NONMEM Users Guide Part VI - PREDPP - Chapter IV
IV. The ERROR routine
IV.A. Modeling Residual Error
IV.B. Implementation in ERROR
IV.B.1. Implementation of the Model for Residual Error
IV.B.2. Implementation of a Pharmacodynamic Model
IV.C. ERROR Calling-Protocols
IV.D. Global and Other Reserved Variables
IV.D.A. Global Input Variables
IV.D.B. Global Output Variables
IV.D.C. Miscellaneous Global Variables
IV.E. Displaying ERROR-Defined Items
IV.F. PRED Error-Recovery from ERROR
IV.G. Examples
IV.G.1. Example I: Population Data
IV.G.2. Example II: A Mixture Model
IV.G.3. Example III: Single-Subject Data
IV.G.4. Example IV: Single-Subject Pharmacodynamic Data
IV.H. Other Subroutines That May Be Called

NONMEM Users Guide Part VI - PREDPP - Chapter IV

IV. The ERROR routine

IV.A. Modeling Residual Error

Suppose a set of values for an individual’s PK parameters is fixed. Let Image grohtml-4046705-2.png denote this set of values, and let Image grohtml-4046705-3.png denote the prediction under the kinetic model, based on Image grohtml-4046705-4.png , for an observation y from the individual. This prediction is imperfect. Observations that one might imagine obtaining from the individual, under exactly the same conditions as accounted for in Image grohtml-4046705-5.png , would differ from one another. This "residual variabilty" in observations, "unexplained by Image grohtml-4046705-6.png ", derives from several sources. One source is random measurement error. Another important source is model misspecification error in f or in Image grohtml-4046705-7.png . The terms ’residual variability’ and ’residual error’ are used here interchangeably. Residual error, therefore, does not generally refer to error from some one identified source. Residual error may be modeled in terms of concomitant variables and random effects. This modeling, along with the modeling of interindividual variability in Image grohtml-4046705-8.png , leads to a full statistical model for y. In this section we describe the models for residual error, and in section B we discuss how these models can be implemented with PREDPP. The following discussion parallels that of section III.D.

The simplest model for y itself in terms of Image grohtml-4046705-9.png is

Image grohtml-40467052.png

where Image grohtml-4046705-11.png is the realization of a random variable (which also, through a mild abuse of notation, is denoted by Image grohtml-4046705-12.png ) with mean 0. This is a very familiar type model describing residual variability.

The difference Image grohtml-4046705-13.png may not be entirely unexplainable. For example, it might be that there are two assays used to measure drug concentration, and that the difference may vary more widely with y obtained with one assay than with y obtained with the other assay. Let Z be a dichotomous-valued concomitant variable whose value (0 or 1) in the event record for y identifies the assay used. Then instead of (1) one might write

Image grohtml-40467053.png

where Image grohtml-4046705-15.png has mean zero and variance Image grohtml-4046705-16.png . We have Image grohtml-4046705-17.png = Image grohtml-4046705-18.png , and if Z=0, Image grohtml-4046705-19.png = Image grohtml-4046705-20.png , but if Z=1, Image grohtml-4046705-21.png = Image grohtml-4046705-22.png . The parameter Image grohtml-4046705-23.png is the ratio of standard deviations of the concentrations between the two assays.

Another simple model for y is

Image grohtml-40467054.png

where the mean and variance of Image grohtml-4046705-25.png are 0 and Image grohtml-4046705-26.png . Here Image grohtml-4046705-27.png is the coefficient of variation of y. Instead of Image grohtml-4046705-28.png having homogeneous variance Image grohtml-4046705-29.png , perhaps Image grohtml-4046705-30.png as above. Observation values are often significantly right-skewed distributed (for a fixed x), and so a more appropriate model might be

Image grohtml-40467055.png

where the mean and variance of Image grohtml-4046705-32.png are 0 and Image grohtml-4046705-33.png , respectively. This model is equivalent to

Image grohtml-40467056.png

(See the discussion concerning models (III.14) and (III.15).)

The difference Image grohtml-4046705-35.png could be partly explainable by the compartment being observed. If two compartments are being observed (say plasma and urine), and Z is a dichotomous-valued concomitant variable whose value (0 or 1) in the event record for y identifies the compartment observed, then one might write

Image grohtml-40467057.png

Image grohtml-40467058.png

where the means of both Image grohtml-4046705-38.png and Image grohtml-4046705-39.png are 0, and the variances are Image grohtml-4046705-40.png and Image grohtml-4046705-41.png , respectively. If two observations of two different compartments are taken far enough apart in time, Image grohtml-4046705-42.png and Image grohtml-4046705-43.png can be taken to be statistically independent variables. In this case (6) is formally equivalent to (2) (ignoring whether Z identifies assay or observation compartment) since multiple realizations of Image grohtml-4046705-44.png in (2) are assumed to be statistically independent. If, however, two observations of two different compartments are taken close enough in time, they may be correlated, and with NONMEM, it is possible to estimate a correlation between the two different Image grohtml-4046705-45.png variables of model (6); see Guide I, section E.4.

