 |                                                                    |
 |                      ADDITIONAL_OUTPUT_FILES                       |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: NONMEM Additional Output files


 With  NONMEM 7, a NONMEM run produces several additional output files.
 These provide a more efficient way  of  extracting  numerical  results
 from the analysis than by obtaining them from the NONMEM report file.
 (See raw_output_file).

 Names of the files start with "root", where root is the root name (not
 including extension) of the NM-TRAN control stream file given  at  the
 nmfe  command  line, or root="nmbayes" if the control stream file name
 is not passed as an argument to the NONMEM executable.  In this  exam-
 ple the root is myexample, and NONMEM 7.4 is invoked.
 nmfe74 myexample.ctl myexample.res
 The  files  have  names  with  extensions (suffixes) .ext, .cov, .clt,
 .coi, .cor, .cpu, .phi, .phm, .grd, .shk, .shm, .cnv, smt, .rmt, .vpd,
 .ets,  .bfm.   In  this  example,  they will be myexample.cov, myexam-
 ple.coi, etc.

 Each type of file accumulates information from each step  that  gener-
 ates the type of output in question.

 The  first two lines of each file is the same.  First is a header line
 that begins with the word TABLE, such as:

 TABLE NO.     n:

 These tables are not related  to  the  ones  produced  by  the  $TABLE
 record.   The  value of n is incremented each time the Estimation Step
 is implemented, i.e., once per $ESTIM record, when MAXEVAL  is  not  0
 and $EST is not omitted.  The $EST records may be in the same problem,
 or in subsequent problems.  If $COV is present in  a  problem  without
 $EST (e.g., when $MSFI is used), then n is also incremented.

 Next  on  the  header  line is the analysis text (same as given on the
 #METH: line in the report file), e.g., "First Order".

 Also on this line are:
 Problem=1 Subproblem=0 Superproblem1=0 Iteration1=0
           Superproblem2=0 Iteration2=0

 The values of Problem, Subproblem, Superproblem1,  Iteration1,  Super-
 problem2, Iteration2 are the same values as would be found in the fol-
 lowing variables in modules during the run:

 The second line contains the column headers for the current additional
 file, all on one line.

 Options  NOTITLE  and NOLABEL and FORMAT of the $ESTIMATION record can
 be used to supress the first and/or second lines, and  to  modify  the
 format  of  the values in the table.  They apply to raw and additional
 output files, but only for the current Estimation Step.   The  options
 must be re-specified with each $EST record.

 The additional output files are:

      Always.  (See raw_output_file).

      Always.   Individual phi parameters (phi(i)=mu(i)+eta(i), for ith
      parameter), and their variances phc(,).  For  parameters  not  MU
      referenced  phi(i)=eta(i).  When  a classical method is performed
      (FOCE, Laplace), then mode of posterior eta(i) are  printed  out,
      along  with  their Fisher information (first order expected value
      for FOCE, second order for Laplace)  assessed  variances  etc(,).
      For ITS, these parameters are the modes of the posterior density,
      with first-order approximated expected variances (or second order
      variances  if  $EST METHOD=ITS LAPLCE is used).  For IMP, IMPMAP,
      SAEM methods, they are the Monte Carlo evaluated conditional mean
      parameters  and  variances  of the parameters under the posterior
      density.  For MCMC Bayesian, they are random  single  samples  of
      phi(),  as of the last position. Their variances are zero.  Indi-
      vidual objective function values (obji) are also produced.  As of
      NONMEM 7.4, if $EST PHITYPE=1 is specified, then conditional mean
      etas are reported in the phi table. regardless  of  the  analysis

 root.iph (NM75)
      As of nm75, samples of phi/eta are collected at each BAYES itera-
      tion, and summarized to provide conditional mean phi and phc() in
      the  root.phi table, as described above. By default, the individ-
      ual phi values from each iteration are not  stored.  However,  if
      you set
      $EST ... BAYES_PHI_STORE=1
      then  phi and eta values from each BAYES iteration will be stored
      in root.iph. For non-mixture problems, only records of SUBP=0 are
      recorded,  as  there are no sub-population divisions. For mixture
      problems, the SUBP=0 records contain the composite phis and  etas
      (the  average  of these across all non-negative iterations are in
      the root.phi table), and the SUBP>0 records contain the phis  and
      etas  appropriate  to  each  sub-population  SUBP (the average of
      these across all non- negative iterations are in the root.phm ta-
      ble).  The  root.iph file can become quite large, so it should be
      used only on the final analysis.

 root.phm (NM72)
      Individual phi/eta/obji parameters per sub-population.  This file
      is  only  produced  in  $MIXTURE  problems.  As of nm75, for MCMC
      Baysian analysis, the items listed in this table consist  of  the
      average  values  among  all  the iterations during the stationary
      distribution phase. Before nm75, the values consisted  of  values
      from the last MCMC iteration.

 root.shk (NM72)
      This  file presents composite eta shrinkage and epsilon shrinkage
      information, the same as given in the NONMEM report file  between
      the  #TERM:  and #TERE: tags, but in rows/column format, and with
      adjustable formatting.
      (See shrinkage).

 root.shm (NM73)
      This file is a shrinkage map describing which etas were  included
      or excluded in the eta shrinkage assessment.  (See shrinkage).

 root.grd (NM72)
      Gradient values for classical NONMEM methods.  Always.

 root.xml (NM72)
      An  XML markup version of the contents of the NONMEM report file.
      The rules by which it is constructed are given in output.xsd  and

      Full  variance-covariance  error  matrix  of  thetas, sigmas, and
      omegas.  Same as "COVARIANCE MATRIX OF ESTIMATE"  in  the  NONMEM
      report  except  that  it  is full (NONMEM displays only the lower
      triangle), elements that are fixed or not estimated are displayed
      as  0  (NONMEM  displays  them  as .....), and, when the data are
      individual, sigma is displayed as  0  (NONMEM  does  not  display
      sigma  at  all.)   Only  generated  if  the $COVARIANCE record is
      (See covariance matrix of estimate).
      (See Covariance_Output_files).
      (See order_option).

 root.clt (NM74)
      The lower-triangular portion of the  variance-covariance  of  the
      parameter  estimates  reported  in root.cov. This is provided for
      easier pasting of the information as theta priors  for  a  subse-
      quent  analysis.   Only  generated  if  the $COVARIANCE record is

      Full correlation matrix of thetas, sigmas, and omegas.   Same  as
      "CORRELATION   MATRIX  OF  ESTIMATE",  except  as  described  for
      (See correlation matrix of estimate).

