 |                                                                    |
 |                           TABLE_RESAMPLE                           |
 |                                                                    |


 The utility program table_resample performs a resampling of importance
 sampling (SIR) data in the NONMEM raw  output  file.   Such  data  are
 present when the option SIRSAMPLE of the $COVARIANCE record is used.
 (See  Guide  Introduction_7,  "Importance  Sampling  of  the Variance-
 Covariance of  the  Parameter  Estimates").
 Table_resample produces a table file.  Samples are weighted  according
 to  the  WEIGHT  column.   If  no  WEIGHT column is present, WEIGHT is
 assumed to be equal among all samples.

 table_resample inputfile outputfile delimiter newsize seed start end

 Inputfile name
      should be the raw NONMEM file (root.ext).

      The results are written to outputfile, which is required.

      same as the delimiters that is used in  the  input  file  (s  for
      space, t for tab, comma default)

 start and end
      The range of iterations to be resampled (default is all non-nega-
      tive iterations).

      Size of the new samples, when seed > 0.

      Non-randomized expansion of the samples, based on WEIGHT column

      Randomized starting at seed, with repeated samples allowed If the
      user  chooses seed>0, then newsize samples will be generated ran-
      domly and with replacement, in proportion to the WEIGHT column.

      Randomized starting  at  abs(seed),  with  repeated  samples  not

      If  the  user chooses seed=0, then newsize samples will be gener-
      ated, each line of the original root.ext file being  repeated  in
      proportion  to  its WEIGHT value, and these repeated samples will
      be placed in root_new.ext. Thus the  weight  of  each  sample  is
      physically  expressed in the manner of repeated rows of that sam-
      ple.  To assure that  integer  truncation  does  not  render  the
      smaller  weighted  samples  to  be  not at all expressed, newsize
      should be something like 10000, or  even  100000.  The  resulting
      file,  root_new.ext,  will  have  the  same  structure as a BAYES
      result  file,  without  the  WEIGHT  column,  and  the  R  script
      bayesplot.R  or  Splus script bayesplot.ssc, available in Pdx-Pop
      5.1, may be used to view histograms, quantile plots, and quantile

      The  seed<0 should be used only if newsize<<min(oldsize of origi-
      nal file, end-start+1) that is, you just want a  to  pick  a  few

 See also table_quant (tabquant) program.


REFERENCES: Guide Introduction_7

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