 |                                                                    |
 |                                PASS                                |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: PASS subroutine
 CONTEXT: NONMEM utility routine


 The  NONMEM  utility routine PASS can  be  used to read and/or to mod-
 ify ("transgenerate") data records.  This can  be  done  at  both  the
 beginning and ending of a problem.

 When  ICALL=0, 1, or 3, PASS may be called by PRED, or by a subroutine
 of PRED (such as PREDPP's INFN), or PASS may be called from  $PRED  or
 $INFN  abbreviated  code.   With  abbreviated  code, the variable MODE
 should be used as the argument to PASS and set as described below.

 Input argument:

      MODE=0: Initialize PASS

      MODE=1: store next data record in DATREC (and in PASSRC of module
      NMPRD9);  any  modifications of this record performed by PRED are
      ignored by NONMEM.

      MODE=2: store next data record in DATREC (and in PASSRC of module
      NMPRD9);  any  modifications of this record performed by PRED are
      placed into NONMEM's internal data set.

      MODE=3: terminate PASS (can be used only after MODE=1)

 Output argument:

      Upon return from a call to PASS  with  MODE=1  or  2,  PASS  sets
      MODE=0 when there are no more data records to be passed.

 The  first  call  to  PASS  with  MODE=1  or 2 produces the first data
 record, the second call produces the second data record, etc.  A value
 of  NEWIND  appropriate  for  the  data record currently in DATREC and |
 PASSRC is also stored by PASS in NWIND of module NMPRD_INT.

 The NONMEM utility routine GETETA can be used to  obtain  subject-spe-
 cific  estimates of the eta's.  The values returned for the eta's with
 each call to GETETA are appropriate  for  the  individual  whose  data
 record is currently in DATREC.  When PASS is used in abbreviated code,
 GETETA is used automatically.  Any PRED-defined items  that  are  dis-
 played are available in module NMPRD4 with each data record.

 The  value  of  MIXEST  is  appropriate  for the individual whose data
 record is currently in DATREC.

 Since the call with ICALL=3 actually occurs before the Table and Scat-
 terplot Steps, new data items can be tabled and scatterplotted.

 The  user  should  not  use  PASS  to modify either the ID or MDV data

 Within an initialization or finalization block, code to test MODE  and |
 call  PASS  is  generated by NM-TRAN when abbreviated code such as the |
 following is present:                                                  |

 IF (ICALL.EQ.0) THEN                                                   |
 DO WHILE (DATA)                                                        |
  ... transgeneration statements ...                                    |
 ENDDO                                                                  |
 RETURN                                                                 |
 ENDIF                                                                  |

 (See Infn_pass_interpolation_example, Infn_example).
 (See Initialization-Finalization block).

REFERENCES: Guide II Section D.2.2
REFERENCES: Guide VI Section VI.A, Figure 37

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)