      Full inverse covariance matrix (Fischer information  matrix)  for
      thetas,  sigmas,  and omegas.  Same as "INVERSE COVARIANCE MATRIX
      OF ESTIMATE" except as described for root.cov.

 root.cnv (NM72)
      Convergence  information  for  the  Monte  Carlo/EM  methods,  if
      (See raw_output_file).

 root.smt (NM72)
      Contains the S matrix, if  $COV step failed.

 root.rmt (NM72)
      Contains the R matrix, if  $COV step failed.

 root.imp (NM73)
      Produced if the user selects importance sampling with option IAC-
      CEPT=0.0.  Contains the final IACCEPT and DF values  that  NONMEM
      selected for each subject.

 root.npd (NM73)
      For  NONPARAMETRIC method.  Each row contains information about a
      support point.

 root.npe (NM73)
      For NONPARAMETRIC method.  The expected value etas  and  expected
      value  eta  covariances (ETC) are listed for each problem or sub-

 root.npi (NM73)
      For  NONPARAMETRIC  method.   The  individual  probabilities  are
      listed.  Each row contains information about a support point.

 root.npl (NM74)
      For  NONPARAMETRIC  method.  The individual data likelihoods (not
      including the parameter density) are listed in this file.

 root.fgh (NM73)
      This file is produced  if  the  user  selects  $EST  NUMDER=1  or
      NUMDER=3.   The  file lists the numerically evaluated derivatives
      of Y with respect to eta, where

      F=Y (the prediction)
      G(I,1)=partial Y with respect to eta(i))
      G(I,J+1)=Second derivatives of Y with respect to eta(i),eta(j)
      H(I,1)=partial Y with respect to eps(i)
      H(i,j+1)=partial Y with respect to eps(i),eta(j)

      The values are those used in the Estimation Step.   Values  of  F
      are  computed  by PRED with eta=0 if METHOD=0 is used;  otherwise
      they are computed with non-zero etas: the Conditional (CPE) etas,
      empirical  bayes  estimates  (EBE), mode a posteriori (MAP) esti-
      mates) or conditional mean  etas,  depending  on  the  Estimation
      Method.   Values  of  G are computed by NONMEM via finite differ-
      ences using these values of F and eta.  Values of H are  computed
      by  NONMEM  with  the  same values of F and eta if INTERACTION is
      specified; otherwise, they are computed with eta=0.

 root.agh (NM73)
      This file is produced  if  the  user  selects  $EST  NUMDER=2  or
      NUMDER=3.   The file lists the analytically evaluated derivatives
      of Y with respect to eta.  The format and order is  the  same  as
      file  root.fgh.  The values are those returned by subroutine PRED
      in arguments F, G, and H.  These are 0 if not computed  by  PRED.
      (E.g.  second  derivatves  are  not  computed analytically with a
      method other than  LAPLACIAN.)   Values  in  root.agh  correspond
      exactly  to  those  in  root.fgh.  That is, values of F and G are
      from calls to PRED with eta=0 or with non-zero etas, as described
      above.   Values  of H are from calls to PRED with the same values
      of eta if INTERACTION is  specified;  otherwise,  they  are  from
      calls to PRED with eta=0, regardless of the Estimation method.

 root.vpd (NM74)
      This file is produced if the $TABLE file option VARCALC=1 or VAR-
      CALC=2 is used.  It is the full variances- covariances among  all
      user-defined  and  PREDPP  parameters.   The FORMAT used for this
      file is that defined in the $EST record.

 root.ets (NM74)
      As of NM74, one can obtain random samples of individual etas, and
      uses  these  for  covariate  and  model diagnostics.  $EST option
      ETASAMPLES=1 causes individual ISAMPLE  random  eta  samples  per
      subject,  to  be written to root.ets, where root is the root name
      of the control stream file.
      See "Stochastic  Approximation  Expectation  Maximization  (SAEM)
      Method" in Guide Introduction_7.

 root.bfm (NM75)
      When  OFVTYPE=8  during  optimal  design  ($DESIGN OFVTYPE=8) the
      progress of average  individual  conditional  variances  (average
      empirical  Bayes  conditional variance) are shown in the root.bfm
      file (where root is name of control stream file), and  the  final
      one on the -1000000000 line, during an optimization. The RAW file
      (by default named root.ext) which shows only  the  starting,  and
      final  values of the standard errors of population parameters, as
      extra information.

 root.cpu (NM73)
      The cpu time in seconds is reported in this file.  It is an accu-
      rate representation of the computer usage, whether single or par-
      allel process.  The same problem when run singly or  in  parallel
      will report a similar cpu time.  This is in contrast with elapsed
      time, which is improved with parallelization.

 With NONMEM 7.3 and higher, the $THETAI and  $THETAR  records  may  be
 used  to transform initial and final estimates of THETA, respectively.
 This will affect values in the .ext, .cov, etc. files
 (See $thetai, $thetar)

REFERENCES: Guide Introduction_7

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)