 |                                                                    |
 |                               NWPRI                                |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: NWPRI subroutine
 CONTEXT: NONMEM utility routine


 The user-written PRIOR subroutine allows a penalty function based on a
 frequency prior to be specified and  added  to  the  -2log  likelihood
 function  (Gisleskog  et al, JPP, 2002, p. 473-505).  This serves as a
 constraint on THETA, OMEGA, and SIGMA estimates and thus as a way  for
 stable  estimates of these parameters to be obtained with insufficient
 data.  NWPRI may be called by  PRIOR.   (See prior).   It  computes  a
 function  based  on  a  frequency prior that has a multivariate normal
 form for THETA, and also, in the case of population data,  an  inverse
 Wishart  form  for OMEGA (independent from the normal for THETA).  The
 parameters of these forms are called "hyperparameters", and  the  mod-
 eler fixes these to values of his/her choice.

 Using NWPRI, several penalties functions, each with a different set of
 values for the hyperparameters, may be used simultaneously.  Each  set
 of  values  may  be thought to arise from a different prior experiment
 (study).  In actuality, there is a way to combine the  several  penal-
 ties  functions into one (see above reference), and this is what NWPRI

 When NWPRI is used during a Simulation  Step,  it  produces  a  random
 value  of  THETA and a random value of OMEGA from the frequency prior.
 (See Simulation example).
 (See nwpri example).
 If NWPRI is used at ICALL=2, it need not be used at ICALL=4, and vice-

 NWPRI should always be called at ICALL=0 or ICALL=1.

 Use only NWPRI for the new $ESTIMATION methods of NONMEM 7.


 Input arguments:

      NTHETA=number of Thetas to be estimated
      NETA=number of Etas to be estimated
      NEPS=number of epsilons to be estimated
      These are The dimensions of the THETA, OMEGA, and SIGMA arrays of
      the parameters that enter into the model for the data.

      Before NONMEM 7.3, NEPS was ignored.   With  odd-type  population |
      data  or with non-odd-type single-subject data, where OMEGA takes
      the place of SIGMA, the input argument NETA must be set.

      NTHP=number of thetas which have a prior
      NETP=number of Omegas with prior
      NEPP=Number of Sigmas with prior

      The prior will only affect the  initial  subvector  of  THETA  of
      dimension  NTHP  and  the initial submatrix of OMEGA of dimension
      NETP (i.e. the submatrix consisting of the  intersection  of  the
      first   NETP rows and the first NETP columns of OMEGA).  The ini-
      tial subvector and submatrix are called the prior-affected  parts
      of  THETA  and  OMEGA.   If  NTHP=0  (NETP=0), the prior does not
      affect THETA (OMEGA) at all.  During the Simulation  Step,  simu-
      lated  values  for  the  affected  parts  of  THETA and OMEGA are
      obtained according to the prior distribution, and "the  simulated
      values"  for  the  unaffected parts of THETA and OMEGA are simply
      taken to be the values given in  the  NONMEM  control  stream  or
      input  Model  Specification  record.  Before NONMEM 7.3, NEPP was |

      The number of prior experiments.

      Relevant only if NWPRI is called during a Simulation Step.   Val-
      ues are

      0:  The  value of the THETA vector is obtained from simple random

      1: Within the given problem, NWPRI is to be  called  a  specified
      number  (NSAM) of times to obtain this number of different values
      of the THETA vector.  These values are obtained by  generating  a
      Latin  sample  of  size  NSAM  from equiprobable partitions of an
      ellipsoid in THETA space (hyper-ellipsoidal  sampling),  followed
      by sampling a point "uniformly" from each partition.  This scheme
      may be used, for example, when the problem has NSAM  subproblems,
      in  which  case, NWPRI would be called NSAM times, once each time
      during the problem when ICALL=4, and at each of  these  calls,  a
      different random value of THETA will be produced.

      2: Just as with value 1, but the NSAM values are obtained by gen-
      erating a Latin sample of size NSAM from equiprobable  partitions
      of an ellipsoid in THETA space (hyper-ellipsoidal sampling), fol-
      lowed by taking the "center point" of each partition.

      In all three cases,  each  new  value  of  the  OMEGA  matrix  is
      obtained from simple random sampling.