In all the above models for y, when all Image grohtml-4046705-46.png ’s are set to their mean value 0, we have Image grohtml-4046705-47.png ; residual error is 0. Image grohtml-4046705-48.png is the subject-specific prediction of y

We write Image grohtml-4046705-49.png for the typical value of Image grohtml-4046705-50.png , the value with all Image grohtml-4046705-51.png ’s set to 0. We write Image grohtml-4046705-52.png for the quantity Image grohtml-4046705-53.png , the prediction "for the typical individual in the in the population" (of individuals with given values for the concomitant variables). It is the population prediction of y

It may also be regarded as the typical value of y

The routine ERROR specifies the model for residual variability. It does so in different ways, depending on whether ERROR is being called for the purposes of data analysis or data simulation. For the purposes of data simulation, the specification closely follows the type of mathematical expressions shown above. As with the specification of PK parameters in routine PK, for the purposes of data analysis, the specification of the model for residual variability entails partial derivatives of different types. These different types are defined below. With the first-order estimation, or with a conditional estimation method where an Image grohtml-4046705-54.png interaction is either absent or ignored, typical first-partial derivatives of y with respect to the Image grohtml-4046705-55.png ’s must be computed, although subject-specific first-partial derivatives will also suffice since from the latter the former can be computed. With the first-order conditional estimation method with interaction, where an Image grohtml-4046705-56.png interaction is not ignored, both subject-specific first-partial derivatives of y with respect to the Image grohtml-4046705-57.png ’s, as well as mixed-second-partial derivatives, must be computed.

The first-partial derivatives of y with respect to the Image grohtml-4046705-58.png ’s, evaluated at the subject-specific value of Image grohtml-4046705-59.png and at all Image grohtml-4046705-60.png ’s equal to 0, are called the subject-specific first-partial derivatives of y

For (1)-(4) and (6) for example, these derivatives are

Image grohtml-40467059.png

Image grohtml-404670510.png

Image grohtml-404670511.png

Image grohtml-404670512.png

Image grohtml-404670513.png

Image grohtml-404670514.png

The first-partial derivatives of y with respect to the Image grohtml-4046705-67.png ’s, evaluated at the typical value of Image grohtml-4046705-68.png , Image grohtml-4046705-69.png , and at all Image grohtml-4046705-70.png ’s set equal to 0, are called the typical first-partial derivatives of y

The derivatives of examples (7), (8) and (11) are also typical first-partial derivatives, and the derivatives of examples (9) and (10) are typical first-partial derivatives when Image grohtml-4046705-71.png takes the value Image grohtml-4046705-72.png in those expressions.

Note that the derivatives under (3) and (4) are identical. When the model for residual variability is specified via subject-specific or typical first-partial derivatives only, NONMEM estimation methods cannot distinguish between models (3) and (4). That is, the same fit will result from using either model. In effect, an assumption is being made that under (4), the variance of Image grohtml-4046705-73.png is small, and that the mean and coefficient of variation of y are well approximated by Image grohtml-4046705-74.png and Image grohtml-4046705-75.png , respectively. If, though, the DV data items are the log transformed observations, and these are modeled with (5), then this approximation is avoided, and a different fit will result from that obtained under (3). Yet a different fit again will be obtained when (4) is specified by including mixed-second-partial derivatives.

The mixed-second-partial derivatives of y are the derivatives of Image grohtml-4046705-76.png (for the various Image grohtml-4046705-77.png ’s) with respect to the Image grohtml-4046705-78.png ’s, expressed as functions of the Image grohtml-4046705-79.png ’s and evaluated at all Image grohtml-4046705-80.png ’s equal to 0. Note that in general these are different from the derivatives with respect to the Image grohtml-4046705-81.png ’s of the subject-specific first-partial derivatives of y, since first the derivative is taken with respect to Image grohtml-4046705-82.png , and then the Image grohtml-4046705-83.png ’s are set to 0. However, in virtually all particular cases they will be the same. Some examples will illustrate this. The mixed-second-partial derivatives corresponding to (1)-(4) and (6) are

Image grohtml-404670515.png

Image grohtml-404670516.png

Image grohtml-404670517.png

Image grohtml-404670518.png

Image grohtml-404670519.png

Image grohtml-404670520.png

It should be emphasized that Image grohtml-4046705-90.png (and Image grohtml-4046705-91.png ) and Image grohtml-4046705-92.png are not quantities that the user is expected to compute in order to compute in turn derivatives such as those given in (9) and (14); this is PREDPP’s job. One of the arguments of the routine ERROR is Image grohtml-4046705-93.png ( Image grohtml-4046705-94.png ), and the user can make use of it, incorporating it into partial derivatives of y. Similarly, Image grohtml-4046705-95.png is an argument of ERROR.

When some mixed-second-partial derivative is not zero, there is said to be an Image grohtml-4046705-96.png interaction. Such an interaction is taken into account only by the first-order conditional estimation method with interaction, and with this method the mixed-second-partial derivatives must be computed.

Routine ERROR allows specification of the derivatives of Image grohtml-4046705-97.png , rather than of y (presumably, the DV data items are untransformed data items). That is, the derivatives of Image grohtml-4046705-98.png , rather than the derivatives of y itself, may be specified. If Image grohtml-4046705-99.png is given by (5), for example, then

Image grohtml-404670521.png

Image grohtml-404670522.png

PREDPP transforms Image grohtml-4046705-102.png to Image grohtml-4046705-103.png , since it needs the latter. The mixed-second-partial derivatives of Image grohtml-4046705-104.png are also appropriately transformed.

When the data are from a single-subject, random subject-to-subject variability does not occur, and in this case random effects describing such variability do not appear in the model. Only random effects describing residual variablity appear. Through information in the NONMEM control stream NONMEM learns that only one of these two possible types of random effects appears, but not which type. This, in turn, is communicated to PREDPP, which then assumes that the only random effects appearing in the model are those appearing in the model for residual variability and that the data do indeed come from a single subject. This assumption has various natural and helpful consequences. To enable the reader to identify these, they are explicitly described in this document as being consequences of the single-subject assumption

See sections B.1, B.2, III.H, V.H, and V.K.

Starting with NONMEM 7.3, there is an alternate approach. See "Single-Subject Analysis using Population with Unconstrained ETAs" in the Introduction to NONMEM 7. With this approach, there are multiple subjects in the data set. NONMEM and PREDPP treat the subjects as part of a population analysis, while the statistical algorithms treat the data as single-subject.

