NONMEM Users Guide Part V - Introductory Guide - Chapter P

NONMEM Users Guide Part V - Introductory Guide - Chapter P


This edition of "NONMEM Users Guide - Part V Introductory Guide" is distributed with NONMEM 7.2. It is the first new edition since 1994. Details that have changed since the previous edition have been corrected, and some new features have been added.

Significant changes are marked with bars.

Examples of NONMEM outputs have not been updated. They remain as they were in 1994 and are from NONMEM IV. With later versions of NONMEM there are changes in the outputs. In some cases the wording has been changed; there is new content; and the numerical results may have changed slightly. But none of this affects the features and methodology that Lewis Sheiner described in chapters 2, 10, and 11.

True to its purpose as an instructional guide for new users of NONMEM, this Guide remains oriented to the classic NONMEM methods and basic features (through NONMEM VI). References to even earlier versions of NONMEM and PREDPP have been deleted.