Chapter 12 - Brief Descriptions of Other Features
This chapter briefly describes a variety of features of PREDPP and NONMEM that are somewhat advanced for this text but are of interest to most users of NONMEM. References are given to other documents where additional information can be found. Section 2 is concerned with PREDPP, Section 3 is concerned with user-written PREDs, and Section 4 describes general NONMEM features. Section 5 contains an example that includes several of the advanced features. Descriptions of NM-TRAN control records in Section 4 have been augmented with sections headed "More about ...". These contain additional details, plus new options for NONMEM 7.3. Section 6 is new for NONMEM 7.3. It contains a supplemental list of features through NONMEM 7.4, including features from previous releases that are not otherwise discussed in this guide.
Note that wherever $PK, $ERROR, $DES, $AES, $MODEL, $MIX, $INFN, $TOL and $PRED statements are referred to below, user-written subroutines PK, ERROR, DES, AES, MODEL, MIX, INFN, TOL and PRED can be used instead.
$ERROR statements may
modify the value of F, the scaled drug concentration. They
may also introduce new
variables. This allows pharmacodynamic modeling to be
performed using PREDPP. Such models occur when a study
involves measurement of a drug effect, such as blood
pressure. A proposed model might relate the predicted effect
to a pharmacokinetic quantity such as plasma level. PREDPP
can be used to model
as is usual, and the predicted effect can be computed in the
$ERROR statements.
For example, suppose that a modified version of the phenobarbital data of Chapter 2 includes observations of some drug effect (in this case, perhaps a measure of the degree of sedation) but none of the concentration observations. The dose event records are the same as those of the earlier example. Suppose that the drug concentrations from each individual have been used to estimate that individual’s K and V parameters, and that these estimates are now included on every event record for the individual. Finally, suppose that the proposed structural model for the effect, E, is an "E-max" model:
where here
is understood to mean the prediction of an
individual’s drug concentration in the plasma, and
are PD (pharmacodynamic parameters) modeled as
To fit this data we can
use the control statements of figure 12.1. To obtain initial
parameter estimates, let us assume that the following is
observable in the data. The average value of all effect
measurements is about 50. Across individuals, the average
value of the largest effect measurement within each
individual’s data is about 100, and the average value
of the individual’s observed concentration at about
half this largest measurement is about 20. (This is seen
when concentration measurements and effect measurements are
examined together.) Let us also assume 20% random
interindividual variability in
and 4% intraindividual variability in the observation. From
this we obtain initial estimates of 100 and 20 for
, and
This example is examined again in in Section 3.2, which shows the use of $PRED statements, and in Section 5, which shows how observed concentrations and effects can be fit simultaneously.
References: Users Guide VI (PREDPP) IV.B.2
Figure 12.1. The input to NONMEM-PREDPP for analysis of effect observations.
Appendix 1 lists ADVAN
routines for the most commonly-used pharmacokinetic models.
Other ADVAN routines are:
ADVAN5 (General Linear)
ADVAN6 (General Nonlinear)
ADVAN7 (General Linear with Real Eigenvalues)
ADVAN8 (General Nonlinear Kinetics with Stiff Equations)
ADVAN9 (General Nonlinear Kinetics with Equilibrium
ADVAN13 (General Nonlinear Kinetics With Stiff/Nonstiff
Equations using LSODA)(nm71)
ADVAN14 (General Nonlinear Kinetics With Stiff/Nonstiff
Equations using CVODES)(nm74)
ADVAN15 (General Nonlinear Kinetics with Equilibrium
Compartments using IDAS)(nm74)
ADVAN16 (General Nonlinear Kinetics with Stiff/Nonstiff and
Delay Equations using RADAR5 (nm75)
ADVAN17 (General Nonlinear Kinetics with Equilibrium
Compartments using RADAR5)(nm75)
ADVAN18 (General Nonlinear Kinetics with Nonstiff and Delay
Equations using DDE_SOLVER (nm75)
With the general methods the user defines a model of up to 999 compartments using special options of the $MODEL record. For a linear model (ADVAN5 and ADVAN7), it is sufficient to specify (directed) compartmental connections and to compute their rate constant parameters with $PK statements. ADVAN 5 and 7 make use of numerical approximations to the matrix exponential. For a nonlinear model (ADVAN6, ADVAN8, ADVAN9, ADVAN13, ADVAN14, ADVAN15, ADVAN16, ADVAN17, ADVAN18), differential equations must be supplied to govern the kinetics, via $DES statements. It is possible to specify initial conditions for the differential equations using the I_SS (Initial Steady State) feature; Reserved variable ISSMOD may be used.
For ADVAN9, ADVAN15 and ADVAN17, algebraic equations may also be supplied via $AES statements.
The use of the term ’nonlinear’ with ADVAN 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, only indicates that a system of any type of first-order differential equations is allowed; such equations could be linear or non-linear.
In all cases, the basic features of PREDPP described in Chapter 7 are still available, such as the ability to introduce doses of any kind to any compartment of the model. It should be noted that the general ADVAN routines are relatively slow. For example, when a general method is used for a model identical to that of an analytic method (ADVAN1 through ADVAN4 or ADVAN10 through ADVAN12) the run time increases, usually by an order of magnitude.
Some ADVAN and SS routines must be told the number of accurate digits that are required in the computation of drug amounts, i.e., the relative tolerance. They may also be told the absolute tolerance. With some ADVAN and SS, the tolerances may be specified for each compartment. They may be specified by $SUBROUTINES record options TOL, ATOL, SSTOL, SSATOL; by the corresponding options of the $TOL record; or by user-written subroutine TOL (which may also specify tolerances by NONMEM Step). Option TOL (relative tolerance) may also be specified on the $COVARIANCE record. Option ATOL (absolute tolerance) may also be specified on $ESTIMATION and $COVARIANCE records.
See Guide NONMEM 7, "Controlling the Accuracy of the Gradient Evaluation and Individual Objective Function Evaluation"
With ADVAN9, ADVAN13, ADVAN14, and ADVAN15, reserved variable MXSTEP may be used to set the number of integration steps.
With $AES, $AESINIT statements are also required. If there is no TIME data item, $AESINIT may specify a calling protocol for the AES subroutine. (See 2.7 below for a discussion of calling protocols.)
CALLFL=-1: |
Call ADVAN9 and ADVAN15 and AES with every event record (default)
Call ADVAN9 and ADVAN15 and AES once per individual record.
Equivalent calling protocol phrases are:
References: Users Guide
References: Users Guide IV (NM-TRAN) V.C.3, 4,
Instantaneous bolus
doses, which have AMT>0 and RATE=0, are described in
Chapter 6. Such doses appear instantaneously in the dose
compartment. Zero-order bolus doses are doses that enter the
dose compartment via a zero-order process (in the same
manner as do infusions) except that the rate or duration of
the process is computed with $PK statements. When the RATE
data item has the value -1, then the $PK statements must
include an assignment statement for an additional PK
parameter, Rn (the "modeled rate for compartment
n"), whose value gives the rate of entry of the drug
during the interval of time between the last event record
and the current one. There is a different such parameter for
every compartment receiving a zero-order bolus dose. When
the RATE data item has the value -2, then the $PK statements
must include an assignment statement for an additional PK
parameter, Dn (the "modeled duration for compartment
n"), whose value at the time of the dose event gives
the duration time of the dose. The rate and duration
parameters can be modeled like any other PK parameters; in
particular, the assignment statements can involve
’s which are to be estimated. These parameters can be
used to model the drug release rate or dissolution time of a
tablet or capsule.
Steady-state levels involving zero-order bolus doses can be computed.
Steady-state with constant infusion was described in Chapter 6. Steady-state infusions may also have modeled rates (i.e., the RATE data item may be -1).
References: Users Guide VI (PREDPP) III.F.3, F.4
ADDL is a dose-related data item that is used to request that a given number of additional doses, just like the dose specified on the event record, be added to the system at a regular time interval, starting from the time on the event record. PREDPP itself adds these doses at the appropriate future times; no actual dose event record is generated by the Data Preprocessor or by PREDPP. A positive integer value in ADDL specifies how many additional doses (i.e., in addition to that already specified in the event record) are to be given, and the value in the II (interdose interval) data item (which is required) specifies the time interval between doses.
ADDL may be non-zero on a
steady-state dose event record (except for steady-state
infusions), in which case additional doses are given,
maintaining the dosing regimen into the future.
Non-steady-state kinetic formulas are used to advance the
system between each additional dose. Reserved variables
DOSTIM (the time of a lagged dose or additional dose to
which the system is being advanced) and DOSREC (the dose
record corresponding to the dose entering at DOSTIM) may be
See also Section 2.6 below.
References: Users Guide VI (PREDPP) V.K
PREDPP permits an
additional PK parameter called an absorption lag time. One
such parameter can be defined for each compartment and
applies to all doses to that compartment. It gives the
amount of time that a dose is held as a "pending"
dose. When the absorption lag time has expired, the dose is
input into the system. In effect, the value of the
absorption lag time parameter is added to the value of the
TIME data item on the dose event record. With NM-TRAN,
recognized names for absorption lag time parameters have the
form ALAGn, where n is the compartment number. Reserved
variables DOSTIM (the time of a lagged dose or additional
dose to which the system is being advanced) and DOSREC (the
dose record corresponding to the dose entering at DOSTIM)
may be used.
See also Section 2.6 below.
See Guide VI, Chapter V, Note 3 for the effect of ALAGn with Steady-State doses.
References: Users Guide
References: Users Guide IV (NM-TRAN) V.C.5
Model event times MTIME(i) are additional PK parameters defined in the PK routine or $PK block. A model event time is not associated with any compartment, but, like an absorption lag time, defines a time to which the system is advanced. When the time is reached, indicator variables are set and a call to PK is made. At this call (and/or subsequent to this call) PK or DES or AES or ERROR can use the indicator variables to change some aspect of the system, e.g., a term in a differential equation, or the rate of an infusion. Reserved variables MNEXT, MPAST, MNOW, MTDIFF may be used.