IV.B. Implementation in ERROR

Specification of the model for residual variability is done with the required user-supplied ERROR subroutine. This is described in section B.1. In the discussion of section A Image grohtml-4046705-105.png denotes the prediction under the kinetic model for a pharmacokinetic observation, and the residual variability is that of such an observation. However, in that discussion Image grohtml-4046705-106.png could just as well have denoted a prediction under a pharmacodynamic model, and the residual variability could be that of a pharmacodynamic observation. The way a model for residual variability for a PD observation is specified is essentially the same way this is done for a PK observation. However, there are some further considerations, such as how to obtain a PD prediction. These are discussed in section B.2.

IV.B.1. Implementation of the Model for Residual Error

The preface of the ERROR routine must be


This is the NONMEM 7 version. The preface was different with earlier versions of NONMEM. Global variables GERD and HERD are needed because G and HH are sized according to the number of etas in the problem. G may be declared as a 1 dimensional array when the Laplacian method is not used G(GERD) and HH may be declared as a 1 dimensional array HH(*) when the first-order conditional estimation method with interaction is not used. For simplicity, they will be used that way in the examples below, although, when G or HH are declared 2 dimensional, the second subscript should be understood to be ",1"; E.g., HH(1) should be understood to be HH(1,1). However, when one or both of these methods might be used later with the given data set, it is a good idea to develop an ERROR code that allows this.

When ERROR is called by PREDPP, it is passed values for the vector Image grohtml-4046705-107.png in THETA. It is also passed a complete event record in EVTREC, the argument record. Specifically, EVTREC(I,J) contains the Jth data item of the Ith data record of the event record. ERROR is also passed the total number N of data records comprising the event record. Typically N=1, and so the first subscript of EVTREC will always be 1; however, see chapter II. With NM-TRAN, the CONT data item cannot be used and N is 1.

The argument ICALL functions similarly to the ICALL argument described in section III.C. It has several possible values when ERROR is called. The value 1 signals to ERROR that the routine is being called for the first time in the NONMEM problem. At such a time ERROR can store certain initializing information in IDEF (see below). The value 2 signals to ERROR that the routine is being called in a regular fashion for data analytic purposes and that the subject-specific/typical first-partial derivatives, and if necessary, the mixed-second-partial derivatives, are to be stored in HH. The value 4 is used in conjunction with the NONMEM Simulation Step. It signals to ERROR that the routine is being called for data simulation purposes and that the simulated value for y is to be stored in F.

The value 5 signals to ERROR that the routine is being called in a regular fashion when expectations are being computed; multiple calls occur. Expectation blocks are described in the help Guide VIII. No eta derivatives need be computed.

The value 6 signals to ERROR that the routine is being called in a regular fashion when raw data averages are being computed; multiple calls occur. Raw data average blocks are described in the help Guide VIII. No eta derivatives need be computed.

If there is abbreviated code in the $ERROR block that tests for ICALL=0, ICALL=1, or ICALL=3, this code is moved by NM-TRAN to the INFN routine as if it had been coded explicitly as part of an $INFN block. Such code is called $ERROR-INFN code. The initialization code described for IDEF below is generated in FSUBS by NM-TRAN regardless of the presence of $ERROR-INFN code.

At ICALL=2, derivatives of y with respect to the Image grohtml-4046705-108.png ’s must be computed and stored in HH. With the first-order estimation method, or with a conditional estimation method where an Image grohtml-4046705-109.png interaction is either absent or ignored, the typical first-partial derivative of y with respect to Image grohtml-4046705-110.png is placed in HH(L) (or, if HH is declared to be 2-dimensional, HH(L,1)). For this purpose, the Image grohtml-4046705-111.png ’s are enumerated as are their variances in the specification of the initial estimate of Image grohtml-4046705-112.png . For models (1-4) and (6) of section A, we could have the code

(1):  HH(1) = 1.

(2):  IF(Z.EQ.0.)  THEN          HH(1) = 1.
          HH(1) = THETA(1)

(3): HH(1) = F

(4): HH(1) = F

(6): HH(1) = 1-Z
HH(2) = Z

F is the 8th argument of ERROR. On input to ERROR it is the value Image grohtml-4046705-113.png or Image grohtml-4046705-114.png under the kinetic model, whichever prediction (typical or subject-specific) has been computed by PREDPP. Note that 0’s must be explicitly stored in elements of HH as needed; the HH array is not initialized to 0 immediately before a call to ERROR. However, HH is initialized to 0 once, early in the problem, so that if whenever ERROR is called, an element of HH would always be set to 0, this never actually need be done in ERROR.

With the first-order conditional estimation method with interaction the subject-specific first-partial derivative of y with respect to Image grohtml-4046705-115.png is placed in HH(L,1), and the mixed-second-partial derivative of y with respect to Image grohtml-4046705-116.png and Image grohtml-4046705-117.png is placed in HH(L,K+1). For models (1-4) and (6) of section A,

(1):  HH(1,1) = 1.      HH(1,K+1) = 0.

(2): IF(Z.EQ.0.) THEN
HH(1,1) = 1.
HH(1) = THETA(1)
HH(1,K+1) = 0.

(3): HH(1,1) = F
HH(1,K+1) = G(K) (or G(K,1))

(4): HH(1,1) = F
HH(1,K+1) = G(K) (or G(K,1))

(6) HH(1,1) = F
HH(1,K+1) = 0.
HH(2,K+1) = 0.

where actually, HH(1,K+1) and HH(2,KK+1), wherever they appear, must be set for all K from 1 to the number of Image grohtml-4046705-118.png ’s in the problem.

