 |                                                                    |
 |                            SS DATA ITEM                            |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: Steady-State (SS) data item for PREDPP
 CONTEXT: $INPUT record and NONMEM data set

 $INPUT ... SS ...

 SS labels PREDPP's steady-state (SS) data item.  The steady-state data
 item is optional.  It can take  one  of  three  values  in  any  event

 0    indicates that the dose is not a steady state dose.

 1    indicates that the dose is a steady state dose, and that the com-
      partment amounts are to be  reset  to  the  steady-state  amounts
      resulting  from  the  given  dose.  Compartment amounts resulting
      from prior dose event records are "zeroed out," and infusions  in
      progress  or  pending additional doses are cancelled.  The system
      is not totally reset:  the  on/off  status  of  the  compartments
      remains as it was at the time of the prior event record (if any),
      and the value of time must be greater than or equal to its  value
      on the prior event record (if any).

 2    indicates  that the dose is a steady state dose and that the com-
      partment amounts are to be set to the  sum  of  the  steady-state
      amounts resulting from the given dose plus whatever those amounts
      would have been at the event time were the steady-state dose  not
      given.  I.e., letting t be the time on the event record, then the
      amounts in the compartments are updated to amounts valid for time
      t, and next, these amounts are added to the steady-state amounts.
      This is meaningful when kinetics are linear and the superposition
      principle holds.

 3    indicates  that the dose is a steady state dose.  SS = 3 is iden-
      tical to SS = 1 with one exception: with  Steady  State  routines
      SS6  and  SS9, the existing state vector (compartment amounts and
      eta derivatives) is used as the initial estimate in the  computa-
      tion  of the steady-state amounts.  The user supplies the initial
      estimate with some combination  of  prior  event  records,  e.g.,
      reset, transient dose, and other-type event records.

 When  the  SS  data  item  is used, one or more of the data items AMT,
 RATE, and II must be present in the event record to specify the steady
 state dosing pattern.

REFERENCES: Guide VI Section V.F
REFERENCES: Guide V Section 6.8

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)