MTIME does not apply to Steady-State doses. See Guide VI, Chapter V, Note 4.
In order to evaluate the $PK and $ERROR statements, PREDPP calls the PK and ERROR subroutines. By default, the subroutines are called with every event record. PREDPP may be instructed to limit calls to certain event records in order to save the computing time involved with unnecessary calls (e.g. when the PK parameters do not vary from event record to event record within an individual). It is also possible to cause the PK subroutine to be called at times which do not correspond to any actual event record.
Using NM-TRAN, calls to PK are controlled by the presence of one of the following pseudo-statements, at the start of the $PK block:
CALLFL=-2: |
call with every event record, at additional and lagged dose times, and at modeled event times.
CALLFL=-1: |
call with every event record (default).
call with the first event record of each individual record and with new values of TIME.
call once per individual record.
A calling protocol phrase may be used instead of a pseudo-statement. A calling protocol phrase may use upper- or lower-case characters. It must be enclosed in parentheses. NM-TRAN can understand minor variations in the wording. E.g., the word "CALL" and prepositions such as WITH can be omitted. Here are calling protocol phrases equivalent to the above four pseudo-statements, respectively.
TIMES) is intended to be used when PK parameters Dn
and/or Fn apply to additional or lagged doses and the
model for these parameters depends on some time-varying
concomitant variable such as type of drug preparation or
patient weight. By default, the values of the PK parameters
which apply to the dose are those values computed by PK with
the first event record having a value of TIME greater than
the time at which the dose actually enters the system (the
additional or lagged dose time). However, if PREDPP is
instructed to also call PK at the additional or lagged dose
time, then the values of the PK parameters are those values
computed at these special calls. At such calls, PK has
available to it information from the initiating dose event
record itself, and information from the two event records
whose TIME values bracket the additional or lagged dose
time. Along with CALLFL=-2 in the $PK block, the
NM-TRAN $BIND record may be useful; see Users Guide IV.
Using NM-TRAN, calls to ERROR are controlled by the presence
of one of the following pseudo-statements at the start of
the $ERROR block:
CALLFL=-1: |
call with every event record (default). |
call with observation events only. |
call once per individual record. |
A calling protocol phrase may be used instead of
a pseudo-statement. As in the $PK block, the calling
protocol phrase may use upper- or lower-case characters and
must be enclosed in parentheses.
Here are calling protocol phrases equivalent to the above
three pseudo-statements, respectively.
NM-TRAN automatically instructs PREDPP to limit
calls to ERROR to once per problem for the simple
error models discussed in Chapter 8, Sections 3.1 and 3.2:
During the Simulation Step, PREDPP ignores any limitation
and calls the ERROR subroutine with every event record.
Even when calls to PK and/or ERROR are limited, the CALL
input data item can be used to force additional calls for
specific event records as needed.
References: Users Guide VI (PREDPP) III.B.2, III.H, IV.C,
References: Users Guide IV (NM-TRAN) V.C.5, C.6
With all versions of
PREDPP output-type compartments may be defined using
the $MODEL record. Suppose there is a compartment named
METABURI (for metabolite in urine). If it is to be an
output-type compartment, it must defined as follows:
The compartment is initally off, may be turned on and off,
and may not receive a dose. Just as with the default output
compartment, CMT may be negative on an observation record,
allowing the observation to be obtained, and then the
compartment turned off, with a single record. There may be
more than one such compartment, in addition to the default
output compartment. An output-type compartment must be
turned on with an other-type event record in order to start
accumulating drug. An output-type is not computed by
mass-balance, but must instead be computed explictly by the
ADVAN routine, e.g., using a differential equation when a
general non-linear model is used.
For an example, see Chapter 6, Section 9.
ID TIME EVID UVOL DV CMT AMT 1 9.50 0 75 .058 -3 0
With ADVAN2, compartment
3 is the default compartment for output, and the observation
at TIME 9.50 may have CMT=-3. But suppose a general linear
or non-linear model is used (ADVAN5,6,7,8,9,13) and there
are more than 3 user-defined compartments.
If the $MODEL statement describes the 3d. compartment as
then the default compartment attributes apply (initial on,
off/on allowed, dose allowed) and the compartment is not an
output-type compartment. PREDPP produces this error message
for data record 3:
There are two ways to avoid this error message. First, it is
always possible (for any compartment that may be turned off,
even the output compartment) to use two records instead of
one, e.g., first the observation, then a record with EVID=2
that turns off the compartment:
1 9.50 0 75 .058 3 0 1 9.50 2 0 0 -3 0
Alternately, it is possible to leave the data as-is, and change the $MODEL statement so that compartment 3 is an output-type compartment.
NONMEM may be used to
modify the data records before any computations are
performed and also after all computations have been
performed. This is referred to as transgeneration of
the data. Transgeneration at the beginning of a problem can
be used, for example, to change weight-normalized doses to
unnormalized doses. PREDPP allows the user to supply a
subroutine called INFN or a $INFN block of abbreviated code
("initialization/finalization") in which
transgeneration can be performed. (The PREDPP library
includes a default INFN subroutine which does nothing.)
The NONMEM PASS subroutine is used for transgeneration.
$INFN and $PRED code may use the following statements to
process each record of the data set. ICALL values may be 0,
1 or 3, for run initializaton, problem initialization, and
problem finalization, respectively.
Reserved variable PASSRC may be of interest.
References: Users Guide VI (PREDPP) VI.A
It is not necessary to
use PREDPP with NONMEM. Either $PRED statements or a
user-written PRED subroutine may be used in place of PREDPP
to supply NONMEM with predicted values for the DV data item
according to some (not necessarily pharmacokinetic) model.
An example using $PRED statements is given here. A special
caveat applies to user-written PRED subroutines that are
recursive: see 4.6 below.
References: Users Guide I (Basic) C.2
The only required data
items when PREDPP is not used are the NONMEM data items DV,
MDV, and ID. When PREDPP is used, the Data Preprocessor is
able to recognize which records contain observed values and
which do not, and it supplies the MDV data item if it is not
already present in the data file. When PREDPP is not used,
the Data Preprocessor cannot do this. The input data file
must already contain the MDV data item if it is needed,
i.e., if the DV item of some data record does not contain a
value of an actual observation.
If $PRED statements are used, they must calculate a variable
called Y, using input data items and NONMEM’s
, and (for population models)
vectors in the calculation.
References: Users Guide I (Basic) B.1
References: Users Guide IV (NM-TRAN) III.B.8
The syntax of $PRED statements is essentially the same as discussed for $PK and $ERROR statements. $PRED statements can be used for simple pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic models. In figure 12.1 above an example was given of pharmacodynamic modeling using $ERROR statements. Suppose that in that example, drug concentration is always measured at the same time as drug effect. Suppose too, that rather than input the individuals’ values of K and V and use them to compute a predicted drug concentration for the individual, the observed drug concentration itself is used in the Emax model. This means that the the observed concentrations are again incorporated into the data, but now as values of an independent variable, rather than as the DV data item. This also means that a pharmacokinetic model is not needed, and therefore, PREDPP is not needed either. Figure 12.2 shows the control stream for this new example.
Figure 12.2. The input to NONMEM including $PRED statements for analysis of effect data.
In the examples of
Chapter 2 and 9, there appeared statements such as:
$OMEGA .0000055, .04
This is an example of the specification of initial parameter
estimates for a variance-covariance
matrix which is constrained to be diagonal. Initial
estimates are given for the variances of
and of
. The covariance between
is constrained to be 0, i.e.,
. Another way of writing this statement is:
$OMEGA DIAGONAL(2) .0000055, .04
The option DIAGONAL(2) states explicitly that the
block contains two
s and that it has diagonal form.
If the data supports the possibility that
covary with each other, it may be useful to model
as being unconstrained and allow NONMEM to estimate the
covariance. A special form of the $OMEGA record is used, in
which initial values are supplied for both variances and the
covariance. For example:
$OMEGA BLOCK(2) .0000055, .0000001, .04
The option BLOCK(2) states that there are two
variables in the block, and that covariance is to be
estimated. The new element is
$OMEGA BLOCK is used for both population and individual
studies, i.e., it is the same whether
is used in the first case in a model for residual error or
is used in the second case in a model for random
interindividual error. In a population study, if there is
more than one
variable, and the model allows these variables to covary,
then $SIGMA BLOCK is used in a similar manner.
The initial estimates of even more complicated
matrices may be given using multiple $OMEGA and $SIGMA
records. For example, the initial estimates of a mixture of
correlated and uncorrelated random variables may given.
Also, in this context (as with the simple form of the $OMEGA
and $SIGMA records described in Chapter 9, Section 3)
variances-covariances may be constrained to fixed values by
means of the FIXED option. Finally, some
variances-covariances may be constrained to equal others by
means of the BLOCK SAME option.
The ability to fix all variances-covariances in both
allows Bayesian estimates to be obtained of the
pharmacokinetic parameters of a single individual, based on
the individual’s data and a prior population
distribution for the parameters.
References: Users Guide IV (NM-TRAN) III.B.10
Initial estimates of a
block of $OMEGA or $SIGMA must be positive definite unless
the entire block is fixed to 0.
If initial estimates of a block of $OMEGA or $SIGMA is not
positive definite because of rounding errors, a value will
be added to the diagonal elements to make it positive
definite. A message in the NONMEM report file will indicate
if this was done. (nm73).
Additional options include:
VARIANCE (initial estimates of diagonal elements are
variances (default))
STANDARD or SD (initial estimates of diagonal
elements are standard deviations)
COVARIANCE (initial elements of off-diagonal elements
are covariances (default))
CORRELATION (initial elements of off-diagonal elements
are correlation)
CHOLESKY (the block is specified in its Cholesky form)
NONMEM converts all initial estimates to variance and
covariances. The values desplayed in the NONMEM report and
in the raw and additional output files are always variances
and covariances.