G is the 9th argument of ERROR. On input to ERROR G(K) (or, if G is declared to be 2-dimensional, G(K,1)) is the value Image grohtml-4046705-119.png or Image grohtml-4046705-120.png under the kinetic model, whichever first-partial derivative (typical or subject-specific) has been computed by PREDPP. Note that zeros may need to be explicitly stored in elements of HH; the HH array is not initialized to zero immediately before a call to ERROR. However, it is initialized once, early in the run, so that if a mixed partial derivative is always 0, the corresponding element of HH need not be set to 0.

ICALL=4 signals that ERROR is being called during the Simulation Step. During the Simulation Step, values for Image grohtml-4046705-121.png variables (and Image grohtml-4046705-122.png variables; see section B.2) can be simulated in ERROR using the NONMEM utility routine SIMEPS (and SIMETA; see section B.2). This in turn allows a value for the observation y to be computed in a direct fashion, using an expression such as (1) in section A. The value for y should be returned by ERROR in the argument F. This necessitates modifying the value of F input to ERROR. Values returned in HH are ignored. For an example, see section G.1.

With data from a single subject, as with population data, during the Simulation Step, values for y can be computed in ERROR in a direct fashion. However, NONMEM explicitly recognizes two types of random variables, Image grohtml-4046705-123.png -variables and Image grohtml-4046705-124.png -variables, and these two types are nested, i.e. for any set of fixed values for the Image grohtml-4046705-125.png -variables, the Image grohtml-4046705-126.png -variables can assume different values, but not conversely. Whenever nested variables are not needed, only one of these two types of variables need appear in the entire statistical model, and by NONMEM convention, these should be Image grohtml-4046705-127.png -variables. With single-subject data there is no subject-to-subject variability, only nonnested random variables appear; they appear in the model for residual variability. Consequently, in this context the expressions in section A must be understood to have Image grohtml-4046705-128.png -variables occuring wherever Image grohtml-4046705-129.png -variables occur. It does not matter what FORTRAN variable is used in the ERROR code to represent an Image grohtml-4046705-130.png variable; it could be ETA, or EPS, or anything else. However, to obtain simulated values using a NONMEM utility routine, the routine SIMETA, rather than SIMEPS, must be called. See an example in section G.3. During data analysis computations, i.e. when values returned in HH are not ignored, PREDPP understands that HH contains Image grohtml-4046705-131.png -derivatives (as a consequence of the single-subject assumption; see section IV.A).

The IDEF array is used at ICALL=1. Usually, a 0 should be stored in IDEF(1), indicating that the user acknowledges that when ICALL=2, the derivatives of y with respect to the Image grohtml-4046705-132.png -variables (or with single-subject data, the Image grohtml-4046705-133.png -variables) are to be found in HH. In fact, when ICALL=1, PREDPP has initialized the IDEF array to zero, so if the user stores nothing in IDEF(1), the same effect is achieved. If, though, a 1 is stored in IDEF(1), the user is specifying that when ICALL=2, the derivatives of Image grohtml-4046705-134.png are to be found in HH. For example, if Image grohtml-4046705-135.png is given by (5), then at ICALL=2 one needs

(5):  HH(1) = 1.

If the first-order estimation method with interaction is used, then one needs

(5):  HH(1,1) = 1.      HH(1,K+1) = 0.

A reason for setting IDEF(1)=1 is discussed in section C.

If the observation is that of a scaled drug amount, then ERROR does not need to change the value of F from the input value (i.e. at ICALL=2); this value is a scaled drug amount and serves as an appropriate prediction. There are, though, situations where the observation is not that of a scaled drug amount and where ERROR would need to modify the input value of F to a prediction that is appropriate for the observation (see section B.2). One might expect PREDPP to understand that when IDEF(1)=1, whatever value of F is returned by ERROR, it is the logarithm of the prediction for the observation, and that PREDPP exponentiates this value. (After all, with routine PK when GG(M,1)=1 at ICALL=1, the typical/subject-specific value of the logarithm of the Mth PK parameter is returned by PK in GG(M,1). )†

† The logarithms of PK parameters cannot be modelled in this way with NM-TRAN.

However, the value returned by ERROR is always understood to be the prediction for the observation.‡

‡ An exception is with non-continuous odd-type data, below.

The value in IDEF(3) describes whether ERROR uses derivatives of compartment amounts (i.e. whether compartment amounts themselves are used as random variables in arithmetic statements in ERROR).

IDEF(3)=-1 ERROR may use derivatives of A (this is the default)
IDEF(3)= 0 ERROR does not use derivatives A.
IDEF(3)= 1 ERROR does use derivatives of A.

When ERROR does not use A, then if IDEF(3) is set to 0, PREDPP can avoid some time-consuming processing.

The one-dimensional array, INDXS, functions in the way described in Guide I, section C.4.1. The user places integers into this array, using the INDEX control record. These integers are then available to PREDPP and, therefore, to ERROR. For further details see section III.C.‡

‡ The INDXS array cannot be used with NM-TRAN.

IV.B.2. Implementation of a Pharmacodynamic Model

The ERROR routine has been described as the place where a model for residual error is specified. More generally, it may be described as the place where the prediction is specified, along with a model for the residual error. The prediction is taken to be the value of F output by ERROR. Often, the value of F that is input to ERROR is simply left unaltered by the routine, and so it is also the value output. That is, the prediction is specified to be that already computed by PREDPP. This is a typical way to proceed when the observation y is a pharmacokinetic response, and its prediction can be taken as the scaled drug amount found in the input value of F. However, when y is a pharmacodynamic response, this input value must be altered to obtain a prediction appropriate for y.

