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| INFN |
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MEANING: INFN subroutine
CONTEXT: User-supplied subroutine; replaces a PREDPP dummy routine.
A run consists of one or more problems, and each problem consists of
one or more subproblems. With NONMEM 75, there is an opportunity to
drop data records from the NONMEM data set at the start of the run,
using the PRED_IGNORE_DATA feature. There are opportunities to make
some rudimentary computations at the beginning of a run (run initial-
ization), at the beginning of a problem (problem initialization), at
the end of a subproblem (subproblem finalization), at the end of a
problem (problem finalization), and at the end of a run (run finaliza-
tion). For example, at problem initialization, data transgeneration
may take place, or a variable that will be modified at subproblem
finalization, may be initialized. At problem finalization, the value
of this variable may be written to a user file. There is no opportu-
nity to do subproblem initialization.
The INFN subroutine is called by PREDPP to make initialization and
finalization computations. The version distributed with PREDPP is a
"stub" or "dummy" routine that does nothing. It may be replaced by a
user-written code.
Input/Output argument:
ICALL=-1: INFN may set PRED_IGNORE_DATA=1 for records to be
dropped. The following is required:
The option $DATA ... PRED_IGNORE_DATA is required to cause NON-
MEM to make a PRED_IGNORE_DATA pass.
ICALL=0: INFN may now make computations for run initialization.
ICALL may be reset by INFN to a number in the range 1-8999. This
number will appear on NONMEM output, allowing the user to iden-
tify the INFN routine being used.
ICALL=1: INFN may now make computations for problem initializa-
ICALL=3: INFN may now make computations for subproblem finaliza-
ICALL=3: INFN may now make computations for problem finalization.
If there are subproblems, first do subproblem finalization, if
required. Then test for IREP=NREP (the number of the current
subproblem equals the total number of subproblems), and if true,
do problem finalization. Values of IREP and NREP may be found in
NONMEM modules
(See Simulation: NREP,IREP).
ICALL=3: INFN may now make computations for run finalization.
First do problem finalization, if required. Then test for
IPROB=NPROB (the number of the current problem equals the total
number of problems), and if true, do run finalization. Values of
IPROB and NPROB may be found in NONMEM modules
(See Problem_Iteration_Counters).
Input arguments:
DATREC contains the first data record of the current problem.
(At ICALL=0, the current problem is the first problem.) Using
PASS (see below), the contents of DATREC are replaced by other
data records for the current problem, allowing all these other
records to be read and even modified.
The NONMEM THETA vector.
At ICALL=0, THETA contains the initial estimates for the first
At ICALL=1, THETA contains the initial estimates for the current
At ICALL=3, THETA contains the final estimates for the current
The values specified in the $INDEX record of the NM-TRAN control
stream. (This is the NONMEM INDXS array starting at position 12,
the first position beyond those positions used by PREDPP itself.)
NWIND has value 0 when INFN is called. It changes value during a
pass through the data using PASS (see below).
NWIND=0: First record of the data set.
NWIND=1: First record of a subsequent individual record.
NWIND=2: Subsequent data record of an individual record.
Constants in the PK routine can be set if they are stored in a
module or common block declared both in INFN and PK.
The data can be accessed and even modified via use of the NONMEM
utility routine PASS in routine INFN (See pass). As the data
records are passed one-by-one to INFN, each record is stored in
turn in DATREC.
Data can be transgenerated and additional data items can be pro-
duced at both initialization and finalization. Data items that
appear in a table or scatterplot with a given subproblem or prob-
lem are produced or left unchanged at the subproblem or problem
At finalization estimates of the eta's can be obtained via the
NONMEM utility routine GETETA. When used in conjunction with
PASS, the values returned for the eta's with each call to GETETA
are appropriate for the individual whose data record is currently
As an example of transgeneration, interpolated values of a
covariate can be computed for event records in which values are
missing, e.g. for other-type event records that have been
included so that predictions can be obtained at the times in
these records. This could also be done in PK or ERROR, but then
this would be done with every call to these routines; if done in
INFN, the computation is done once only.
(See Infn interpolation example).
REFERENCES: Guide VI Section VI.A, Figure 37
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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)