If the initial estimate of $OMEGA or $SIGMA has
band-symmetric form, NONMEM will be constrained to retain
this form (nm7).
Special value of $OMEGA elements for unconstrained etas: If
all diagonal elements of $OMEGA are "1.0E+06
FIXED" this indicates that, in a multi-subject data
set, each subject’s data is to be analyzed as
individual data. This is described by NONMEM as
Short-cuts may be used for entering repeated
BLOCK SAME(m) option |
A count m may be included. With $OMEGA BLOCK(n) SAME(m) the $OMEGA BLOCK(n) SAME record is repeated m times. Similarly for $SIGMA records (nm73).
$THETA, $OMEGA, $SIGMA Repeated values |
When specifying initial estimates, a repeated value can be coded using notation (...)xn. E.g., $OMEGA (2)x4 can be used in place of $OMEGA 2 2 2 2. Simliarly for $SIGMA and $THETA.
If initial estimates of all diagonal elements of $OMEGA or $SIGMA are the same, and initial estimates of all off-diagonal elements are the same, they can be specified simply as $OMEGA BLOCK(n)VALUES(diag,odiag).
Informative record names for $OMEGA and
$SIGMA may be used to make it easier place the
records in the control stream.
$OMEGAP specifies omega priors
$OMEGAPD specifies degrees of freedom (or dispersion
factor) for omega priors
They are identical to $OMEGA records, but
understood to specify prior information for NWPRI. They may
be placed anywhere in the control stream, whereas the same
records without "P" or "PD" would have
to be in a specific location.
Informative record names $SIGMAP and
$SIGMAPD may be used similarly.
The $ERROR statements for
a problem may sometimes involve more than one random
variable. For example, there may be two types of
observations. One type may be an observation from one
compartment of a PK system, or with one assay or
preparation, and another type may be an observation from a
different compartment or with a different assay or
preparation. The model for the two types of observations
would typically involve at least two
variables (e.g. (3.8)). If all observations are made at
sufficiently separated times, there may be little reason to
be concerned about correlation between the two random
errors. However, if the two types of observations are taken
at the same or very close to the same time, it is possible
that correlation will exist; whatever circumstance has
influenced one observation to be different from the
predicted level may also have some influence on the other
observation. In this case a covariance between the two
variables should be allowed, as described above in Section
4.1. Then the two types of observations at the same time
point are regarded as two elements of a multivariate
In the case of population data, there exists a NONMEM data
item, L2, which is used to identify the elements of a
multivariate observation. In effect, L2 acts in a similar
way as ID, but grouping observations within
individual records.
In the case of individual data, the ID data item already
serves this purpose: it forms groups of observations whose
variables may be correlated. Thus, in the input data file,
the ID data item should be the same for those observations
which may have correlated
s. However, for individual data, the Data Preprocessor
normally replaces the ID data item with a new set of values
which describe every observation as being independent of the
others. To prevent the Data Preprocessor from doing this, L1
should be included in the $INPUT record as the name or
synonym for the user-supplied ID data item.
Auto-correlation: The values of epsilons used in the
intraindividual model may be correlated across the
observations contained in the L2 record. Auto-correlation
may be part of both Simulation and Estimation. The CORRL2
reserved variable may be used.
References: Users Guide IV (NM-TRAN) II.C.4, III.B.2
References: Users Guide II (Supplemental) D.3
The MSFO (Model
Specification Output File) option of the $ESTIMATION record
instructs NONMEM to write a Model Specification File
(MSF). It is created when NONMEM writes the first
iteration summary to the intermediate output file, and is
re-written when every subsequent iteration summary is
written. This file can then be read in a subsequent NONMEM
run using a $MSFI (Model Specification File Input) record.
This file has much of the information about the model used
in the previous run, thus the name "Model Specification
File". It also contains all the information that allows
the Estimation Step from the previous run (which may have
terminated, for example, due to the number of function
evaluations exceeding its limit or a computer crash or some
other externally-caused interruption of the NONMEM run) to
be continued in the subsequent run. There are a number of
benefits to using a MSF. First, what might be a long
Estimation Step (due to a very lengthy search) can be split
over a series of runs, each with a limited number of
function evaluations. Any run which terminates prematurely
due to computer failure can be restarted from the MSF output
in the previous run. (This provides a
"checkpoint/restart" capability.) The progress
made in the Estimation Step can also be evaluated between
runs, and a decision made as to whether it is worth
continuing a search which is consuming excessive amounts of
computer time. Second, the Covariance, Tables, and
Scatterplot Steps can be performed in later runs, each using
the MSF from the final run with the Estimation Step. It is
advisable to perform the Covariance Step only after
satisfactory results have been obtained from the Estimation
Step. Third, when NONMEM writes to the MSF, it also writes
iteration summaries to the intermediate printout file
(INTER). These iteration summaries are in the original
parameterization (nm72).
Options are described in Guide VIII. These include
information to NM-TRAN rather than NONMEM.) The VERSION
option allows NONMEM to read MSF files generated by previous
versions of NONMEM (nm74). The NOMSFTEST option tells NONMEM
to turn off strict MSFI error testing (nm74).
Option NEW allows analysis to continue, or to allow an
analysis on a new data set, resuming from the final
parameters of the MSF file. (nm74)
References: Users Guide I (Basic) C.4.4
References: Users Guide IV (NM-TRAN) III.B.6, B.12
References: Introduction to NONMEM 7
NONMEM can be directed to
obtain initial estimates for one or more elements of
, or
. This is done in a separate Initial Estimates Step. For an
element of
, omit the initial estimate but include lower and upper
bounds, e.g., (1, ,50) in the $THETA record. (The
NUMBERPOINTS option may be used to control the number of
points in
space examined by NONMEM during the search for initial
estimates of
.) For a block of
, omit all initial estimates on the $OMEGA BLOCK (or
DIAGONAL) record, or $SIGMA BLOCK (or DIAGONAL) record,
Note that when $PK and $ERROR statements are present but the
$OMEGA and/or $SIGMA records are absent, NONMEM will be
directed to obtain initial estimates for the variances of
the random variables in question, assuming the diagonal form
of the matrix.
References: Users Guide IV (NM-TRAN) III.B.9-11
The Estimation Step can
be immediately repeated after the search has terminated
successfully, by including the REPEAT option on the
$ESTIMATION record. This can improve the accuracy of the
parameter estimates when one or more initial estimates are
wrong by a few orders of magnitude. The final estimates from
the first implementation of the Estimation Step are used as
the initial estimates of the second implementation, and thus
the scaling used with the STP is different from that with
the first implementation, allowing fewer leading zeros after
the decimal point in the STP. When the Estimation Step is
continued by means of a Model Specification File, similar
rescaling can be requested using the RESCALE option
of the $MSFI record.
References: Users Guide IV (NM-TRAN) III.B.12, B.14
References: Users Guide II (Supplemental) F
The Covariance Step,
which computes standard errors of the parameter estimates,
first computes a covariance matrix of the parameter
estimates. (This is not the same as the
matrix). It is possible to request that this covariance
matrix be computed in one of three different ways: either as
, or
(the default), where
are two matrices from statistical theory, the Hessian and
Cross-Product Gradient matrices, respectively. Options
record are used to request the
matrices, respectively. The Covariance Step can produce
additional output. When the default covariance matrix is
can be printed. This is requested by options
PRINT=R and/or PRINT=S. Eigenvalues are be
printed if requested by option PRINT=E. Multiple
PRINT options can be specified.
A special computation is required when the data are
from a single individual and a recursive PRED is used. A
recursive PRED is one which stores the results of certain
computations using the values from one event record, and
uses these results in later computations with the values
from a later event record. PREDPP advances the kinetic
system from one time point to the next and therefore is an
example of a recursive PRED. When PREDPP is used and the
data is from a single individual, NM-TRAN automatically
requests the special computation. When a recursive
user-written PRED is used and the data are from a single
individual, the SPECIAL option of the $COVARIANCE
record must be used.
The CONDITIONAL option of the $COVARIANCE record
requests that the Covariance Step be implemented only if
Estimation Step terminates successfully, and is the default.
The UNCONDITIONAL option can be used to request
that it be implemented no matter how the Estimation Step
References: Users Guide IV (NM-TRAN) III.B.15
References: Users Guide II (Supplemental) D.2.5
Other options of
COMPRESS (affects how the Covariance matrices are
displayed in the NONMEM report)
NOSLOW|SLOW (SLOW Requests a slower method of
SIGL|SIGLO (affects how computations are done in the
Covariance Step)
RESUME (allows the Covariance Step to resume from a
NOFCOV (turns of the Covariance Step for Estimation
steps using the classical methods)
The $ESTIMATION record option NOCOV may be used to turn off
the Covariance Step following a particular Estimation step,
and to turn it back on again.
See Section 6.8 for more about $COV.
NONMEM can implement more
than one problem in a single run. That is, the input control
stream can contain more than one $PROBLEM record, each
followed by its own set of problem specification statements.
This feature can be useful in a variety of situations. A
series of what otherwise would be separate runs, each
analyzing a single individual’s data within a
population data file, can be performed conveniently without
building separate data files for each individual. Also, more
than one data set can be analyzed using the same model and
the same problem specification. Multiple problems are also
useful with NONMEM’s Simulation Step, described below.
Note that abbreviated code such as $PK and $ERROR statements
cannot appear after the first problem. If the $DATA record
is omitted or the filename is specified as * on a $DATA
record in a problem subsequent to the first, the previous
data set is re-used.
With multiple problems, the following NONMEM reserved
variables are of interest:
A sequence of problems may be defined to be a
superproblem by means of the NM-TRAN $SUPER record,
and NONMEM may also be directed to repeat them a specific
number of times.
