NONMEM Users Guide Part IV - NM-TRAN
Preface. to 5th Edition

NONMEM Users Guide Part IV - NM-TRAN

Preface. to 5th Edition

The appearance of this 5th edition of the NM-TRAN Guide coincides with the appearance of NM-TRAN 7.5.0 and NONMEM 7.5.0. It contains changes since the 4th. edition, which appeared with NM-TRAN 7.4.2 and NONMEM 7.4.2.

Significant changes since the previous edition are marked with bars.

This version supports the new features of NONMEM and PREDPP and NM-TRAN Versions 7.5.0.

Abbreviated code:

See Chapter IV Section E.6

New output file:

See Chapter II .B.1

Compartment Name Substitution

Compartment names defined in $MODEL are automatically available for substitution without requiring $ABBR REPLACE records. This is called "implicit" compartment name replacement.
See Chapter V, C.4. $MODEL Record

Symbolic Label Substitutions at $THETA, $OMEGA, and $SIGMA records

The $THETA record may be used to specify a symbolic label substitution and initial values for a THETA.
See Chapter III B.9

The $OMEGA record may be used to specify symbolic label substitution for an ETA and initial values for $OMEGA
See Chapter III B.10

The $SIGMA record may be used to specify symbolic label substitution for an EPS and initial values for $SIGMA
See Chapter III B.11

This preface mentions some of the most important changes to NM-TRAN, but is not complete. NONMEM Users Guide VIII and on-line help and Introduction to NONMEM 7 should also be consulted.