. These will assure that both elements are identified with the same individual. Since the individual changes as time changes, the time data item has been chosen to serve as the ID data item. Therefore, a 2 appears in field 1 of the ITEM record. A separate fifth type of data item could have been used for the ID data item.

The control stream contains a new model specification record, the STRUCTURE record for Image grohtml-19414-78.png , which is discussed in section D.5.2. It also contains a new initial estimate record, the BLOCK SET record for Image grohtml-19414-79.png which is discussed in section D.5.3. Also, sort codes appear for the first time in the TABLE record, and separators appear for the first time in the SCATTERPLOT records. These are discussed in sections D.5.4 and D.5.5. Selected printout which results from using the PRED and the control stream given in Figs. 38 and 39, respectively, is discussed in section D.5.6.

D.5.2. STRUCTURE Record for OMEGA

There are two STRUCTURE records in Fig. 39, the initial STRUCTURE record and the STRUCTURE record for Image grohtml-19414-80.png . Regarding the first of these, since there are now 2 random interindividual effects, a 2 is placed in field 2. The matrix Image grohtml-19414-81.png could be constrained to be diagonal, in which case a 1 is again placed in field 6. However, for the sake of this example, no such constraint is wanted. Therefore, instead, a 1 is placed in field 7. This signals that Image grohtml-19414-82.png is to be regarded as a full matrix. Another option is to regard Image grohtml-19414-83.png as a block diagonal matrix, in which case yet another value is placed in field 7; see NONMEM Users Guide, Part II.

When a 1 is placed in field 7 of the initial STRUCTURE record, i.e. when Image grohtml-19414-84.png is not constrained to be diagonal, the most number of random interindividual effects there can be is 5.

When a 1 is placed in field 7 of the initial STRUCTURE record, the STRUCTURE record for Image grohtml-19414-85.png must appear after the initial STRUCTURE record. Integer format is used. When a 1, in particular, is placed in field 7 of the initial STRUCTURE record, a 1 is placed in field 1 of the STRUCTURE record for Image grohtml-19414-86.png , and the number of random interindividual random effects is placed in field 2. The information in this record is redundant in this example; it is already given in the initial STRUCTURE record. The requirement that the record appears is related to the possiblility just mentioned that Image grohtml-19414-87.png can be block diagonal, and in this case the information contained in the record is not redundant.

D.5.3. BLOCK SET Record for OMEGA

A DIAGONAL record for Image grohtml-19414-88.png does not appear in Fig. 39. Instead, a BLOCK SET record for Image grohtml-19414-89.png appears. The initial estimates of the elements of Image grohtml-19414-90.png are given in the BLOCK SET records for Image grohtml-19414-91.png when Image grohtml-19414-92.png is not constrained to be diagonal. More than one such record is only necesssary when Image grohtml-19414-93.png is constrained to be block diagonal, and it is this situation that gives rise to the terminology ’BLOCK SET’ (see NONMEM Users Guide, Part II). Fixed point format is used. The initial estimates are placed in the fields in the following order: Image grohtml-19414-94.png , Image grohtml-19414-95.png , ..., Image grohtml-19414-96.png , Image grohtml-19414-97.png , Image grohtml-19414-98.png , ..., Image grohtml-19414-99.png , ..., Image grohtml-19414-100.png , where K is the dimension of Image grohtml-19414-101.png . These estimates number K(K+1)/2 altogether. (Recall that Image grohtml-19414-102.png is symmetric.) If Image grohtml-19414-103.png is to be fixed to these initial estimates, then in addition, a 1 is placed in position 8 of the record. In the BLOCK SET record of Fig. 39, a 2 appears in position 8, and the fields are left blank, indicating that NONMEM is to obtain the initial estimates. When one field is left blank, all fields must be left blank.