With superproblems, the following NONMEM reserved variables
are of interest:
SKIP_ variable for Superproblem termination
References: Users Guide IV (NM-TRAN) III.B.1
The term
simulation refers to the generation of data points
according to some model. A simple form of simulation is
performed when the Estimation Step is omitted but the Table
Step is implemented. The PRED column of the table contains
predictions based on the information in the data records and
the initial estimates of
, under the model specified in the PRED (PREDPP) subroutine.
Random variables
(if any) have no effect on the predictions and may be
omitted. If the only purpose of the run is to obtain
simulated values, and these variables are present, it is
best (but not required) that their variances be fixed to 0.
NONMEM does not compute the objective function in this
circumstance, which has certain advantages.
NONMEM can also perform a Simulation Step, in which another
type of simulation is performed. In the Simulation Step,
each value of the DV data item of each record with MDV=0 is
replaced by a simulated observation generated from the
model, but including statistical variability†.
† During the
Simulation Step, values of F computed by PRED or PREDPP for
records having MDV=1 are irrelevant and are ignored by
The PRED (PREDPP) routine
values that are supplied by NONMEM according to
user-specified random distributions (e.g., with variances
given by the initial estimates of
). If
matrices are fixed to zero, for example, the simulated
values are the same as the predictions described above.
If the data are then displayed by the Table Step, the DV
column for records with MDV=0 contains the simulated
observations obtained from the Simulation Step. For records
having MDV=1, the DV column contains whatever was in the
original data record. The PRED column of the table contains
predictions as described above. If the Estimation Step was
not implemented, the values of
used for these predictions are the initial values. If the
Estimation Step was implemented, the values of
used for the predictions in the PRED column are the final
parameter estimates. Note that the observations that are fit
during the search are the simulated values obtained by the
Simulation Step.
Often data are simulated using the Simulation Step, then
analyzed using one or more other steps (e.g. Estimation and
Covariance Steps), and this process is repeated a fixed
number of times, using the same model. The Simulation Step
accommodates this easily with the notion of a NONMEM
subproblem, whereby these steps are repeated within the
same NONMEM problem. However, on occasion it can be useful
to have multiple problems (see Section 4.7), where one
problem implements the Simulation Step, and the subsequent
problem implements other steps. For example, this is one way
to obtain different initial parameter estimates for the
Estimation Step than for the Simulation Step.
The ONLYSIMULATION option causes NONMEM to suppress
evaluation of the objective function. With this option,
PRED-defined variables displayed in tables and scatterplots
(see Section 4.13) are simulated values, i.e., use simulated
s and initial
s, and weighted residual values in tables and scatterplots
are always 0.
References: Users Guide IV (NM-TRAN) III.B.13
References: Users Guide VI (PREDPP) III.E.2, L.1 , IV.B.1-2,
C, G.1
With simulation,
subroutines SIMETA and SIMEPS are used.
With simulation and subproblems, the data set for each
subproblem after the first is the same data set used by the
previous subproblem, and includes any changes
(transgeneration) made by the previous subproblem. With
nm74, the REWIND option of $SIMULATION may be used to
request that the original data set be used for all
sub-problems. (If transgeneration is performed on the data
set by $INFN when ICALL=1, the resulting data set is
considered to be the original data set.)
See Section 6 for a discussion of the BOOTSTRAP and STRAT
(stratification) features of simulation, and also
parallelization during simulation.
The following NONMEM reserved variables are of interest
during simulation:
NONMEM subroutine RANDOM may be used in abbreviated code to
obtain numbers from a random source (nmiv, nm7).
The $SIMULATION record has other options, including:
a random seed and options NEW, NORMAL,
UNIFORM, or PARAMETRIC for each of several
random sources;
TRUE=PRIOR, to specify what the "true
parameter values" for the Simulation should be;
PREDICTION or NOPREDICTION to specify whether
the Y (or F) variable or the DV variable is set to the
any eta partials are to be computed.
NONMEM can use the BOOTSTRAP method for simulations. With
BOOTSTRAP, other options are possible:
$SIM NOSUPRESET feature allows the simulation seeds not to
be reset with each iteration of a super-problem.
NONMEM can write the data
for a table to an external formatted file, as requested by
the FILE option of the $TABLE record. Other computer
programs can read these files. Such programs can perform
further analysis or provide improved graphical displays.
These files normally contain header lines similar to those
in a printed table, but the header lines can be suppressed
entirely or in part by means of the NOHEADER,
(suppresses the table titles) and NOLABEL
(supresses column labels) may be used.
Tables may be written to the same or to different table
References: Users Guide IV (NM-TRAN) III.B.16
Some options may be used
only with a table file.
Options NOFORWARD and FORWARD control
whether a table file which is used with multiple problems is
positioned at the start of the file or forwarded to the end
of the file.
Option NOPRINT may be used suppress the table in
the NONMEM report, or PRINT to include it as
ususal. A printed table is limited to 8 items but a
non-printed table file may have an ulimited number of items
(controlled by PDT in $SIZES with default 500).
FORMAT supplies an alternate format for every numeric
item in a table file (the default is s1PE11.4). An alternate
name for this option is DELIM.
RFORMAT supplies an alternate format for the full
numeric record of a file.
LFORMAT supplies an alternate format for the full label
record in a file.
Other options can be used with both printed tables and table
FIRSTONLY (include only the first data record from each
individual record)
LASTONLY (include only the last data record from each
individual record)
FIRSSTLASTONLY (include only the first and last data
record from each individual record)
BY (sort records in the table)
NOAPPEND (suppress items DV, PRED, RES, WRES)
APPEND (list items DV, PRED, RES, WRES; this is the
With a $SCATTER record, additional options are:
FIRSTONLY (include only the first data record from each
individual record)
OBSONLY (include only the observation records, having
The option ABS0 is similar to ORD0
described in Chapter 9, but adds a line zero line on the
abscissa axis of the scatterplots.
Many additional diagnostic and reserved variables may be
listed in tables and scatters; see 6.3 below.
With the Monte-Carlo generated diagnostics, new options of
the $TABLE record may be used. Note that if these options
affect the values of the weighted residual, the scatterplots
will also be affected.
NONMEM’s data
checkout mode is intended for preliminary display of data
without the use of a model. In data checkout mode, the PRED
routine is not called. Predictions, the objective function,
residuals, and weighted residuals are not computed. Only the
Table and Scatterplot Steps can be implemented in the
problem. With NM-TRAN, this mode is requested by coding the
option CHECKOUT on the $DATA record. A $SUBROUTINES
record and abbreviated code are required, but they have no
effect and need only be syntactically correct.
References: Users Guide IV (NM-TRAN) III.B.6
With population data,
NONMEM can obtain estimates of individual-specific true
values of
from any given set of values of
, and the individual’s data. These are called
conditional estimates of
. When the conditional estimates are obtained after
estimation is carried out by the First-Order method, they
are referred to as "posthoc" estimates. With
NM-TRAN, they are requested by the option POSTHOC
on the $ESTIMATION record.
References: Users Guide IV (NM-TRAN) III.B.14
NONMEM can obtain
conditional estimates of
variables as part of the computation of population parameter
estimates. These are called conditional estimation
methods. With NM-TRAN, such methods are requested by
including the option METHOD=CONDITIONAL (or
METHOD=1) on the $ESTIMATION record. (The option
METHOD=ZERO, or METHOD=0, requests the
conventional First-Order method and is the default.) There
are two conditional estimation methods. If NONMEM uses only
first-order approximations, this is the First-Order
Conditional Estimation Method. This has one variation,
interaction, which takes into account
interaction and is requested by the additional option
uses a certain second-order approximation, this is the
Laplacian method, which is requested by the
additional option LAPLACIAN on the $ESTIMATION
record. Interaction may be specified with any method,
including the Laplacian method.
Note that this usage of the term CONDITIONAL is different
from the usage on the $SCATTERPLOT, $TABLE, and $COVARIANCE
records, in which it refers to the circumstances under which
the step in question is implemented.
Option CENTERING requests that the average
conditional estimates of each eta be constrained to be close
to 0.
References: Users Guide IV (NM-TRAN) III.B.14
NONMEM can display
PRED-defined variables in table and scatterplots. With
NM-TRAN, any variable appearing on the left-hand side of an
assignment statement in abbreviated code can be displayed by
listing it in a $TABLE or $SCATTER record. If the data are
population, NONMEM can also display conditional estimates of
. With NM-TRAN, variables ETA(1), ETA(2), etc., can be
simply listed in $TABLE and $SCATTER records. When
conditional estimation is not performed, the values
displayed are zero. Displayed values of PRED-defined random
variables will use conditional estimates of
if they have been obtained, otherwise they will be typical
values. This feature is available with PREDPP, as well as
with user-written PRED routines. For example, the following
records could replace the $ESTIMATION record in Figure 12.2:
The $ABBREVIATED record can be used to limit the number of
variables available for display when the number is
References: Guide III (Installation) V.2.4
References: Guide IV (NM-TRAN) III.B.16-17
References: Guide VI (PREDPP) III.J, IV.E
A mixture model is
a model that explicitly assumes that the population consists
of two or more sub-populations, each having its own model.
For example, with two sub-populations, one might assume that
some fraction p of the population has one set of typical
values of the PK parameters, and the remaining fraction 1-p
has another set of typical values. Both sets of typical
values and the mixing fraction p may be estimated. For each
individual, NONMEM also computes an estimate of the number
of the subpopulation of which the individual is a member.
The user must supply a FORTRAN subroutine called MIX or a
$MIX block of abbreviated code to compute the fractions p
and 1-p.
Reserved variables NSPOP, P, MIXNUM, MIXEST, MIXP and MIXPT
can be used in abbreviated code. Reserved variable TEMPLT
may be used.
