 |                                                                    |
 |                              PRIORGET                              |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING:  Transfer  Results of an Analysis to NMTRAN Prior Information

 This utility extracts results from a raw output file (.ext) and a pre-
 vious  analysis  into informative prior values for a subsequent analy-

 USAGE: priorget root.ext root.cov myprior.ctl TBLN s/,/t

 where root.ext and root.cov are input the files from a previous analy-
 sis.   TBLN is the table number, as these input files may have several
 tables to choose from. Delimiter can be , t for tab, or s  for  space.
 Optional  if  delimiter  is space.  The order of the parameters in the
 input files must be in the default TSOL (lower triangular) order.


  priorget example3.ext example3.cov prior3.ctl 5 s

 extracts information from table 5 of the  population  mixture  problem
 example3,  and places it in NMTRAN $PRIOR control stream format in the
 output file prior3.ctl

 See INTRODUCTION TO NONMEM 7, priorget: Transfer Results of an  Analy-
 sis to NMTRAN Prior Information

 You  can  then patch (or "include") this code into your control stream
 for the subsequent analysis. Any fixed thetas will have $THETAPV vari-
 ances  with  value  0, so you will need to modify this as needed.  The
 degrees of freedom for Omegas and Sigmas ($OMEGAPD, $SIGMAPD) are cal-
 culated  according to the formula described in section "A Note on Set-
 ting up Prior Information."

 Be aware that the degrees of freedom may fall below the  block  dimen-
 sion,  or be above the total number of subjects, and the user may wish
 to modify the results accordingly before using them  in  an  analysis.
 Results from priorget should always be treated as informational first,
 and then inspected and modified according to your intended purpose.

REFERENCES: Guide Introduction_7

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)