 |                                                                    |
 |                           RAW_ DATA ITEM                           |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: Raw-data (RAW_) data item
 CONTEXT: $INPUT record and NONMEM data set

 $INPUT ... RAW_ ...

 RAW_ labels NONMEM's raw-data (RAW) data item.  The raw-data data item
 is optional.  With a nonobservation record (i.e.  MDV=1)  it  controls
 the definition of the value of the DV item associated with that record
 that appears in tables or scatterplots (whereas without  the  raw-data
 item, this DV item is the one in the original data set).  Basically, 0
 means the displayed DV item is that in the original data  set,  and  1
 means the DV item is the raw-data-average of original DV items.

 Values are:

 0    The data record is not a template record.

 1    The  data record serves as a template record, aiding in the defi-
      nition of the (particular)  raw-data-average.   The  DV  and  RES
      items become the raw-data-average and the difference between this
      average and the PRED item, respectively.  The average is over all
      observations  in  all  other  data records with user-defined data
      items matching (i.e. equal to) those occurring  in  the  template
      record.   (A user-defined data item is a data item not recognized
      by NONMEM, i.e., not one of ID, L2, DV, MDV, RAW_,  MRG_,  REPL_.
      It  may  be  a PREDPP data item.  Specific user-defined data item
      types may be excluded from the match; see the $OMIT record.)  The
      average is a two-stage average; it is the average of within-indi-
      vidual averages.

      Any PRED-defined item stored in the SAVE region and displayed  in
      a  table  or  scatterplot is handled as is the DV item; it too is
      replaced by an average of the  corresponding  PRED-defined  items
      obtained  with observation records.  Thus, several different raw-
      data-averages can be defined (using the same template).

 With RAW_=1, MDV must also be 1 or 101.  This use of  MDV=1  does  not |
 prevent,  as  would  ordinarily happen, the DV or RES items from being

 A plot of DV, RES (and of any PRED-defined item  stored  in  the  SAVE
 region)  will only include points from records with RAW_=1, unless one
 explicitly partitions on RAW_.

 If PREDPP is used and NM-TRAN generates MDV, MDV is set to 1  if  RAW_
 is 1.  If PREDPP is used, NM-TRAN sets RAW_ to 0 (if it is not already
 0) when EVID is not equal to 0.

 Warning: If PREDPP is used and NM-TRAN generates EVID, it sets  EVID=2 |
 for records with MDV=1 and no dosing information.  This causes RAW_ to |
 be set to 0.  When RAW_ is used, the data set should include  MDV  and |
 EVID data items.  The values should be MDV=1 and EVID=0 when RAW_>0.

 (See data average example, data average block).


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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)