References: Users Guide VI (PREDPP) III.L.2
A PRED routine can return
a PRED error return code (1 or 2) to NONMEM,
indicating that it is unable to compute a prediction for a
given data record with the current values of
’s and
’s. For example, PREDPP returns error return code 1
when a basic or additional PK parameter has a value that is
physically impossible (e.g., a scale parameter which is zero
or negative). Error return codes can also be specified by
the user in user-written code or in abbreviated code using
the EXIT statement. One reason for doing this is to
constrain parameters in order to avoid floating point
machine interrupts. The PRED error recovery option
determines what action NONMEM will take. With NM-TRAN, the
PRED error recovery option is either ABORT (which
is the default) or NOABORT, and is specified on the
$ESTIMATION and $THETA records.
If an error return code is returned during the Simulation,
Covariance, Table or Scatterplot Step, or during computation
of the initial value of the objective function, NONMEM will
abort. If the error return code is returned during the
Estimation or Initial Estimates Step, NONMEM will try to
avoid those values of
for which the error occurs. If they cannot be avoided,
NONMEM’s actions depend on the error return code
value, as follows:
1 |
If NOABORT is specified on $ESTIM or
$THETA, try to avoid the current values of
2 |
Abort in all cases. |
NOABORTFIRST may be specified on $THETA
(nmvi) Same as NOABORT option, but also applies to the first
value of the theta vector that is tried.
NOHABORT may be specified on $ESTIM (nm7).
PRED routines may optionally provide text accompanying the
error return code. NONMEM writes all text associated with
error return codes to a file, PRDERR. The contents of this
file should always be carefully reviewed.
References: Users Guide III (Installation) III.2.1.1
References: Users Guide IV (NM-TRAN) IV.A, IV.C.5-6
References: Users Guide VI (PREDPP) III.K, IV.F
Although most NONMEM
applications can be accomplished using NM-TRAN abbreviated
code, there are cases in which user-written FORTRAN
subroutines are needed. The $SUBROUTINES record
allows the user to specify the names of user-written
routines that are needed in the NONMEM load module. A user
may choose to write his own PRED, PK, ERROR, INFN, MODEL,
DES, or AES subroutine. Some subroutines that are
distributed with NONMEM are dummy, or "stub"
routines, that do nothing. Of these, subroutines CCONTR,
CONTR, CRIT, PRIOR, USMETA, SPTWO, MIX can be replaced to
obtain an objective function different from the default.
NONMEM subroutine MIX must be replaced for mixture models.
The names of all such routines are specified using the
identically named options of the $SUBROUTINES
record, e.g., PRED=subname, CONTR=subname,
etc. User-written routines may call other FORTRAN
subroutines, which can be specified for inclusion in the
load module using the option OTHER=subname.
With user-written CONTR routines, the NM-TRAN $CONTR record
may be useful.
THETAI and THETAR are stubs that may be replaced to
transform initial and final theta values. The $THETAI and
$THETAR records described in Section 6 can be used to
generate the replacement code in FSUBS.
References: Users Guide IV (NM-TRAN) III.B.4,
The PRIOR subroutine and
$PRIOR record allows a Bayesian penalty function to be added
to the NONMEM objective function. This serves as a
constraint on the estimates of THETA, OMEGA, and SIGMA and
thus as a way for stable estimates to be obtained with
insufficient data.
NONMEM subroutines that may be used are NWPRI and TNPRI
(nmvi). With NWPRI, informatively-named $THETAP, $OMEGAP,
$SIGMAP records can be used to provide prior information
The option NOPRIOR of the $ESTIMATION record controls
whether or not the prior information is used for a given
Estimation Step.
References: Introduction to NONMEM Version VI
An NM-TRAN control stream
is shown in Figure 12.3, for the analysis of a data set
which contains observations of two different types. A
fragment of the data set, shown in Figure 12.4, contains the
data for one individual. This example illustrates how
concentration and effect data can be fit simultaneously, and
includes many of the advanced features described in this
chapter, such as pharmacodynamic modeling in the $ERROR
statements, correlation between elements of
, and the L2 data item.
Suppose that the data set for the phenobarbital example of
Chapter 2 is modified to include both concentration and
effect observations, and that a data item called TYPE is
used to distinguish between them. When TYPE is 1, DV
contains an effect measurement. When TYPE is 2, DV contains
a concentration. The $PK statements are the same as those of
Figure 2.12. The $ERROR statements are the same as those of
Figure 12.1, except that the elements of
are renumbered to follow those used in the $PK statements.
The (random) variable Y1 is assigned the same value as Y in
the $ERROR statements of Figure 12.1 The (random) variable
Y2 is assigned the same value as Y in the $ERROR statements
of Figure 2.12, except that
is used rather than
The input data file contains observations of both types
which were made at the same time value. The event records
therefore include the L2 data item. Figure 12.4, like Figure
2.7, shows the data for the first individual, but includes
TYPE and L2 data items and effect observations. Note that
the L2 data item has a different value for each multivariate
observation within the individual record. (The values 1 and
2 are chosen arbitrarily and may be re-used for the L2 data
items in the next individual’s data, if desired.)
The $THETA, $OMEGA, and $SIGMA records contain the values
shown in Figures 2.12 and 12.1 and one other value, 2.8, for
the covariance
. The estimate 2.8 is chosen so that the correlation is,
arbitrarily, .5 (
Figure 12.3. The input to NONMEM-PREDPP for analysis of the population phenobarbital data, including both concentration and effect observations.
1 0. 25.0 1.4 7 . 2 0 1 2.0 . 1.4 7 6.0 1 1 1 2.0 . 1.4 7 17.3 2 1 1 12.5 3.5 1.4 7 . 2 0 1 24.5 3.5 1.4 7 . 2 1 1 37.0 3.5 1.4 7 . 2 0 1 48.0 3.5 1.4 7 . 2 1 1 60.5 3.5 1.4 7 . 2 0 1 72.5 3.5 1.4 7 . 2 1 1 85.3 3.5 1.4 7 . 2 0 1 96.5 3.5 1.4 7 . 2 1 1 108.5 3.5 1.4 7 . 2 0 1 112.5 . 1.4 7 8.0 1 2 1 112.5 . 1.4 7 31.0 2 2
Figure 12.4. The first individual’s phenobarbital data, including both concentration and effect observations.
The above $ERROR statements can be coded more simply.
Figure 12.5. Alternate $ERROR statements
With NONMEM 7 there are many new features, including new Estimation Methods. This section lists features of NONMEM, PREDPP, and NM-TRAN that are not discussed elsewhere in this guide. The version of NONMEM in which each feature appears is listed. The user should consult other guides for details.
NONMEM can drop data records (nm75) |
The IGNORE=(list) and ACCEPT=(list) options of $DATA provide a limited means of filtering the input data set, which is performed by NMTRAN (nm6). To provide more elaborate filtering for excluding data, PRED can request that NONMEM filter out additional data records at the begining of the run. This is done by setting the reserved variable PRED_IGNORE_DATA to a non-zero value within $INFN, $PK, or $PRED, for each record to be ignored.
Odd-Type Data (nmv) |
Non-continuous observed
responses ("odd-type data") can be analyzed.
$ESTIMATION options LIKELIHOOD or -2LL must be used. Y is
set to a (conditional) likelihood.
Reserved variable F_FLAG may be used (nmvi).
New methods of Estimation |
METHOD=HYBRID with option
ZERO (nmv)
STIELTJES with options GRID, REPEAT1, REPEAT2, ZERO (nmvi)
ITS Iterative Two Stage (nm7)
Expectation-Maximization (EM) and Monte Carlo Bayesian
Expectation feature (nmv) |
This feature uses the NONMEM marginal (MRG_) data item. MRG_ identifies records for which NONMEM computes and displays marginal quantities (expectations) Expectations are computed when ICALL=5.
Raw data average feature (nmv) |
This feature uses the NONMEM raw-data (RAW_) data item. RAW_ identifies template records for which NONMEM computes and displays raw-data averages. Raw data averages are computed when ICALL=6. Reserved variables TEMPLT and the $OMIT record may be used (nmvi). The NONMEM utility routine RANDOM may be used to obtain numbers from different random sources.
Non-parametric analysis methods (nmvi) |
is used to request the Non-parametric method of analysis.
Options include:
SORT option of $ESTIMATION (nmvi) |
With classical methods, individual contribution to the objective function and gradients may be sorted before they are summed, so that smaller numbers are summed before larger numbers.
Reserved Variables YLO/YUP (nmvi) |
During the analysis an interval is defined in which (or outside of which) an observation is conditioned to exist. Reserved variable PR_Y is also of interest.
Reserved Variables CTLO/CTUP (nmvi) |
An observation may be the event that the value of a normally distributed variable falls in a given interval. Reserved variable PR_CT is also of interest.
NONMEM Repetition feature (nmvi) |
This features uses reserved variables RPTI,RPTO,RPTON,PRDFL. An alternate way is to use the RPT_ data item.
MU Modeling (MU Referencing) (nm7) |
MU_i variables may be used in Abbreviated code with EM methods of Estimation. NM-TRAN checks the use of MU_i variables, unless option NOCHECKMU of the $ABBR record is used (nm73). Thetas may be input and reported in their natural domain, even when used as logs (e.g., linear MU referencing) using $THETAI and $THETAR records (nm73).
New method of setting initial values of thetas, omegas, and sigmas. (nm72) |
See CHAIN option of $ESTIMATION and $CHAIN.
Multiple Estimation steps (nm72) |
If the $ESTIMATION record is present more than once within a problem, then each subsquent record requests a separate Estimation Step rather than providing more options for a single Estimation Step.
BOOTSTRAP method (nm73) |
BOOTSTRAP may be specified with $NONPARAMETRIC and $SIMULATION records. This requests that a bootstrap sample be used. Options STRAT and STRATF may be used for stratification. With $SIMULATION, options REPLACE or NOREPLACE may be used. An example is given of bootrapping single subject data (nm74).
More than 2 levels of mixed effects (nm73) |
Increased number of mixed effects levels. Random effects across groups of individuals, such as clinical site, can be modeled. The $LEVEL record is used.
Alternate method (POPULATION WITH UNCONSTRAINED ETAS) for single-subject analysis (nm73) |
All the subjects may be analyzed together, but with $OMEGA diagonal values fixed to a special value 1.0E+06.
