NONMEM Users Guide - NONMEM V Supplemental Guide

NONMEM Users Guide - NONMEM V Supplemental Guide

The appearance of the NONMEM V Supplement coincides with the appearance of the following programs:

NONMEM Version V Level 1.0
PREDPP Version IV Level 1.0
NM-TRAN Version III Level 1.0

They are referred to collectively as NONMEM V.

This Supplement describes changes found with NONMEM V of which the user should be aware, especially if he used earlier versions of NONMEM. It is accompanied by new versions of Users Guide Parts III (Installation), VI (Conditional Estimation Methods), and VIII (Help), which have been updated for the new release. New versions of the other guides will be distributed at later dates.

The material is roughly divided into separate chapters for NONMEM, PREDPP and NM-TRAN. For the most part, descriptions are given from the point of view of a user of NM-TRAN. Thus, a user who creates NONMEM control streams without using NM-TRAN will have to wait till the release of the updated version of Part I to learn how to specify new features to NONMEM. Most users use NM-TRAN exclusively, and perhaps they should read the NM-TRAN chapter first. Whenever possible, the user is referred to a guide that has been updated, such as Guide VIII, for further details about a given change.

With very few exceptions, NONMEM V is upwards compatible with earlier versions. However, the size of the NONMEM V executable file will be considerably larger than that of the corresponding NONMEM IV exectuable; see Users Guide Part III (Installation) Chapters I and III.

The symbol ☜ in the right margin marks changes to NONMEM that may cause old NM-TRAN and NONMEM control streams to produce different results. It also marks changes that must be made to old PRED, PK, ERROR, DES, and AES user-supplied subroutines in order to use them with NONMEM V.

Note that no changes are needed to old $PRED, $PK, $ERROR, $DES or $AES abbreviated codes or to old data sets.

The appearance of the March 2013 edition coincides with the appearance of NONMEM 7.3. The Guide has been reformatted. No changes have been made to the content.