 |                                                                    |
 |                           TIME DATA ITEM                           |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: Time (TIME) data item for PREDPP
 CONTEXT: $INPUT record and NONMEM data set

 $INPUT ... TIME ...

 TIME  labels  PREDPP's  time  (TIME) data item.  The time data item is
 required with PREDPP.  (An exception occurs with ADVAN9, ADVAN15,  and
 ADVAN17  when  there  are only equilibrium compartments, in which case
 the time data item is optional.)  However, even  when  PREDPP  is  not
 used, a time data item has a special meaning to NM-TRAN; see below.

 With  PREDPP,  the  time  data  item  gives the time of the event, the
 "event time."  With NONMEM 7.4, time data items may be negative;  with |
 earlier versions, time data items must be non-negative.  Event records
 must be ordered within an individual record  so  that  time  does  not
 decrease,  i.e.,  so  that  time on any record other than the first is
 greater than or equal to time on the prior record.  Exceptions are the
 event  times of reset and reset-and-dose events, where the time may be |
 any number.

 With or without PREDPP, if any time data item in the NM-TRAN data  set
 contains a colon (:), then all time data items are assumed to be clock
 times (hh:min), and NM-TRAN translates all  times  to  relative  times
 (hh.fr)  starting at time 0.  Specifically, the time of the first data
 record of an individual record (if the data are  population  data)  or
 the  first data record of the data set (if the data are single-subject
 data) is set to 0.  Subsequent times in the NONMEM data set are calcu-
 lated relative to that time.  (See date data item).


      NM-TRAN data set   NONMEM data set
      TIME               TIME
      ----               ----
      8:00               0.
      14:45              6.75
      14.75              6.75

 NM-TRAN permits negative clock times.

 The  $DATA record may include the option TRANSLATE=(TIME/24), in which
 case all relative times (obtained after  clock  time  conversion)  are
 divided by 24.  (See $data).
REFERENCES: Guide VI Section V.C
REFERENCES: Guide IV Section II.C.2, III.B.2

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)