D.5.4. Sorting in Tables

As mentioned in section C.3.5.3, rows of tables may be sorted on the data items in specified columns. There is some reason for utilizing this feature in the example, namely, to separate the rows with plasma concentration DV data items from those with saliva concentration DV data items. This separation may be done by selecting the P/S data items for tabulation and by indicating that the rows of the table are to be sorted firstly on these data items. Then the first rows will contain only P/S data items equal to 0, and the last rows will contain only P/S data items equal to 1. The sorting is indicated by a 1 placed in the sort field following the field containing the index of the P/S data items. Accordingly, in the individual TABLE record in Fig. 39, field 4 contains the index of the P/S data items, and a 1 is placed in the following field. There are 2 types of data items selected for tabulation (note the 2 in field 1), the P/S data items and the time data items. Since it is also useful to sort the rows with plasma concentration DV data items on their time data items, and to sort the rows with saliva concentration DV data items on their time data items, an indication that the rows are to be sorted secondly on the time data items is also given. This second level sorting (a sort within a sort) is indicated by a 2 placed in the sort field adjacent to the field following the field containing the index of the time data items. Refering to the same individual TABLE record once again, it may be seen that field 2 contains the index of the time data items, and a 2 is placed in the following field. The resulting table is given in Fig. 40.

In general, the rows of any individual table may be sorted first on the data items appearing in a specified column by placing a 1 in the sort field following the field containing the index of these data items. The rows of the table may be sorted second on the data items appearing in another specified column by placing a 2 in the sort field following the field containing the index of these data items. A third level sort may be defined similarly, and so on, up to an 8-level sort. There can be no sort on the NONMEM generated data items. These data items are not ones the user selects for tabulation, and only data items of selected types may be sorted. Although the DV data items always appear in a table, the user may explicitly select these for tabulation and thereby also sort on them. If this is done, the DV data items will appear in two columns. They will appear in the fourth column from the right as usual, and they will also appear in some other column.

The column order of the data item types selected to appear in the table corresponds to their sort codes. The data item type with sort code 1 corresponds to column 1, the data item type with sort code 2 corresponds to column 2, etc. For example, in the table of Fig. 40, the P/S data items appear in column 1, and the time data items appear in column 2. Any data item types with sort code blank or 0 correspond to columns occuring after those columns with sorted data items, and the column order of these data item types corresponds to the order in which their indices are placed in the TABLE record.

As explained in section C.3.5.3, when there are more than 900 data records, each individual TABLE record generates a number of tables, so that all data records are used. All sorting is done within each of these tables separately. This implies that if, for example, (i) sorting is specified only on ID data items, (ii) these data items are all positive integers, and (iii) the data records with ID data item equal to 1 are data records 900 and 901, then the first of these two records is used to obtain the first row in the first table, and the second record is used to obtain the first row in the second table.

D.5.5. Separating Scatterplots

A family of scatterplots may be defined by separating a given scatterplot, called the base plot, into a number of separate ones. To do this, a third data item type, called the separator, is specified, in addition to the two types of data items defining the given scatterplot. Suppose the values for the separator that appear in the data set are: Image grohtml-19414-104.png , Image grohtml-19414-105.png , ..., sorted from lowest to highest value. Then one scatterplot of the family consists of those points of the base plot resulting from all data records with the value Image grohtml-19414-106.png of the separator; another consists of those points of the base plot resulting from all data records with value Image grohtml-19414-107.png of the separator; etc. The family members appear in the printout in the same order as the sorted values of the separator. The family is called a one-way partitioned scatterplot.

This feature is useful in the example where it is desirable, for example, to separately plot the plasma concentrations vs their predictions, and the saliva concentrations versus their predictions. By choosing the P/S data item type for the separator, the base plot of the DV data items vs the prediction data items can be separated into the two desired plots. The P/S data item type has two values, 0 and 1. The points of the base plot resulting from all data records with P/S data item equal to 0 form one of the desired plots, while the remaining points of the base plot, resulting from all data records with P/S data item equal to 1, form the other plot.

