NONMEM Users Guide Part VI - PREDPP
Appendix.IV. Compact Arrays in DES

NONMEM Users Guide Part VI - PREDPP

Appendix.IV. Compact Arrays in DES


With general non-linear models ADVAN6, ADVAN8, ADVAN9, ADVAN13, ADVAN14, and ADVAN16, and ADVAN18 a DES subroutine is needed.

DIMENSION :: A(*),P(*),DADT(*),DA(IR,*),DP(IR,*),DT(*)

If DES sets IDEFD(2)=1, the arrays are full.

As explained in Chapter VI Section C,

The partial of DADT(i) wrt A(k) is stored in DA(i,k).
The partial of DADT(i) wrt P(k) is stored in DP(i,k).
The partial of DADT(i) wrt T is stored in DT(i).

These arguments are used by PREDPP subroutines such as FCN1 as follows.

The state vector consists of compartment amounts Image grohtml-4049227-1.png and their eta partials Image grohtml-4049227-2.png .

The ADVAN routines must integrate over time t both of the following, for each compartment i and eta j:

Image grohtml-4049227-3.png and Image grohtml-4049227-4.png

The latter is not known to PREDPP, but can be computed by changing the order of differentiation:

Image grohtml-4049227-5.png = Image grohtml-4049227-6.png

The total derivative Image grohtml-4049227-7.png can be obtained by the chain rule by adding the sum over all compartments Image grohtml-4049227-8.png and parameters Image grohtml-4049227-9.png and time T

Image grohtml-4049227-11.png ...  + .nr 0C 0 Image grohtml-4049227-12.png ...  + .nr 0C 0 Image grohtml-4049227-13.png

But Image grohtml-4049227-14.png is simply DA(i,k) and Image grohtml-4049227-15.png is DP(i,k) and Image grohtml-4049227-16.png is DT(i).

The derivative Image grohtml-4049227-17.png can thus be computed as the sum of quantities that are available to the FCN routine:

Image grohtml-4049227-18.png ... Image grohtml-4049227-19.png Image grohtml-4049227-20.png ... Image grohtml-4049227-21.png Image grohtml-4049227-22.png

This can be extended easily to second derivatives.



For every PK parameter (i.e., every variable defined in PK and used in DES) there is a loop over all the etas. If a given PK parameter does not have partials with respect to etas, the loop does a lot of multiplying by zero’s and adding of zero’s. This wastes time. It is better simply to define it in $DES.


There is no third dimension of DA or DP or DT for the second partials (e.g., partials of DADT with respect to A(k),A(n)), or cross-partials (e.g., partials of DADT with respect to A(k),P(n)). Therefore the Laplacian method cannot be used with the FULL arrays,


FCN1 always loops over all elements of DA(i,j), DP(i,j) and DT(i). With a large sparse system of differential equations, many of these elements are zero because they are never computed by DES. With compact arrays (below), the elements that are always zero are not included in the computation.


If DES sets IDEFD(2)=0, the arrays are compact. (This is the default). FCN1 uses only those derivatives that are actually computed by DES.†

†Some derivatives may happen to be zero for some values of A’s and P’s and etas, but presumably they are non-zero at other values.

In addition, second partials (Laplace method) can be computed by DES.

DES computes all first and second partials and cross-partials of DADT. These may include (for all compartments and parameters defined in the model):

In DA:
the first partials of DADT(i) wrt A(j)
the second partials of DADT(i) wrt A(j) A(k)
the cross partials of DADT(i) wrt A(j) P(k)
In DP:
the first partials of DADT(i) wrt P(j)
the second partials of DADT(i) wrt P(j) P(k)
In DT:
the first partials of DADT(i) wrt T
the second partials of DADT(i) wrt T T
the cross partials of DADT(i) wrt T A(j)
the cross partials of DADT(i) wrt T P(j)

At ICALL=1, DES uses the first row DA(*,1) to describe each position in DA that will contain a value and describes ("maps") which A and eta it corresponds to (and which P, in the case of second partials). At other values of ICALL, DES puts the values themselves in DA(*,1). Similarly for DP and DT. Thus DA, DP, DT are linear (e.g., only the first row DA(*,1) is used for both the ICALL=1 "map" and the ICALL=2 value.)