To take an example, if the PD prediction is proportional to the PK prediction, where the proportionality constant Image grohtml-4046705-136.png is to be estimated, the essential code might be:


The model for the residual error between y and its prediction might be given by (3) or (4). The way to implement this model is the same as when the response is PK, rather than PD, and is illustrated by this example. Care must be taken that Image grohtml-4046705-137.png and any parameters to be estimated in the model for the scaling parameter used to compute the input value of F are all identifiable.

If the data are population data, and the model for PK parameters involves Image grohtml-4046705-138.png -variables, then the first-partial derivative Image grohtml-4046705-139.png or Image grohtml-4046705-140.png , whichever derivative (typical or subject-specific) has been computed by PREDPP and is input to ERROR, must also be recomputed. Recall that the derivative is found in G(K) (or G(K,1)). Therefore, if there are 3 Image grohtml-4046705-141.png -variables, the above example might be continued thusly:

   DO 10 K=1,3

10 G(K)=THETA(4)*G(K)

If the Laplacian method is used, the second-partial derivative Image grohtml-4046705-142.png , Image grohtml-4046705-143.png , is stored in G(K,L+1). In this case the code might look like:

   DO 10 K=1,3
   DO 10 L=1,K

10 G(K,L+1)=THETA(4)*G(K,L+1)

The second-partial derivatives are not needed with every call to ERROR; certainly, they are not needed unless the Laplacian method is used. In order to save computation time, information is provided in the NONMEM global variable MSEC as to whether second-partial derivatives are needed with a particular call to ERROR. MSEC is set by NONMEM to the value 1 or 0, according as the second-partial derivatives are needed or not. Consequently, an alternative code to the above might be:

   DO 10 K=1,3
      DO 5 L=1,K
 5    G(K,L+1)=THETA(4)*G(K,L+1)


If the first-order conditional estimation method with interaction is used, the code might look like:

   DO 10 K=1,3

10 HH(1,K+1)=THETA(4)*G(K)

In the above example, the various codes are suitable whether typical or subject-specific derivatives are required. This is because the values returned in G and HH depend on the Image grohtml-4046705-144.png ’s only through the values of F and G that are input to ERROR. If typical derivatives are required, the input values of F and G are computed with all Image grohtml-4046705-145.png ’s equal to 0; if subject-specific values are required, they are computed with other values of the Image grohtml-4046705-146.png ’s as well.

Suppose, however, that the PD prediction is proportional to the PK prediction, where the proportionality constant itself involves an Image grohtml-4046705-147.png -variable, e.g. Image grohtml-4046705-148.png . Then the code with only typical first-partial derivatives might look like:

   DO 10 K=1,3

10 G(K)=THETA(4)*G(K)

while the code with subject-specific first-partial derivatives might look like:

   DO 10 K=1,3

10 G(K)=THETA(4)*E4*G(K)

Notice that GETETA can be called by ERROR as well as by PK (see section III.E). The ETA array is in a global module. GETETA can be called only by ERROR if Image grohtml-4046705-149.png -variables are only used in ERROR. In this case GETETA may still be initialized by PK (see section III.E.2), but if it is not, then it should be initialized by ERROR. This involves simply calling GETETA at ICALL=1.

If the Laplace method is used, then the code might be:

   DO 10 K=1,3
   DO 10 L=1,K

10 G(K,L+1)=THETA(4)*E4*G(K,L+1)
DO 15 L=1,4
15 G(4,L+1)=G(L,1)

If the first-order conditional estimate method is used with interaction, then the code might be:

   DO 10 K=1,3

10 HH(1,K+1)=G(K)

During the Simulation Step, i.e. at ICALL=4, just as it is not necessary to store derivatives in HH, it is not necessary to store derivatives in in G. When the data are population data, ERROR can call the NONMEM utility SIMEPS to obtain the values for Image grohtml-4046705-150.png , Image grohtml-4046705-151.png , Image grohtml-4046705-152.png , but also it can call SIMETA to obtain values for Image grohtml-4046705-153.png , Image grohtml-4046705-154.png , Image grohtml-4046705-155.png (see section III.E.2). By default, as long as ERROR (or PK) is being called with an event record from the same individual record, each time SIMETA is called, these values remain the same; there is only one set of values obtained for the individual.

However, the simulation can be done in such a way that the values change each time SIMETA is called (see Guide IV, section III.B.13). Consider this situation, and suppose that ERROR calls SIMETA, but PK does not. Then only the first time ERROR itself is called with an event record of a given individual record should ERROR call SIMETA (see section C for a discussion about the sequence of calls to ERROR). This assures that there is only one set of values obtained for the individual, as in the default situation. Unlike that situation, though, during this first call to ERROR, multiple calls to SIMETA might occur. So for example, simulated values of Image grohtml-4046705-156.png , obtained with multiple calls to SIMETA and such that Image grohtml-4046705-157.png , can be rejected until a value Image grohtml-4046705-158.png is obtained, i.e. the distribution on Image grohtml-4046705-159.png can be truncated. If PK does call SIMETA, calls to SIMETA by ERROR can be avoided. PK can obtain the values of ETA elements for the individual by a series of calls to SIMETA (this is illustrated explicitly in section III.E.2) and store them (i.e. list ETA) in a FORTRAN module shared with ERROR. Indeed, in this case ERROR must obtain the values this way; for if SIMETA is called by ERROR, the values so obtained are different from the values obtained by PK.

When the data are single-subject data, SIMETA should be called, rather than SIMEPS (see discussion in section B.1).