      After  each  call to NWPRI, the simulated values for THETA, OMEGA
      and SIGMA may be found in global variables and thus they are com-
      municated  directly  to  NONMEM.   (See PRIOR_Simulation:_Parame-

      When NWPRI is being used at ICALL=0 or 1, but NWPRI will  not  be
      used  at  ICALL=4  (i.e. during the Simulation Step), PLEV can be
      set to 0.  When it is being used at ICALL=2, PLEV can also be set
      to  0.   When  NWPRI is being used at ICALL=0 or 1 and it will be
      used at ICALL=4, or when it is being used at ICALL=4,  then  PLEV
      must be set to a fraction strictly less than 1, e.g. 0.999.  PLEV |
      is double precision with NONMEM 7, and is single  precision  with |
      NONMEM VI.

      A value of THETA will actually be obtained using a truncated mul-
      tivariate normal distribution, i.e. from an ellipsoidal region R1
      over  which  only  a fraction of mass of the normal occurs.  This
      fraction is given by PLEV.  The distribution is further truncated
      to  R2,  the  subregion of R1 lying within the rectangular bound-
      aries defined on  the  $THETA  record.   Simple  random  sampling
      occurs  in  R2.   Latin  sampled partitions are partitions of R1.
      However, when ITYP=1, if a uniformly sampled point from a  parti-
      tion  lies outside R2, it is replaced by a point obtained by sim-
      ple random sampling from R2.  When ITYP=2, if the center point of
      a partition lies outside R2, an abort occurs.

      Relevant  only if NWPRI is called during a Simulation Step.  Con-
      sider two cases.  a) Latin hyper-ellipsoid sampling is used  with
      ITYP=1,  and  b) simple random sampling along with the adjustment
      for small sample correlation effect is used (see next input argu-
      ment).   In  case  a) NSAM should equal the exact total number of
      different values of THETA that must eventually be  produced  over
      the  entire  NONMEM  problem.   In case b) NSAM should be no less
      than this number.

      Relevant only if NWPRI is called during  a  Simulation  Step.   A
      THETA value is obtained by transforming a value from the standard
      multivariate normal distribution  -  called  here  "the  standard
      value".   The  correlation  matrix  of the standard normal is the
      identity matrix.  When NSAM is small, the  estimated  correlation
      matrix  from the sampled standard values might not be quite close
      to the identity matrix - this is here called  "the  small  sample
      correlation effect".

      1: An adjustment is made for the small sample correlation effect,
      by first transforming the NSAM standard  values  altogether  into
      new  values  which  are  very nearly standard multivariate normal
      values and such that the sample correlation matrix of  these  new
      values is exactly the identity matrix.

      0: No adjustment is made for the small sample correlation effect.

 Output argument:

  CNT Relevant only if NWPRI is called at ICALL=2.  CNT is the penalty.

 Use of $PRIOR

 A  $PRIOR  record  may be used instead of a user-written PRIOR subrou-
 tine, in which case the input arguments listed above may be  specified
 as  options  of  $PRIOR,  and the value of CNT may be displayed in the
 NONMEM output.  (See $prior).

 Use of $THETA, $OMEGA, $SIGMA records

 Specifying the multivariate normal form for THETA (NTHP>0):

 After the usual set of $THETA records, add  a  second  set  of  $THETA
 records  giving  the  mean  of the multivariate normal.  The values on
 these records must be fixed.  They should number NTHP altogether.

 After the usual set of $OMEGA records, add  a  second  set  of  $OMEGA
 records giving the variance-covariance matrix of the multivariate nor-
 mal.  (If there are no etas in the model, there will not  be  a  usual
 set  of  $OMEGA  records.)  The values on these records must be fixed.
 They should number (NTHP+1)xNTHP/2 altogether, including implicit 0's,
 which  may  occur because the variance-covariance matrix of the normal
 may be block-diagonal.  If a (regular) theta is fixed, the correspond-
 ing  values  of  the mean and variance-covariance matrix of the normal
 are ignored.

 Specifying the inverse Wishart form  for  OMEGA  (NETAP>0;  population
 data only):

 After  the second set of $OMEGA records (or if NTHP=0, after the first
 set of $OMEGA records), add another set of $OMEGA records  giving  the
 mode  of  the  inverse  Wishart.   The values on these records must be
 fixed.   They  should  number  (NETP+1)xNETP/2  altogether,  including
 implicit  0's, which may occur because the mode of the inverse Wishart
 may be block-diagonal.  If the prior-affected part of OMEGA  is  given
 as  a block-diagonal matrix, then the mode must conform to this struc-
 ture.  The SAME attribute can be used.