To use this feature two additional fields of the individual SCATTERPLOT record defining the family are used. As usual, the indices of the data items defining the base plot are placed in fields 1 and 2. A 1 is placed in field 3; this indicates that one separator is used. Also, the index of the separator is placed in field 4. See, for example, the last SCATTERPLOT record of Fig. 39.

Altogether, eight families of scatterplots are defined in the problem specification of Fig. 39. Four single-member families, CONC vs TIME, PRED vs TIME, RES vs TIME, and PRED vs CONC, using the labels that appear on the scatterplots, are defined. Four two-member families are also defined, using the same base plots and using the P/S data item type as a separator. The entire set of thirteen scatterplots is given in Figs. 41-52.

Some general remarks concerning scatterplots involving residual and weighted residual data items are in order. These scatterplots are often used to detect model weaknesses. Residuals, in particular, can be scatterplotted against the values of an independent variable (a fixed effect). Ideally, the plot should have the appearance of a homogeneous scatter about the zero line. If it does not, this can suggest that the effect of the variable is not appropriately modeled, and the pattern of the scatter may suggest a more appropriate model. If there is another independent variable which can affect the data, then it can be helpful to develop a picture wherein the effects of the two variables are not confounded. Using the second variable as a separator can help in this regard. This presumes that the second variable is also a fixed effect, and that its values exist as data items in the data set. A random effect is a type of independent variable, and it also can be somewhat confounded with the effect of the first variable. The values of the random effect, however, are not known. When, though, there are several observations from some individuals, then the ID data item can be used as a separator to help distinguish random interindividual effects from the effect of the first variable.

Also, the desire for homogeneous residuals is predicated on the assumption that under the assumed model, and ignoring estimation error, the residuals are uncorrelated and have means 0 and constant variance (i.e. homogeneous variance). In each of the two examples used in this chapter, however, under the model, the variances of the observations (and therefore, of the residuals) vary with values of fixed effect independent variables. Weighted residuals, on the other hand, are uncorrelated and have means 0 and constant variance under the assumed model (and ignoring estimation error). So it is generally advisable that with models under which residuals are nonhomogeneous, weighted residuals, rather than residuals, should be plotted.

In the first example, weighted residual vs time was plotted, but in fact, the plot does not appear too different from a plot of residual vs time (not shown; but see the plot of residual vs time in Fig. 18). In the second example (the one under discussion) there really is not a need to plot weighted residuals because when the P/S data item type is used as a separator, the modeled variances of the observations are constant with time.

A base plot can be separated into a family based on the values of two separators. Such a family is called a two-way partitioned scatterplot. Consider all distinct pairs of values, one value from the first separator and the other value from the second separator. Then one scatterplot of the family consists of those points of the base plot resulting from the data records with one particular pair of values of the separators, and another scatterplot of the family consists of those points of the base plot resulting from the data records with another pair of values of the separators, etc. To obtain a two-way partitioned scatterplot, place a 2 in field 3 of the individual SCATTERPLOT record, and place the indices of the two separators in fields 4 and 5.

D.5.6 Selected Printout

The summary of the problem specification shown in Fig. 39 is given in Fig. 53. Some remarks concerning it may be helpful.

The total number of individuals is stated to be 17. Due to the presence of ID data items, individual records are defined, and the number of such records may be verified to be 17.

The matrix Image grohtml-19414-108.png is stated to have a certain block form. Its lower triangular part is shown schematically to indicate that it is a simple Image grohtml-19414-109.png matrix. The matrix could be constrained to have a block diagonal form, in which case this form would be indicated with a more "interesting" schematic pattern than that shown in this problem summary (see NONMEM Users Guide, Part II).

The final parameter estimate, standard errors, and correlation matrix are shown in Figs. 54-56. The reader might note that the correlation between Image grohtml-19414-110.png and Image grohtml-19414-111.png is estimated to be -0.066, which is quite small.