New values of MDV (nm73) |
MDV may be set to 100, 101. Such records are ignored during Estimation. Reserved variables MDVI1, MDVI2, MDVI3 may also be used; they are defined in include file nonmem_reserved_general.
Initial Estimates for ETAs feature (nm73) |
By default, the initial value used for ETA’s in the Estimation Step search is 0. The $ETAS and $PHIS records provide user-supplied initial estimates.
Tranformations of THETA values (nm73) |
$THETAI transforms the initial values in the $THETA and $THETAP records. $THETAR transforms the final theta values for the NONMEM report and additional output files. May be used with MU Modeling.
Constraints on model parameters (nm73) |
Additional algorithmic constraints may be imposed upon model parameters by use of the subroutine CONSTRAINT. Option CONSTRAIN of the $ESTIMATION record and the $ANNEAL record may be used to give information to the subroutine. This feature is available only for the EM and Bayesian algorithms.
Additional Reserved Variables |
The descriptions of the following reserved variables can be found in Introduction to NONMEM 7 MXSTEP FIRSTEM MDVRES NPDE_MODE DV_LOQ CDF_L
Interactive control of NONMEM (nm7) |
A NONMEM run can now be controlled to some extent from the console by issuing certain control characters.
Dynamic Memory Allocation (nm72) |
No need to recompile NONMEM or NM-TRAN for large problems. Most arrays are sized automatically. If necessary, the $SIZES record may be used. E.g., the default maximum number of data items per data record is 50, but may be increased by specifying a larger value for PD; the maximum number of items per table is 500, but may be increased by specifying a larger value for PDT.
Parallel Computing (nm72) |
Parallel Computing is requested using the nmfe option -parafile and specified using .pnm files. The options PARAFILE of the $ESTIMATION and $COVARIANCE records may also be used. With nm74, Option FPARAFILE of the $ESTIMATION record controls parallelization for final eta (EBE) computation. Option PARAFILE of the $TABLE controls parallelization for weighted residual computation. Option PARAFILE of the $SIMULATION record may also be used.
Reports include Covariance and Correlation Matrices for OMEGA and SIGMA (nm72) |
Reports include ETABAR, SE, N, P VAL (nm7) |
Option ETABARCHECK of the $ESTIMATION record may be used.
Reports include ETAshrink, EBVshrink, EPSshrink (nm7) |
Eta shrinkage evaluation using empirical Bayes variances (EBVs, or conditional mean variances) is reported. The ETASTYPE option of the $ESTIMATION record and the ETASXI reserved variable in abbreviated code may be used to control which etas from which subjects are included.
Reports include tag labels: #METH etc. (nm7) |
Raw and additional output files: root.ext, root.cov, root.xml, etc. (nm7) |
These files provide numerical results in a columnar format. $ESTIMATION record option ORDER may be used to control the order of theta, omega, sigma in these files. $ESTIMATION record option NUMDER may be used to request files with numerical and analytic eta derivatives: root.fgh, root.agh (nm73)
Tables and Scatters may request NONMEM-generated items |
Elements of G and H
(e.g., G11, H11) and elements of ETA (nmvi)
A range of etas using the format ETAS(k:n) may be requested
Number lists or a syntax flexible (TO, :, BY) may be
used(nm74). Examples are
ETAS(1 TO 10 by 3), ETAS(1,5,12,4).
OBJI (Objective function values for each individual) (nm72)
Additional statistical diagnostic items (nm7,
In addition to the PRED,
RES, and WRES items, the following may be listed.
Monte-Carlo generated diagnostics are not linearized approximations like the other diagnostic types. These include
ECWRES EIPRED, EIRES,EIWRES NPDE Monte-Carlo generated normalized probability distribution error) (nm71) NPD correlated value of NPDE (nm72)
With FIXEDETAS=(list),
the specified etas are treated as if they are fixed effects
when NONMEM evaluates population diagnostics during the
$TABLE step.(nm74)
The EXCLUDE_BY option can be used to exclude records from
the table or scatter. (nm74).
The VARCALC option asks NONMEM to report standard errors
(xxx_SE) in the tables for PREDPP and user-defined items.
A reserved variable of interest when evaluating residuals
and weighted residuals is MDVRES which may be set in PRED to
cause NONMEM to treat an observation as missing during the
computation of residuals and weighted residuals.
New PREDPP data items in $INPUT: XVID1 XVID2 XVID3 XVID4 XVID5 (nm72) |
Special values of EVID allow repeated observation records, e.g., for Stochastic differential equations.
CMT and PCMT values 100,1000 |
Specification of the default compartment for output (nm, nm73)
Compartment Amounts A(i), TSTATE (nmvi) |
A_0 (compartment initialization) (nmvi) |
The compartment initialization feature may be used with any ADVAN.
A_U,A_UFLG (compartment update) (nm75) |
The compartment update feature is similar to the compartment initialization feature but updates compartments at a time given by MTIME. May be used with any ADVAN.
Empirical Steady State (nm75) |
The Empirical steady state method computes steady state by giving doses until the state variables no longer change according to the SSTOL/SSATOL toler- ance specified in $SUBROUTINES. The SS data item is not used. A neg- ative value of ADDL requests the computation, and also specifies the maximum number of doses (ABS(ADDL)+1). See ADDL_ACTUAL,ADDL_TIME,ADDL_TIMEDIFF reserved variables. May be used with any ADVAN.
I_SS (Initial Steady State) for general non-linear models (nmvi2.0) |
It is possible to specify initial conditions for the differential equations using the I_SS (Initial Steady State) feature. Reserved variable ISSMOD may be used.
DES array: COMPACT vs. FULL for general non-linear models (nmv) |
ISFINL reserved variable with AES and DES (nmvi) |
Allows the abbreviated code to take special action on the final call to AES and DES for an integration interval.
TIME may be negative (nm74) |
With NONMEM 7.4, PREDPP permits the TIME data item to be negative.
ITASK_ and STOP_TIME (nm75) |
The ITASK_ reserved variable may be set to 4 by the user to avoid overshoot in ADVAN9, ADVAN13, ADVAN14, and ADVAN15 The STOP_TIME reserved variable may be set to a STOP_TIME (Tcrit) past which it should not integrate, if it is different from the end of the normal integration interva.
Absolute Tolerance for ADVAN 9,13,14,15,16,17,18 |
ODE ADVANs can have an absolute tolerance for each compartment, e.g. ANRD(1)=10.
Relative Tolerance for ADVAN 9,13,16,17,18 |
ODE ADVANs except 14 and 15 can have a relative tolerance for each compartment, e.g. NRD(1)=6.
Values of absolute (ANRD) and relative (NRD) tolerance can be set for each NONMEM step |
Tolerance can be set for
specific NONMEM steps, e.g.,
Case-insensitivity (nm72) |
Both lower and upper case may be used in the NM-TRAN control file.
Continuation and line length (nm73) |
Any line may be continued with "&" and may be 67000 characters long.
Warning messages (nmv) |
The numbers of warning messages of various types may be controlled using the $WARNING record.
$DATA TRANSLATE (nmv, nm73) |
Allows TIME and II values to be rescaled, with specified number of decimal points.
ill-formed data files (nmvi) |
NM-TRAN is better able to handle a data file whose final line does not terminate correctly.
tabs in data files (nmvi) |
^M in data files (nmvi) |
NM-TRAN can read data files in which tabs are present, and whose lines end with ^M.
$DATA BLANKOK (nmvi) |
NM-TRAN will not allow blank lines in a data file unless the BLANKOK option is used.
Larger data files (nmvi) |
The RECORDS=n option of $DATA may specify a number as large as 99999999.
MISDAT Missing Data Indicator (nm74) |
MISDAT specifies a numerical value indicating a missing data value in the data set, which is displayed on $TABLE table outputs, but is safely interpreted as 0 by other steps of NONMEM.
FORTRAN 90/95 syntax may be used. |
For example, logical expressions may be written using symbols ==,>, instead of .EQ., .GT., etc.
Increased number of THETA, ETA, EPS (nm72) |
Subscripts of THETA, ETA, EPS may be as large as 999.
Creates variables that are saved between nonmem passes. NONMEM Reserved variables COM, COMACT are used.
$ABBR record: DERIV2 (nmIV), NOFASTDER(nm72) DERIV1 (nm74) |
Affects generated code in FSUBS. See also NOFIRSTDERCODE reserved variable in abbreviated code.
$ABBR REPLACE (nm73) |
Any character string may
be replaced. This allows for symbolic reference to thetas,
etas, and epsilons. Replacement with selection by data item
and parameter is permitted.
With nm74, the syntax is more flexible. Symbolic labels for
eta may be used in the $TABLE record. Symbolic label
substitutions will appear in the NONMEM report file and
$TABLE outputs. $ESTIMATION record option NOSUB may be used
to control label substitution in the NONMEM report file.
$TABLE record option NOSUB may be used to control label
substitution in $TABLE files. $SCATTER record option NOSUB
may be used to control label substitution in
$ABBR DECLARE (nm73) |
Allows integer variables and array (subscripted) variables to be used in Abbreviated code.
Recursive abbreviated code (nmvi) |
Allows a random variable to retain the value from the previous data record instead of being set to zero. May be used to implement recursive kinetics in $PRED.
User-supplied functions FUNCA,FUNCB,FUNCC and VECTRA,VECTRB,VECTRC (nmvi) |
FUNCA etc. are reserved names for user-supplied functions They may have scalar or vector-valued arguments. VECTRA etc. are reserved names for vectors used as arguments. When functions are used in abbreviated code, the eta derivatives of the arguments are computed correctly. Any vector may be used with any function. With NONMEM 7, there are more reserved functions and vectors.
In NONMEM 7.4 the $ABBR FUNCTION option and $ABBR VECTOR option allows user-defined function names and user-defined argument vector names.