 With each diagonal block of (the prior-affected part of) OMEGA,  there
 corresponds  a  number of "degrees of freedom" of the inverse Wishart.
 All blocks of a given block set are constrained to be equal (by  using
 the SAME attribute), and therefore, to each of these blocks there cor-
 responds the same number of degrees of freedom.  After the second  set
 of  $THETA  records  (or  if  NTHP=0,  after  the  first set of $THETA
 records), add another set of $THETA records, giving for each block set
 in  turn  the  number of degrees of freedom for the blocks of the set.
 The values on these records must be fixed.  There should  be  as  many
 values as there are block sets with the prior-affected part of OMEGA.

 The inverse Wishart for a given block of OMEGA may be explicitly given
 as "perfectly flat" by specifying the number of degrees of freedom  to
 be  the negative of the dimension of the block, minus 1.  In this case
 the mode for the block may be simply taken to be the 0 matrix (or  any
 positive  definite  matrix).   If  a block is fixed, the corresponding
 values of the mode and number of degrees of freedom are ignored.

 With NONMEM 7.3 and higher, you can use more informative record  names |
 that  obviate  the need for specific ordering of the additional $THETA |
 and $OMEGA records used by NWPRI, and provide  an  alternative  source |
 for values of arguments NTHETA, NETA, et al.                           |

 $THETAP for theta priors                                               |
 $THETAPV for variance-covariance matrix for theta's                    |
 $OMEGAP for OMEGA prior                                                |
 $OMEGAPD for degrees of freedom (or dispersion factor) for omega prior |
 $SIGMAP for SIGMA prior                                                |
 $SIGMAPD for degrees of freedom (or dispersion factor) for sigma prior |

 If  the  informative  record names are used, the records may be in any |
 order, and the options of $PRIOR need not be specified.  Note that the |
 name  of the record describes the kind of information it gives, rather |
 than the structure of the information.  E.g., in  the  example  below, |
 $THETAPV  is  used  instead  of  an $OMEGA record and $OMEGAPV is used |
 instead of a $THETA record.                                            |
 (See $thetap, $omegap, $sigmap)


 Here are three examples of extra $THETA and $OMEGA records  specifying
 prior  information  from an experiment.  This information concerns all
 the regular elements of THETA and OMEGA.  All examples are shown  with
 a $PRIOR record although a PRIOR subroutine could be used instead.

 $THETA 3 FIX .08 FIX .04 FIX
 $OMEGA BLOCK (3) .494 .00207 .0000847 .000692 .0000471 .0000292 FIX
 $OMEGA BLOCK (3) .7 .04 .05 .02 .06 .08 FIX

 Perhaps it might be more perspicuous to organize the prior information

 ;prior information for THETA
 $THETA 3 FIX .08 FIX .04 FIX
 $OMEGA BLOCK (3) .494 .00207 .0000847 .000692 .0000471 .0000292 FIX

 ;prior information for OMEGA
 $OMEGA BLOCK (3) .7 .04 .05 .02 .06 .08 FIX

 With NONMEM 7.3 and higher, informative record names can be used:      |

 $PRIOR NWPRI                                                           |
   ...                                                                  |
 ;prior information for THETA                                           |
 $THETAP 3 FIX .08 FIX .04 FIX                                          |
 $THETAPV BLOCK (3) .494 .00207 .0000847 .000692 .0000471 .0000292 FIX  |

 ;prior information for OMEGA                                           |
 $OMEGAP BLOCK (3) .7 .04 .05 .02 .06 .08 FIX                           |
 $OMEGAPD 100 FIX                                                       |

 Multiple Experiments

 There may be prior information from a number of experiments, in  which
 case  the  $THETA  and  $OMEGA records specifying this information for
 each experiment may be stacked, e.g.

 ;usual records
 $THETA  (0,4,10) (0,.09,.5) (.004,.01,.9)
 $OMEGA BLOCK (3) .7 .04 .05 .02 .06 .08

 ;prior information from experiment 1
 $THETA 3 FIX .08 FIX .04 FIX
 $OMEGA BLOCK (3) .494 .00207 .0000847 .000692 .0000471 .0000292 FIX
 $OMEGA BLOCK (3) .7 .04 .05 .02 .06 .08 FIX

 ;prior information from experiment 2
 $THETA 2 FIX .05 FIX .04 FIX
 $OMEGA BLOCK (3) .6 .003 .0001 .0004 .00001 .00003 FIX
 $OMEGA BLOCK (3) .9 .02 .05 .01 .06 .09 FIX

 Blocking on the variance-covariance matrix  of  the  normal  form  for
 THETA need not be the same across experiments.


 There  must be at least one THETA parameter and one OMEGA parameter in
 the model.


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