Consider one further example where it may be advantageous to recompute F in ERROR. Suppose the data were changed from observations y to log y values. Suppose too that a reasonable model for the original data is given by (4), so that a reasonable model for the new data is given by (5). A suitable code would be:

   DO 10 K=1,3

10 G(K)=G(K)/A

(assuming three Image grohtml-4046705-160.png -variables in the model for the PK parameters). Note that A is a work array, not the state vector in PROCM_REAL (see section D.A). If there are no Image grohtml-4046705-161.png -variables in this model, G need not be recomputed. The effect of this code with the new data is different from the effect of

   IF (ICALL.EQ.1) IDEF(1)=1

with the original data. Whereas the first code implements (4,5) exactly, this second code does not; see section A.

The value for F and the values for the G array returned to NONMEM by PREDPP (see Guide I) are exactly those values returned to PREDPP by ERROR in the arguments with the same names. The values returned by ERROR in HH to PREDPP (after possible "exponentiation" by PREDPP; see section B.1) are just those values returned by PREDPP in H to NONMEM. So, by taking advantage of the ability to recompute F and G in ERROR, as well as to compute H, PREDPP becomes in effect a PRED of the most general kind. Any regression problem that can be handled by NONMEM, can in principle be handled via PREDPP. It would not generally be efficient, though, to use PREDPP unless the value in F (and possibly G) input to ERROR is in fact needed.

With single-subject data the values returned by ERROR in HH to PREDPP are just those values returned by PREDPP in G to NONMEM. This is the usual behaviour required by NONMEM for single-subject data (and is a consequence of the single-subject assumption; see section A).

There is one type of population pharmacodynamic regression problem where the value in F (and possibly G) input to ERROR is needed, where this value is recomputed in ERROR, but where HH need not be computed. This is one where intraindividual variability cannot be expressed by a model for residual variability involving continuously distributed random Image grohtml-4046705-162.png variables, such as those models described in section A. An example of this occurs when the observation is pharmacodynamic, but discrete, a binary-valued outcome (0/1), say, where the probabilities that a 1 or 0 occurs depend on a scaled drug amount. However, they also may depend on pharmacodynamic parameters that vary from subject to subject, and/or the PK parameters themselves may vary from subject to subject. NONMEM can handle this type of problem, using an objective function that incorporates a model for random intraindividual variability which is appropriate for this type of an observation. Non-continuous observed responses are referred to as "odd-type data". Options LIKELIHOOD and -2LOGLIKELIHOOD on the ESTIMATION record are used to indicate to NONMEM that Y (with NM-TRAN abbreviated code) or F (with a user-supplied PRED or ERROR code) will be set to a (conditional) likelihood or -2 log (conditional) likelihood value, respectively. This can be done for all observations, or using F_FLAG (see Section D.B), for particular observations. The Image grohtml-4046705-163.png ’s, if any, are understood to be population etas. No Image grohtml-4046705-164.png variables may be used. NOMMEM gives instructions to PREDPP to avoid an incorrect single-subject assumption.

IV.C. ERROR Calling-Protocols

As the pharmacokinetic system is advanced, ERROR is called one or more times, each time with some argument record. The event records comprise these argument records, and are passed to ERROR in time order. The simulation and/or data analytic computations will normally be done correctly if routine ERROR is called with one event record after another (within an individual record), no event records being skipped, and no event record being repeated. This is the default. However, PREDPP can implement a few different protocols for calling ERROR. A protocol is specified by setting IDEF(2) to various values at ICALL=1 (for more about IDEF, see section B.1). The default is IDEF(2)=-1 (call with every event record), described above. The ERROR routine can be called only with each observation event record of the individual record. If this more limited sequence of calls is desired, this can be accomplished by setting IDEF(2)=0. Note, though, that in this case, IDEF(2) must be explicitly set to 0.

There are two general considerations to be remembered about calling-protocols with ERROR. First, no matter what calling-protocol is used, it applies only to calls to ERROR at ICALL=2; at ICALL=4 (i.e. during simulation) ERROR is always called with every event record. [This differs from calling-protocols with PK, where whatever calling-protocol is used for PK at ICALL=2 is the same as that used at ICALL=4.] Second, a calling-protocol that limits the sequence of calls to ERROR should not be requested when the value of F returned by ERROR may differ from the value input to ERROR.

Often, none of the Image grohtml-4046705-165.png derivatives depend on concomitant variables whose values vary within an individual record i.e. vary over time. This is true if y is given by (1) or (6), for example, or if Image grohtml-4046705-166.png is given by (5). This may not be true if y is given by (2); it depends on whether the value of Z varies over time. Unless there is only one observation per individual, this generally is not true if y is given by (3) or (4), since when time varies, Image grohtml-4046705-167.png varies, and time itself is to be regarded as a concomitant variable. When though this is true, then the values stored in the HH array must be the same for each observation event record of a given individual record (for THETA and ETA fixed). Considerable computation time can be saved; PREDPP need call ERROR only once per individual record, with the first event record only (for any given values of the THETA and ETA arrays). The user can request this calling-protocol by setting IDEF(2)=1. Since the first event record need not be an observation record, care must be taken that HH is indeed set with this record, and that any data items needed for this purpose are contained in that record.

Notice that with y given by (1), for example, the Image grohtml-4046705-168.png -derivatives do not depend on any concomitant variables, nor do they depend on Image grohtml-4046705-169.png or Image grohtml-4046705-170.png . In such a case the values stored in the HH array must be the same for each observation event record of the entire data set; indeed, these values could be computed only once during the entire NONMEM problem. If at ICALL=1, IDEF(2) is set to 2, then at ICALL=2 values for HH will always be taken to be (constant) values stored in HH at ICALL=1. Note that the HH array is initialized to zero immediately before the call to ERROR with ICALL=1.

If Image grohtml-4046705-171.png is given by (5), the derivatives of Image grohtml-4046705-172.png with respect to the Image grohtml-4046705-173.png -variables are particularly simple; they satisfy the requirement for using IDEF(2)=2. By setting IDEF(1)=1, the user is specifying that when ICALL=2, the derivatives of Image grohtml-4046705-174.png are to be found in HH (see section B.1). By also setting IDEF(2)=2, these derivatives are actually taken to be the values stored in HH at ICALL=1.