PROTECT functions (nm74) |
Versions of FORTRAN functions are available that protect against domain violations, divide by zero, and floating point overflows. For example, PLOG is the protective code routine that performs the LOG operation. The $ABBR PROTECT record causes NM-TRAN to automatically replace FORTRAN functions in abbreviated code with the protective functions.
WRITE/PRINT statements |
Character strings, format specification, Array options FULL vs. DIAG
DO WHILE, DO WHILE(DATA) statements |
Looping; transgeneration.
Include files for NONMEM_RESERVED variables (nm73) |
If the name of an include file starts with NONMEM_RESERVED, it may contain definitions of variables that will be parsed by NM-TRAN for use in abbreviated code.
Here is a partial list of reserved variables that are not mentioned elsewhere in this guide.
NONMEM reserved variable. Tells PRED when NONMEM is doing Run initialization, Problem initialization, Estimation, Problem finalization, Simulation, Expectiation, Data Average. (nmv) |
NONMEM reserved variable. Tells PRED when data from a new individual record is starting. |
NONMEM reserved variables. Input data file record counters. NONMEM 7.4 provides additional record counters such as FIRSTOBS, LASTOBS, etc. in file nonmem_reserved_general.
LIREC NINDR INDR1 INDR2 reserved variables (nmvi2.0) |
NONMEM reserved variables. Descriptive of the individual record.
NONMEM reserved variables. Tells PRED which derivatives to compute.
NONMEM reserved variables. The current values of OMEGA, SIGMA, et. al., may be used in abbreviated code.
IIDX,CNTID (nmvi) |
NONMEM reserved variables. Individual contribution to the objective function.
PRED_,RES_,WRES_, and other variables |
Variables with similar names and the same values as statistical diagnostic items PRED_, RES_, WRES_, CPRED_, CRES__, CWRES, etc., may be used on the right in $PRED and $ERROR blocks (nm7)
NONMEM_reserved_general (nm73) |
This is a file in the util directory with declarations for many additional reserved variables.
This is a list of utility programs found in the util directory.
nmfe75 |
The nmfe shell script has many new options, including options for parallel computing.
finedata |
Augments an NM-TRAN data file to incorporate additional, non-observation, time values spaced at regular increments.
nmtemplate |
Performs variable substitution on appropriately tagged control stream template files, and produces new control stream files. Compare with the $ABBR REPLACE feature, above.
table_quant |
Transforms results in raw output file of $COV SIRAMPLE step, places into a table file with frequencies and cumulative values
table_resample |
Resamples from raw output file of $COV SIRAMPLE step, using the WEIGHT information
table_compare |
Compares the numerical values between two table files produced by the $TABLE record.
table_to_xml |
Converts additional output table files produced by NONMEM to XML Formatted files.
xml_compare |
Compares the contents of two NONMEM report XML files.
doexpand |
Expand an NM-TRAN control stream file that has been annotated with DOE (which stands for DO expand) and ENDDOE (which stands for ENDDO expand) directives.
ddexpand |
Expands a control stream file by adding equations for time-delay differntial equation problems.
neff |
Performs effective sample statistics on population parameters in raw output file genereated by Bayesian or NUTS analysis |
neffi |
Performs effective sample statistics from individual parameters genereated by Bayesian or NUTS analysis |
This section lists all options of the $ESTIMATION record. Some are discussed earlier in this guide and are listed here for completion. Some options are only appropriate with specific estimation methods. For more information, see the $ESTIMATION help item.
-2LL (nmv) |
Y evaluated in $ERROR or $PRED is intepreted as -2 times log likelihood
ATOL (nm72) |
Absolute tolerance adjustment for ADVAN9 and ADVAN13
AUTO (nm73) |
Have NONMEM determine optimal settings for certain EM/Bayes options
When set to 1, stores phi and eta values from each BAYES iteration root.iph.
BIONLY (nm75) |
When set to 1, will create new samples of individual parameters only during BAYES analysis, but will keep the population parameters fixed.
BOOTDATA (nm75) |
By default (BOOTDATA=0), when data are selected based on $SIML BOOSTRAP, the randomly selected subjects are analyzed during the subsequent estimation method. If BOOTDATA=1, then the subjects not selected are analyzed.
CALPHA (nm7) |
alpha error rate for Monte Carlo EM and Bayes convergence
Impose centering of average empirical Bayes estimates (EBEs) about zero (FOCE).
Correlation iteration interval for Monte Carlo EM and Bayes convergence
Number of iteration samples to use for Monte Carlo EM and Bayes convergence
CLOCKSEED (nm75) |
If CLOCKSEED=1, the computer clock time will be used to help create a unique starting seed position for each new run of the control stream.
Assess objective function around each subject’s (conditional) etas during Estimation (FOCE/Laplace)
CONSTRAIN (nm72) |
Impose algorithmic constraints on thetas through CONSTRAINT subroutine (EM/BAYES)
CTYPE (nm7) |
Select convergence criterion
DERCONT (nm73) |
Correct for derivative continuity in change of objective function with theta (SAEM/IMP)
DF (nm71) |
degrees of freedom of t-distribution of sampling density for IMP and IMPMAP
DFS (nm73) |
degrees of freedom for simulating initial SIGMAS (CHAIN only)
EONLY (nm71) |
Expectation step only, no advancement of thetas or sigmas for EM methods. With nm74, also affects individual conditional means/modes and conditional variances, and approximate variances.
p-value of ETABAR (mean EBEs) tests similarity to ETABAR of a previous problem
ETADER (nm73) |
Select alternative finite difference methods for eta derivatives
Generates posterior density samples of etas
ETASTYPE (nm73) |
Determine whether non-influential etas should be included in ETABAR/Shrinkage statistics
FAST (nm74) |
Uses analatical derivatives of thetas and sigmas to speed up FOCE analyses
FILE (nm71) |
specify alternative name for raw ouptut file containing fixed effects parameters progress
FNLETA (nm72) |
Determine how final etas are obtained for table outputs
specify alternative numerical format for output files.
FPARAFILE (nm74) |
Turn ON or OFF parallelization of final etas evaluation.
GRD (nm71) |
Specify gradient behavior of THETAS and SIGMAS for EM/BAYES methods
GRDQ (nm74) |
Gradient quick option, specifying what number of fraction of importance samples generate should be used for gradient evaluation of non-mu modeled parameters
GRID (nmvi) |
Set up search grid pattern for Stieltjes method
HYBRID (nmv) |
Use conditional etas except for those etas listed in ZERO option (hybrid of FOCE and FO)
IACCEPT (nm71) |
Acceptance/rejection ratio or proposal density coverage for EM/BAYES
IACCEPTL (nm74) |
Scale a second multi-variate normal density, to cover long tails in the posterior density.
IKAPPA (nm75) |
individual parameters are averaged using a weight of N to
the -IKAPPA power for the Nth iteration,
in obtaining the mean and variance-covariance for the
Assess residual variance (epsilon terms) using conditional (non-zero) etas.
ISAMPEND (nm73) |
Maximum value for ISAMPLE
ISAMPLE (nm71) |
Number of Monte Carlo ETA samples to collect for each subject
ISAMPLE_M1 (nm71) |
Number of ETA samplings to test in the OMEGA space (SAEM/BAYES)
ISAMPLE_M1A (nm72) |
Number of ETA samplings to test using ETA samples of other subjects (SAEM/BAYES)
ISAMPLE_M1B (nm75) |
Number of eta samplings to test, using the individual conditional mean and individual conditional variance collected from previous iterations as the proposal density.
ISAMPLE_M2 (nm71) |
Number of multi-variate ETA vector samplings to test in the local space (SAEM/BAYES)
ISAMPLE_M3 (nm71) |
Number of uni-variate ETA samplings to test in the local space (SAEM/BAYES)
ISCALE_MAX (nm72) |
Maximum factor to expand prospoal density for ETA sampling (SAEM/BAYES/IMP/IMPMAP)
ISCALE_MIN (nm72) |
Minimum factor to scale prospoal density for ETA sampling (SAEM/BAYES/IMP/IMPMAP)
KAPPA (nm74) |
Specify power term to be used in average acumulating samples for mass matrix production for NUTS analysis
Turn off precision retaining KnuthSUm algorithm when summing individual OFVs to produce total OFV.
LAPLACE (nmiv) |
2nd Order conditional estimation method
LEVCENTER (nm75) |
If LEVCENTER=1, ensures the etas of super ID random levels sum to 0. LEVCENTER=0 is now preferred.
LEVWT (nm74) |
Specify how to weigh subjects in nested random levels ($LEVEL) problem
LIKE (nmv) |
Y evaluated in $ERROR or $PRED is interpreted as likelihood
LNTWOPI (nm74) |
Add the N*log(2pi) term to the objective function
MADAPT (nm74) |
Specify how the mass matrix is updated during a NUTS analysis
MAPCOV (nm74) |
MAPCOV=1 is the default.
MAPINTER (nm72) |
Iteration interval at which to use MAP estimates for proposal density (IMP)
MAPITER (nm72) |
Number of first set of iterations at which to use MAP estimates for proposal density (IMP)
MASSRESET (nm74) |
Initialize mass matrix accumulation, or borrow from previous estimation.
MAXEVAL (nmiv) |
Maximum number of function evaluations (FO/FOCE/FOCEI/Laplace)
MCETA (nm73) |
Number of Monte Carlo samples to assess best starting eta vector for MAP estimation
METHOD (nmiv) |
Specify method of estimation
MSFO (nmiv) |
File name for containing estimation information to use in subsequent analyses
MUM (nm71) |
Turn on or off MU-referencing for EM/BAYES analysis
NBURN (nm71) |
Number of burn-in iterations for SAEM/BAYES methods
Number of iterations for EM/BAYES methods
NOABORT (nmiv) |
Have NONMEM Recover from numerical errors during estimation
NOCOV (nm73) |
Do not evaluate covaruiance step for particular estimation step
NOHABORT (nm73) |
Have NONMEM recover from all numerical errors during estimation (stronger than NOABORT)
NOLABEL (nm71) |
Do not print column names in additional output files
Do not limit how much OMEGA elements may change in an estimation (FO/FOCE/Laplace)
Do not limit how much SIGMA elements may change in an estimation (FO/FOCE/Laplace)
Do not limit how much THETA parameters change in an estimation (FO/FOCE/Laplace)
NOSUB (nm74) |
Turn off substitution of variable labels in Table headers.
