 |                                                                    |
 |                       DV AND MDV DATA ITEMS                        |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: Dependent Variable (DV) and Missing Dependent Variable (DV) data items
 CONTEXT: $INPUT record and NONMEM data set

 $INPUT ... DV MDV ...


 DV  and  MDV label NONMEM's dependent variable (DV) and missing depen-
 dent variable (MDV) data items, respectively.

 The dependent variable (DV) data item is required by  NONMEM.   It  is
 the observed value associated with the data record.

 The  missing dependent variable (MDV) data item is optional.  If it is
 present, then the ID data item must also be present.

 Values of MDV are:

      0    The DV data item is an observed value, i.e., DV is not miss-

      1    The DV data item is not regarded an observed value, i.e., DV
           is missing.  The DV data item is ignored.                    |

      100  Same as MDV=0, but this record is ignored during  Estimation |
           and  Covariance Steps.  During other steps, MDV will changed |
           to 0.                                                        |

      101  Same as MDV=1, but this record is ignored during  Estimation |
           and  Covariance Steps.  During other steps, MDV will changed |
           to 1.                                                        |

           Reserved variables MDVI1, MDVI2, MDVI3 can be used to  over- |
           ride  values  of  MDV>100.  These  variables  are defined in |
           include file  nonmem_reserved_general,  which  needs  to  be |
           copied  from util to the present run directory so NMTRAN has |
           access to it.

 With PREDPP, event records whose types are dose, other-type, reset, or
 reset-dose  (i.e.,  which  have  EVID values 1, 2, 3, 4) must all have
 MDV=1.  NM-TRAN will append the MDV data item if PREDPP  is  used  and
 MDV is not present on the $INPUT record.

 (See observation records).

REFERENCES: Guide I Section B.1, C.4.3
REFERENCES: Guide VI Section II, V.A
REFERENCES: Guide IV Section III.B.2, V.B

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)