With NM-TRAN, the abbreviated code for error model (4)


is implemented as described above. The generated ERROR subroutine contains this code:


See V.L.1 and figure 19 for the PREDPP summary that describes the above implementation. Note that there was a change starting with with NONMEM IV. Earlier versions of NM-TRAN implemented the model (4) as in figure 9. Figure 17 gives the same results if the $ERROR abbreviated code is replaced by the subroutine of figure 9; the difference is only in the run time.

Even when IDEF(2)=0, 1, or 2, a call to ERROR with any given event record can be forced with the use of the CALL data item (see section V.J).

IDEF(2) may be set to -1, or not set at all, i.e. this is the default. This results in ERROR being called with every event record (see above).

When NM-TRAN abbreviated code is used, the reserved variable CALLFL may be used to specify the value for IDEF(2). E.g., to set IDEF(2)=-1, use:


Alternately, A calling protocol phrase can be used instead of the CALLFL pseudo-statement, e.g.,


IV.D. Global and Other Reserved Variables

ERROR, like PK, can access variables other than through its argument list. Most of the modules are discussed in Chapter III, Section I. This section lists some of the variables of interest for ERROR. The help Guide VIII can be used to obtain the exact declarations and all variables of interest.

IV.D.A. Global Input Variables



With both PK and ERROR, the amount in the Ith compartment Image grohtml-4046705-175.png at the event time at which the call to the subroutine occurs can be found in A(I). This is the state vector. These amounts are particulary useful when pharmacodynamic models are specified in ERROR (see section B.2 and the example in section G.4). If Image grohtml-4046705-176.png -variables are used in PK, the first and second partial derivatives of these amounts with respect to the Image grohtml-4046705-177.png ’s are also useful. The first-partial derivative Image grohtml-4046705-178.png can be found in DAETA(I,K), and the second-partial derivative Image grohtml-4046705-179.png , Image grohtml-4046705-180.png , can be found in D2AETA(I,K,L).

TSTATE is the state time associated with A, i.e., the time t at which A was computed.

ERROR should tell PREDPP whether or not it uses compartment amounts. See Section B.1, IDEF(3).


NEWL2 is similar to NEWIND.
NEWL2 = 1 if the data record is the first of an L2 record.
NEWL2 = 2 otherwise.


NONMEM sets NPDE_MODE=1 when it is computing NPD and NPDE for TABLE or SCATTERPLOT. Otherwise, NPDE_MODE=0 See DV_LOQ in section D.B.


May be used on the right in code for raw data averages at ICALL=6.


The dimensions of THETA, OMEGA, SIGMA. Never less than 1.

The following group of variables gives the values of THETA, OMEGA, SIGMA at different NONMEM steps. Some of these may also be used in PK and other PREDPP subroutines.


The current value of OMEGA.
The current value of SIGMA is also located in this array as follows:



Values of THETA, OMEGA and SIGMA that are produced during a Simulation Step using the user-supplied routine PRIOR.

The following group of variables are also used in PK and are discussed in Chapter III, Section I.A.


















With NONMEM 7.5, an Empirical method of Achieving Steady State may be used.
See INTRODUCTION TO NONMEM 7, section "An Empirical Method of Achieving Steady State"

The actual additional doses used is recorded in a reserved variable called ADDL_ACTUAL, accessible from $PK, $ERROR, $DES, and $AES. If ADDL_ACTUAL remains 0 for all records, this means the maximal number of doses ABS(ADDL) was reached before steady state occurred. The adjusted times are recorded in reserved variable ADDL_TIME, and the time difference between TIME (which is not altered) and ADDL_TIME is recorded in reserved variable ADDL_TIMEDIFF. The time of integration T for the ODE’s, TSTATE, DOSTIM, MTIME() are in reference to ADDL_TIME, not TIME, and the user’s model should be aware of this adjustment. When outputting results to a table, the relevant times displayed should be ADDL_TIME, not TIME. A user defined variable defined in $PK or $ERROR may store the ADDL_TIME value, such as ADDLTIME=ADDL_TIME and then ADDLTIME can be outputted to the table. IF $PK is given limited calls (such as with CALLFL=1), then ADDLTIME should be defined in $ERROR. Similarly, if $ERROR is given limited calls (such as OBS ONLY or CALLFL=0), then ADDLTIME should be defined in $PK. In this way, the user-defined variable ADDLTIME is updated for each outputted record. There is no harm in defining ADDLTIME in both $PK and $ERROR.

IV.D.B. Global Output Variables


Used when the values of epsilons used in the intraindividual model may be correlated across the observations contained in the L2 record. The ERROR routine should set CORRL2(k,m), for k=1,...,n, to the correlation between the values for the kth L2 observation and the nth L2 observation.




With a given data record, either of the limits CTLO or CTUP may be set, thus defining an interval of values comprising one of several categories equated with the possible values of a potential observa- tion. During a copying pass (and during ICALL=5 and 6), NONMEM sets PR_CT to the estimated probability that an observation will be of the category in question. DCTLO are first eta derivatives of CTLO; DDCTLO are second eta derivatives. Similarly for DCTUP and DDCTUP.


"LOQ" stands for "limit of quantification". If the user’s ERROR/PRED sets DV_LOQ and NPDE_MODE is set by NONMEM to 1, then the NPDE is being evaluated during this call, and this censored value is to be treated as if it is a non-censored datum with value of DV_LOQ. See NPDE_MODE in section D.A.