NOTITLE (nm71) |
Do not print title (header) in additional output files
NONINFETA (nm73) |
Determine how NONMEM treats etas that do not influence the subject’s data likelihood
NOPRIOR (nm71) |
Turn on or off the contribution of the prior information
NSIG (nmiv) |
number of signficant digits for convergence criterion (classical methods, ITS)
NUMDER (nm73) |
Output numerical and/or analytical ETA derivatives
Use finite difference method for 2nd derivative ETAS in MAP estimation (Laplace, ITS, MAP, IMPMAP)
NUTS_BASE (nm74) |
Specify number of iterations for stage II of warmup process of NUTS analysis
NUTS_DELTA (nm74) |
Sample acceptance rate for NUTS analysis
NUTS_EPARAM (nm74) |
Specify parameterization for individual parameters/etas in NUTS analysis
NUTS_GAMMA (nm74) |
Gamma factor for NUTS algorithm
NUTS_INIT (nm74) |
Specify number of iterations for stage I of warmup process of NUTS analysis
NUTS_MASS (nm74) |
Specify whether mass matrix should be full, diagonal, block-diagonal, etc.
Sets the maximum number of total branchings to try in the NUTS algorithm in the search for the next decorrelated sample
NUTS_OPARAM (nm74) |
Specify parameterization for Omegas in NUTS analysis
NUTS_REG (nm74) |
Specify diagonal dominance algorithm for mass matrix in NUTS analysis.
NUTS_SPARAM (nm74) |
Specify parameterization for Sigmas in NUTS analysis
An initial step size is calculated every NUTS_STEPINTER iterations.
An initial step size is calculated for the first NUTS_STEPITER iterations.
NUTS_TERM (nm74) |
Specify number of iterations for stage III of warmup process of NUTS analysis
NUTS_TEST (nm74) |
Specify acceptance/rejection algorithm in NUTS algorithm
Specify whether estimation parameters or momentum parameters are to be transformed in NUTS algorithm.
OACCEPT (nm7) |
Select acceptance/rejection ratio for Metroplis-Hastings algorithm of finding OMEGAS (BAYES)
OLKJDF (nm74) |
Set degrees of freedom for LKJ correlation for Omegas
OLNTWOPI (nm74) |
Include log(2pi) degrees of freedom from eta density portion of objective function
Limit how much OMEGA elements may change in an estimation (FO/FOCE/Laplace)
OMITTED (nmiv) |
Omit estimation
OPTMAP (nm73) |
Select optimization method for MAP estimation
ORDER (nm72) |
Select ordering of fixed effects parameters in raw output file
OSAMPLE_M1 (nm71) |
Number of samples for Metroplis-Hastings global search of finding OMEGAS (BAYES)
OSAMPLE_M2 (nm71) |
Number of samples for Metroplis-Hastings local search of finding OMEGAS (BAYES)
OSAMPLE_M3 (nm75) |
Number of samples for generating individual cholesky elements of OMEGA.
OVARF (nm74) |
The weight to STD prior to the log sqrt OMEGA diagonal elements
PACCEPT (nm71) |
Select acceptance/rejection ratio for Metroplis-Hastings algorithm of finding THETAS/SIGMAS (BAYES)
PARAFILE (nm72) |
Specify new parallization file for estimation, or turn ON/OFF parallelization
Print iteration interval for parallelization log file
PHITYPE (nm74) |
have .phi file contain conditional neans phis or etas
POSTHOC (nmiv) |
Assess EBEs for each subject after FO estimation
Determines how Y or F is interpreted with simulation
PRINT (nmiv) |
Iteration print interval
PRIORC (nm75) |
Have the objective function reported include the constant term to the prior.
PSAMPLE_M1 (nm71) |
Number of samples for Metroplis-Hastings (MH) global search of finding THETAS/SIGMAS (BAYES)
PSAMPLE_M2 (nm71) |
Number of samples for MH local multi-variate search of finding THETAS/SIGMAS (BAYES)
PSAMPLE_M3 (nm71) |
Number of samples for MH local uni-variate search of finding THETAS/SIGMAS (BAYES)
PSCALE_MIN (nm73) |
Minimum factor to expand prospoal density for MH sampling of THETAS/SIGMAS(BAYES)
PSCALE_MAX (nm73) |
Maximum factor to scale prospoal density for MH sampling of THETAS/SIGMAS(BAYES)
RANMETHOD (nm72) |
Select random number generator and behavior for Monte Carlo EM and BAYES methods
REPEAT (nmiv) |
repeat estimation starting at final parameters from first loop (FO/FOCE/Laplace)
REPEAT1 (nmvi) |
repeat first stage of Stieltjes estimation
REPEAT2 (nmvi) |
repeat second stage of Stieltjes estimation
SADDLE_HESS (nm74) |
Selects type of Hessian to be used for Saddle reset process
Set the number of times a saddle_reset is performed
SEED (nm7) |
Select starting seed for Monte Carlo EM and Bayes methods
SIGL (nm7) |
Significant digits of individual objective function assessment
SIGLO (nm72) |
Significant digits to assess ETAS in MAP estimation
SLOW (nmvi) |
Use slow method of advancing fixed effects parameters
Limit how much SIGMA elements may change in an estimation (FO/FOCE/Laplace)
SLKJDF (nm74) |
Set degrees of freedom for LKJ correlation for Sigmas
SORT (nmvi) |
Sort individual objective function values before summing into total objective function
STDOBJ (nm73) |
Stochastic standard deviation tolerance of objective function to determine best ISAMPLE for IMP/IMPMAP
STIELTJES (nmvi) |
Higher order assessment of objective function
SVARF (nm74) |
The weight to STD prior to the log sqrt Sigma diagonal elements
TBLN (nm75) |
Select table number TBLN from the chain file.
Limit how much THETA parameters change in an estimation (FO/FOCE/Laplace)
THIN (nm74) |
Sample intervals to be recorded in the raw output file for Bayesian analysis
TPU (nm75) |
Select user-defined prior for thetas.
TTDF (nm74) |
Set t-distribution degrees of freedom for priors to Thetas
ZERO (nmv) |
List of etas for which conditional etas are not to be used in HYBRID method
References: Introduction to NONMEM 7
This section lists all options of the $COVARIANCE record. Some are discussed earlier in this guide and are listed here for completion. For more information, see the $COVARIANCE help item.
ATOL (nm73) |
Asolute tolerance for differential equation problems
CHOLROFF (nm74) |
Have R matrix evaluated according to earlier versions of NONMEM.
COMPRESS (nmv) |
Covariance Step arrays are printed in compressed format regardless of dimension size of covariance of estimates
Evaluate covaraince step only if estimation successful
FAST (nm74) |
Uses analatical derivatives of thetas and sigmas to speed up covariance step
FILE (nm74) |
Select file name of raw output file for SIR sampling
FORMAT (nm74) |
Select format of numbers to be written to raw output file during SIR sampling
FPOSDEF (nm74) |
Force positive definiteness on R matrix after Preconditioning
IACCEPT (nm74) |
Acceptance rate (sampler expansion) during SIR importance sampling
IACCEPTL (nm74) |
Acceptance rate of the secondary sampler during SIR Importance sampling
Turn off precision retaining KnuthSUm algorithm when summing individual OFVs to produce total OFV.
MATRIX (nmiv) |
Select type of Information matrix to be evalauted during Covariance step
NOFCOV (nm72) |
Turn off covariance estimation for FOCE method
NOSLOW (nm72) |
Use analytical derivatives of Omegas to evaluate gradients during covariance step
Print iteration interval for parallelization log file during covariance step
PFCOND (nm74) |
Force predonditioning even if Rmatrix is positive definite during covariance step
PRECOND (nm74) |
Set number of preconditioning cycles to perform during covaraince step
PRECONDS (nm74) |
Select whether preconditioning should be done on Thetas, Omegas, and/or Sigmas of R matrix portion in covariance step
PRETYPE (nm74) |
Select the R matrix corrector type when preconditioning during the variance-covariance step.
PRINT (nmiv) |
Select to Print out additional matrices and items (E=eigenvalues, R=R matrix, S=S matrix)
RANMETHOD (nm74) |
Select randomozation method for SIR sampling
RESUME (nm73) |
Collect intermediate information to resume covariance step if interrupted
SIGL (nm71) |
Significant digits of individual objective function assessment during covariance step
SIGLO (nm72) |
Significant digits to assess ETAS in MAP estimation during covariance step
SIRCENTER (nm74) |
Where the sampling (proposal) density is to be centered during SIR sampling
SIRDF (nm74) |
Degrees of freedom of t-distribution sampler used during SIR sampling
SIRNITER (nm74) |
The number of times to perform SIR sampling
SIRPRINT (nm74) |
Set the console print iterations interval during SIR sampling of covariance step
SIRSAMPLE (nm74) |
Number of random samples to generate during SIR sampling of covariance step.
SIRTHBND (nm74) |
Determines whether R and S matrix are evaluated in uncosntrained or constrained domain for thetas during SIR sampling
SLOW (nmvi) |
Have Omega gradients evaluated numerically
SPECIAL (nmiv) |
The special computation will be used in the Covariance Step with a recursive PRED subroutine.
THBND (nm74) |
Determines whether R and S matrix are evaluated in uncosntrained or constrained domain for thetas during main covariance step
TOL (nm72) |
Selects relative tolerance for differential equation integration during covariance step
Evaluate covaraince step whether or not estimation successful
References: Introduction to NONMEM 7