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CONTEXT: Source code
As of NONMEM 7.4, a series of routines are available that protect
against domain violations, divide by zero, and floating point over-
flows. Each of these routines start with the letter P, followed by
the name of the mathematical operation they are to perform. For exam-
ple, PLOG is the protective code routine that performs the LOG opera-
tion. In addition, there are first derivative (such as PLOGD1), and
second derivative (such as PLOGD2) companion routines available which
NMTRAN uses for computing analytical derivatives. The source code of
these routines are available in ..\source\PROTECT.f90. If you wish to
modify their behavior, then copy PROTECT.f90 to your run directory as
(say) myprotect.f90, modify it, then refer to this modified code with
$SUBROUTINES OTHER=myprotect.f90 (The OTHER option is not needed if
the P functions are coded explicitly or implicitly via $ABBR PROTECT.)
The following protective code routines are available:
For all routines, if X=not a number, X is converted to machine preci-
sion value, which is about 1.0E-15, before performing an operation on
it. If X>INFNTY (where INFNTY is approximately 1.0E+154), then X is
converted to INFNTY before an operation is performed on it.
PLOG(x): returns LOG of x. If x<SMALLZ, where SMALLZ is approx-
imately 2.8E-103, then LOG(SMALLZ) is returned.
PLOG10(x): returns LOG10 of x. If x<SMALLZ, where SMALLZ is
approximately 2.8E-103, then LOG10(SMALLZ) is returned.
PSQRT(x): returns SQRT of x. If x=0.0d+00, then 0 is returned.
PEXP(x): returns EXP of x. If x>40.0, then PEXP(100.0) is
returned (avoids overflow).
PDZ(x): returns 1/x . Protects against divide by zero. If
abs(x)<SMALLZ, then 1/SMALLZ is returned.
PZR(x): returns x. protects against zero. If abs(x)<SMALLZ,
then SMALLZ is returned.
PNP(x): returns x. Protects against non-positive. If X<SMALLZ,
then SMALLZ is returned.
PHE(x): returns x. Protects against high exponent. If X>100,
then 100 is returned. Thus PEXP(x)=EXP(PHE(x)).
PNG(x): returns x. Protects against negative. If X<0.0, then
0.0 is returned.
PTAN(x): returns tan(x). Protects against returning infinity on
inputs near pi/2.
PATAN(x): returns atan(x). Protects against large intputs.
PACOS(x), PASIN(x): returns acos(x), asin(x), respectively. If
|X| is between 1.0 and 1+10**(-08), then x is submitted as 1 or
-1. So, "dirty ones" are cleaned up, but values clearly beyond 1
are allowed to trip up the function, so the user is aware of the
logical error in the code, and fix the issue.
Instead of replacing various operations with protected code operations
by hand, you can ask NMTRAN to automatically convert your code to pro-
tected code with the following statement:
NMTRAN will automatically replace all LOG (or DLOG) with PLOG, EXP (or
DEXP) with PEXP, SQRT (or DSQRT) with PSQRT, / operations with *PDZ(),
and B**E operations with PEXP(E*PLOG(B)), and so on.
Note that the any P function name that is used explicitly or implic-
itly via $ABBR PROTECT may not be used for a user-defined variable
When you use $ABBR PROTECT, you will find a considerable improvement
in estimation stability, regardless of estimation method used.
REFERENCES: Guide Introduction_7
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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)