Setting F_FLAG to 1 (or 2) signals that Y is being set to a likelihood (or -2 log likelihood) value for this particular observation.


MDVRES stands for missing dependent variable (MDV) for residual (RES). Setting MDVRES to 1 is equivalent to temporarily declaring an observation as missing during the computation of residuals and weighted residuals



With a given data record, either of the limits YLO or YUP may be set so that during the analysis an interval is defined in which (or outside of which) an observation is conditioned to exist. During a copying pass (and during ICALL=5 and 6), NONMEM sets PR_Y to the estimated probability that an observation will fall within (or outside) the interval.

IV.D.C. Miscellaneous Global Variables


There is a file nonmem_reserved_general in the util directory. This contains USE statement for a number of other NONMEM variables that may be useful for advanced users. See Chapter III, Section I.C, for a dicussion.

IV.E. Displaying ERROR-Defined Items

A value stored in a variable (or array element) V in ERROR may be displayed in a table or scatterplot. To accomplish this, module NMPRD4 must be defined in ERROR, and V must be listed in NMPRD4. See the example in section G.4. Module NMPRD4 also provides a convenient place to store values of variables to be shared between ERROR and other routines, and it is used thusly when these routines are generated from NM-TRAN abbreviated code (see Guide IV). Reserved variable COMACT may be used on the right in ERROR. (INFN-defined and declared variables are also shared between user routines.)

The required declarations for NMPRD4 are described in section III.J.

IV.F. PRED Error-Recovery from ERROR

The reader should see section III.K for a discussion about PRED-error recovery from PREDPP. ERROR can force an immediate return to NONMEM from PREDPP with a nonzero PRED error return code and accompanying user message. The contents of F, G, and HH are ignored. The required declarations are described in section III.K.2.

IV.G. Examples

IV.G.1. Example I: Population Data

In this section example I, described in section III.L.1, is continued. In particular, the code for ERROR is considered here. An observation is modeled as in (4) (section A). The code for ERROR is given in Figure 9. (A corresponding NM-TRAN abbreviated code is shown in Figure 17, as part of an NM-TRAN control stream.) All elements of IDEF should be 0 at ICALL=1. Since it is unnecessary to explicitly set any element to 0, this is not done. At ICALL=1 the value of HH is ignored.

An alternative code for ERROR is given in Figure 10. (The NM-TRAN abbreviated code shown in Figure 17 would work just as well for this second code as for the first code.) It is shown to illustrate the ERROR routine when the Simulation Step is implemented along with a data analysis step. One should imagine that drug levels are being simulated under the same model as has been described for the data analysis (except see the remark below). The code is essentially like that of Figure 9, except that at ICALL=4 the value for the Image grohtml-4046705-181.png -variable is obtained using the NONMEM utility SIMEPS (see Guide IV, section III.B.13), and the value for the observation y is computed. The value for y is returned in F. Note that y is modeled as in (4), and the computation at ICALL=4 follows this model exactly. However, the computation at ICALL=2 actually implements a slightly different model for residual variability than is simulated; see the discussion in section A.

IV.G.2. Example II: A Mixture Model

In this section example II, described in section III.L.2, is continued. An observation is modeled as in (4) (section A). Therefore, the code for ERROR is the same as that for Example I and shown in Figure 9.

IV.G.3. Example III: Single-Subject Data

In this section example III, described in section III.L.3, is continued. An observation is modeled as in (1) (section A). The data is from a single subject. Therefore, the Image grohtml-4046705-182.png -variable is to be regarded as an Image grohtml-4046705-183.png -variable (see section B.1). The code for ERROR is given in Figure 11. (A corresponding NM-TRAN abbreviated code is shown in Figure 26, as part of an NM-TRAN control stream.) Since the Image grohtml-4046705-184.png -derivative does not depend on any concomitant variables, nor does it depend on Image grohtml-4046705-185.png or Image grohtml-4046705-186.png , ERROR need be called only once in the problem. Therefore, at ICALL=1 IDEF(2) is set to 2, and the derivative is stored in HH. Since ERROR is called only once (at ICALL=1), ICALL need not be tested.

An alternative code is shown in Figure 12. (The NM-TRAN abbreviated code shown in Figure 26 would work just as well for this second code as for the first code.) It is shown to illustrate the ERROR routine when the Simulation Step is implemented along with a data analysis step.

IV.G.4. Example IV: Single-Subject Pharmacodynamic Data

In this section example IV, described in section III.L.4, is continued. An observation is modeled as in (3) (section A). The data is from a single subject. Therefore, the Image grohtml-4046705-187.png -variable is to be regarded as an Image grohtml-4046705-188.png -variable (see section B.1). The code for ERROR is given in Figure 13. (A corresponding NM-TRAN abbreviated code is shown in Figure 30, as part of an NM-TRAN control stream.) The pharmacodynamic model is given by a simple "Emax type" model:

Image grohtml-404670523.png

where P=(K12,K20,K30,VD, Image grohtml-4046705-190.png , Image grohtml-4046705-191.png ), and Ce is the concentration in the effect compartment based on K12, K20, K30, and VD.

An alternative code is shown in Figure 14. (A corresponding NM-TRAN abbreviated code is shown in Figure 32, as part of an NM-TRAN control stream.) It is shown to illustrate the the ability to display ERROR-defined items. In this case the intent is to display the concentrations in both the central and effect compartments. The control stream requesting the display is described in section V.L.4. The code in Figure 14 just shows how these concentrations become ERROR-defined. It also illustrates the use of the state vector A in PROCM_REAL (see section D.A).

IV.H. Other Subroutines That May Be Called


The NONMEM utility routine RANDOM may be called by ERROR during the Simulation Step (ICALL=4) and when data averages are being computed (ICALL=5) to obtain numbers from different random sources.