 |                                                                    |
 |                        TIME SCALE PARAMETER                        |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: Time scale (TSCALE) parameter for PREDPP
 CONTEXT: Additional PK Parameters

  TSCALE= ....


 The time scale parameter is used with PREDPP.  It is an optional addi-
 tional PK parameter.  With NM-TRAN, it is symbolized in the $PK  block
 by either of the reserved variables TSCALE or XSCALE.

 If  a  time  scale parameter is modeled by PK, then time itself may be
 scaled differently between individuals.  There is a single time  scale
 parameter  that multiplies all rate constants. The parameter acts con-
 tinuously (and could therefore theoretically  itself  vary  with  time
 measured  on  an  external  clock).  It  can  only be used with linear
 kinetic models. If it is not used, it can be ignored. If the value  of
 the  time  scale  parameter is not computed in PK, it is always under-
 stood to be 1.

 The time scale parameter does not scale the duration parameter D of  a
 duration-modeled zero-order bolus dose.

 PREDPP ignores the time scale parameter with general non-linear models
 (ADVAN6, 8, 9, 13,14,15,16,17,18).

 (See pk, $pk).

REFERENCES: Guide IV Section V.C.5
REFERENCES: Guide VI Section III.F.8

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