 |                                                                    |
 |                                LBLR                                |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: Insert User-Defined Labels in Additional Files (NM75)

 The label substitution process is described in
 I.28.General New Options for $ESTIMATION Record (NOSUB=0)
 I.6.Expansions on Abbreviated and Verbatim Code and Other Items
 It  is  normally  done  only in the NONMEM report file, but not in the
 additional files, such as the .ext, .cov, .coi, .phi, etc. These addi-
 tional  files need often be read by 3rd party software, which may rely
 on traditional names for thetas, omegas, sigmas, phi, eta, etc.  None-
 theless,  one may wish to make label substitutions on these additional
 files, which  can  be  done  after  the  NONMEM  analysis,  using  the
 label_replace utility.

 lblr file1 file2 file3 [S|T|C] [0|1|2]

      Input  file  to have label substitutions done.  Typically this is
      the name of the NONMEM report file (e.g., root.res).

      NONMEM report file containing label substitution patterns, or any
      file containing label substitution patterns such as:

      The results are written to file3.

 Option 1
      Option 1 may be summarized as [S|T|C]
      S=Expand and adjust with spaces (default)
      T=Do not expand, and truncate label if necessary
      C=Expand, and compress so there are no spaces (suitable only for comma delimited files)

 Option 2
      Option 2 may be summarized as [0|1|2]
      0=Full name of parameter type (THETA/OMEGA/SIGMA/ETA/EPS/PHI/ETC/PHC) (default)
      1=two letter truncation of parameter type name (TH/OM/SG/ET/EP/PH/EC/PC)
      2=single letter truncation of parameter type name (T/O/S/E/P/H/C/C)

 Truncated  parameter  type  name  (1  or 2) works well with T, when no
 label expansion is permitted, and you want to make the label  as  com-
 pact as possible.

 If  the user specified NOSUB=1, then the thetas, omegas/etas, and sig-
 mas/eps will not have been label substituted during the NONMEM  execu-
 tion.  The user may wish to make the label substitution afterword with
 label_replace. For example,

  lblr myresult.res myresult.res myresult_new.res T 2

 Notice in this example that the report file myresult.res serves as the
 input file, and the file from which to get label substitution pattern.

 If  you  also  want  to  perform an lpcc, do lblr first, then the lpcc

 See INTRODUCTION TO NONMEM 7,  lblr:  Insert  User-Defined  Labels  in
 Additional Files

REFERENCES: Guide Introduction_7

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)