 |                                                                    |
 |                     ID .ID. AND L1 DATA ITEMS                      |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: Identification (ID) data item for NONMEM
 CONTEXT: $INPUT record and NONMEM data set

 $INPUT ... ID ...

 ID, .ID. and L1 are labels for NONMEM's identification data item.

 ID   The  observations  in the data set are divided into groups called
      level-one observations.  These groups may have  different  sizes.
      Level-one  observations  are treated as being statistically inde-
      pendent multivariate observations.

      Because there can be at most one scalar observation on  any  data
      record,  the  identification  (ID)  data  item  is  used to group
      together the data records containing the scalar observations com-
      prising  a level-one observation.  Using NM-TRAN, the identifica-
      tion data item is given the label ID in  the  $INPUT  record.   A
      contiguous set of data records with the same value of ID are col-
      lectively called an individual record (also called an L1 record),
      and  this  record "contains" one level-one observation.  A change
      in ID value indicates the start of a new individual record.

      When every level-one observation  consists  of  a  single  scalar
      observation, so that the entire level-one observation can be con-
      tained in a single data record, ID data items are  not  generally
      required.   However,  they  are always required when the data are
      population data and PREDPP is used.

 .ID. When the data are single-subject data and PREDPP is used, NM-TRAN
      automatically  generates the ID data items and provides the label
      .ID. for the NONMEM control stream.  (Or if L2 data items appear,
      these  are  taken  to  be the ID data items.)  If the ID label is
      given in the $INPUT record,  NM-TRAN  ignores  it,  and  it  also
      ignores the data items associated with this label.

 L1   Using  NM-TRAN,  the  identification  data  item may be given the
      label L1 in the $INPUT record.  Use of L1 as a label  or  synonym
      (e.g.  ID=L1)  in the $INPUT record specifies that the associated
      data items are to be used as the identification data  items  and,
      if  the data are single-subject data, the automatic generation of
      the identification data items is suppressed.

REFERENCES: Guide I Section B.1
REFERENCES: Guide IV Section II.C.4, III.B.2

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)