The mapping uses two constants:
PG=max. no. of basic and additional PK parameters); may be set by $SIZES PG
PC=max. no. of compartments + 1; may be set by $SIZES PC

From these are computed


For DA, the mapping is in position p is:


i tells which DADT(i)
j tells which A(j)
k=0 if this is a first partial. k>0 if this is a second partial.
if k < PC, k tells which A(k)
if k > PC, k tells which P(n), where n=k-PC.

Position p in DA will be used to store the value at ICALL=2

The DA values are terminated by DA(..)=0

Similarly for partials of DADT(i) wrt P:


j tells which P(j)
k=0 if this is a first partial. k>0 if this is a second partial.
if k > 0, k tells which P(k)

Similarly for partials of DADT(i) wrt T:


k=0 if this is a first partial. k>0 if this is a second partial.
if 0< k < PC, this is partial wrt T, A(k)
if k > PC and k < PC+PG, this is partial wrt T, P(n) where n=k-PC
if k = PC+PG+1, this is second partial wrt T T


An example is given as app4example.ctl. This is not a realistic model, but serves to demonstrate the mapping. The only differential equation is:


The example contains contains


Then MM=100 and MMSQ=10000 and the mapping given by the right sides can be read easily.

For DA, right sides have the form 00i0j0k.
The DA values in DES at ICALL=1 are:

      DA(   1,1)=0010100
      DA(   2,1)=0010200
      DA(   3,1)=0010201
      DA(   4,1)=0010102
      DA(   5,1)=0010106
      DA(   6,1)=0010107
      DA(   7,1)=0010206
      DA(   8,1)=0010207

1st partial of DADT(1) wrt A(1) will be stored in DA(1,1)
1st partial of DADT(1) wrt A(2) will be stored in DA(2,1)
2nd partial of DADT(1) wrt A(2) A(1) will be stored in DA(3,1)
2nd partial of DADT(1) wrt A(1) A(2) will be stored in DA(4,1)
2nd partial of DADT(1) wrt A(1) P(1) will be stored in DA(5,1)
2nd partial of DADT(1) wrt A(1) P(2) will be stored in DA(6,1)
2nd partial of DADT(1) wrt A(2) P(1) will be stored in DA(7,1)
2nd partial of DADT(1) wrt A(2) P(2) will be stored in DA(8,1)

For DP, right sides have the form 00i0j0k.
The DP values in DES at ICALL=1 are:

      DP(   1,1)=0010100
      DP(   2,1)=0010200
      DP(   3,1)=0010201
      DP(   4,1)=0010102
      DP(   5,1)=0

1st partial of DADT(1) wrt P(1) will be stored in DP(1,1)
1st partial of DADT(1) wrt P(2) will be stored in DP(2,1)
2nd partial of DADT(1) wrt P(2) P(1) will be stored in DP(3,1)
2nd partial of DADT(1) wrt P(1) P(2) will be stored in DP(4,1)

For DT, right sides have the form: 00i000k
The DT values in DES at ICALL=1 are:

      DT(   1)=0010000
      DT(   2)=0010001
      DT(   3)=0010002
      DT(   4)=0010016
      DT(   5)=0010006
      DT(   6)=0010007
      DT(   7)=0

1st partial of DADT(1) wrt T will be stored in DT(1)
2nd partial of DADT(1) wrt T A(1) will be stored in DT(2)
2nd partial of DADT(1) wrt T A(2) will be stored in DT(3)
2nd partial of DADT(1) wrt T T    will be stored in DT(4)
2nd partial of DADT(1) wrt T P(1) will be stored in DT(5)
2nd partial of DADT(1) wrt T P(2) will be stored in DT(6)

Here is the app4example.ctl:



$PK   P(1)=THETA(1)*EXP(ETA(1))



$THETA 1 2 $OMEGA 1 2 $SIGMA 1