 |                                                                    |
 |                                MULT                                |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: MULT subroutine
 CONTEXT: NONMEM utility routine

      CALL MULT (A,B)

 MULT  is  a  NONMEM  utility  routine  that may be called by PRED.  It
 allows reweighting of the objective  function.   That  is,  it  allows
 terms  A(i)  and  B(i)  of the contribution to the (default) objective
 function of the ith individual to be set  to  values  other  than  the
 defaults,  which are 1.  A(i) multiplies the logarithm of the determi-
 nant of the variance - covariance matrix for the  ith  individual  and
 B(i)  multiplies the sum of the squared weighted residuals for the ith

 Input argument:

 A    A variable or constant.

 B    A variable or constant.

 To set A(i) and B(i) to values a and b for the  ith  individual,  PRED
 should  issue a single call to MULT during any one or more calls to it
 from NONMEM where ICALL is 2 and some data record from the  ith  indi-
 vidual is in DATREC.

 At these calls, set A=a and B=b.

 At least one such call to MULT must be issued for each individual.  If
 more than one such call is issued for the same individual, then A  and
 B should have the same values across all such calls.

 MULT  can be used whenever ELS is called.  MULT can also be used when-
 ever NCONTR is called and NCONTR calls CELS.  NCONTR calls CELS  when-
 ever  CCONTR  is  not called, or when CCONTR is called and CCONTR only
 calls CELS.

REFERENCES: Guide II Section D.4, D.4.3
REFERENCES: Guide II Figure 20

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)