NONMEM Users Guide Part V - Introductory Guide - Chapter 9
1. What This Chapter is About
2. Providing Initial Estimates For : The $THETARecord
2.1. Providing Initial Estimates For Elements Of
2.2. Providing Constraints for Elements of
2.3. Fixing Elements of
2.4. How to Obtain Initial Estimates for
3. Providing Initial Estimates for and : the $OMEGAand $SIGMA Records
3.1. $OMEGA Record With Individual Data
3.2. $OMEGA Record With Population Data
3.3. The $SIGMA Record
3.4. Fixing Elements of or
3.5. How to Obtain Initial Estimates for and
4. Specifying Optional Tasks
4.1. Requesting the Estimation Step: the $ESTIMATIONRecord
4.2. Requesting the Covariance Step: the $COVARIANCERecord
5. Specifying Optional Output
5.1. Requesting the Table Step: the $TABLE Record
5.2. Requesting Scatterplots: the $SCATTERPLOT Record
6. Placement and Order of Records
7. INCLUDE records

NONMEM Users Guide Part V - Introductory Guide - Chapter 9

Chapter 9 - Additional NM-TRAN Records

1. What This Chapter is About

This chapter tells how to give initial estimates to NONMEM’s parameters ($THETA, $OMEGA, $SIGMA records); how to tell NONMEM what tasks to perform ($ESTIMATION, $COVARIANCE records); and how to tell NONMEM what additional output to produce ($TABLE, $SCATTERPLOT records).

2. Providing Initial Estimates For : The $THETARecord

This record provides an initial estimate (and, optionally, provides lower and upper bounds) for every element of NONMEM’s Image grohtml-150733-4.png vector.

2.1. Providing Initial Estimates For Elements Of

The $THETA record contains a list of values, separated by spaces or commas, which are the initial estimates for the Image grohtml-150733-6.png ’s used in the $PK and $ERROR statements. The position of a value in the list corresponds to its position (subscript) in the Image grohtml-150733-7.png vector. For example, consider the following statement:
$THETA 1.7 .102 29.

This says that the initial estimate for Image grohtml-150733-8.png is 1.7, the initial estimate for Image grohtml-150733-9.png is .102, and the initial estimate for Image grohtml-150733-10.png is 29. Some users of NONMEM prefer to code each value on a separate line so that they can include comments to themselves describing the significance of the Image grohtml-150733-11.png ’s. The above record could have been coded as follows:

This is a matter of style.

2.2. Providing Constraints for Elements of

When NONMEM is told to estimate the parameters (Section 4.1, the Estimation Step, below), it varies the elements of Image grohtml-150733-13.png to find values which cause the model to fit the observations best. The values on the $THETA record are the initial estimates of Image grohtml-150733-14.png for this search. When only an initial estimate is provided, NONMEM is free to chose any positive or negative value for that element of Image grohtml-150733-15.png . We then say that the Image grohtml-150733-16.png element is unconstrained, which means that its lower bound (lower limit) is Image grohtml-150733-17.png and its upper bound (upper limit) is Image grohtml-150733-18.png . When finite bounds are desired, the initial estimate and its bounds must be enclosed in parentheses and specified in the order (lower, initial, upper). When the upper bound needn’t be finite, the initial estimate and its lower bound are enclosed in parentheses and specified in the order (lower, initial). Note that when no estimation is performed, upper and lower bounds have no effect.

In the theophylline example of Chapter 2, for example, negative Image grohtml-150733-19.png values are physiologically impossible. Each Image grohtml-150733-20.png element was given a lower bound of 0, which constrained it to be non-negative:
$THETA (0, 1.7) (0, .102) (0, 29.)

It is possible to mix constrained and unconstrained Image grohtml-150733-21.png s; this was done in Chapter 2, figure 2.12:
$THETA (0,.0027) (0,.70) .0018 .5

An upper bound of Image grohtml-150733-22.png may be stated explicitly using the value 1000000 or the word INFINITY. Similarly, a lower bound of Image grohtml-150733-23.png may be stated explicitly as -1000000 or -INFINITY.

2.3. Fixing Elements of

When estimation is performed, it is sometimes desirable to hold one or more elements of Image grohtml-150733-25.png to a constant value. One example is when a full model is reduced to a simpler model, as discussed in Chapter 5, Section 2.1; usually this is done by holding some Image grohtml-150733-26.png element to 0. In fact, the value 0 may not be used as an initial estimate for an element of Image grohtml-150733-27.png unless this element is fixed to this value. A Image grohtml-150733-28.png element is held constant by inserting the word FIXED after the initial estimate. For example, the following statement allows Image grohtml-150733-29.png and Image grohtml-150733-30.png to vary, but holds Image grohtml-150733-31.png to the value .102:
$THETA 1.7 .102 FIXED 29.

Parentheses may be used to make the statement easier to read:
$THETA 1.7 (.102 FIXED) 29.

If the lower, initial, and upper values for an element of Image grohtml-150733-32.png are identical, the element of Image grohtml-150733-33.png is understood to be fixed, even if the word FIXED does not appear.

2.4. How to Obtain Initial Estimates for

When estimating parameters, good initial estimates for Image grohtml-150733-35.png are sometimes important. Poor initial estimates may occasionally cause the NONMEM run to take excessive amounts of computer time, to produce parameter estimates that are not physiologically reasonable, or to fail to produce any parameter estimates at all. For some drugs and models, initial estimates for Image grohtml-150733-36.png can be obtained from published literature describing prior studies with the drug. For some studies, very accurate values may have been obtained by prior runs with NONMEM or other regression programs. Highly accurate values should be perturbed (modified) by about 10% before being used as initial estimates in a NONMEM run. (Initial estimates that are too close to what may be the actual final estimates will cause problems in a NONMEM run; see Chapter 13.) Sometimes, however, there is little guidance in choosing initial estimates for some elements of Image grohtml-150733-37.png .

One approach with population data, where there is a reasonable amount of data for each individual, is as follows. It is often easier to guess at appropriate parameter values for individual data than for population data. So, first estimate each individual’s parameter values using only the data from the individual. The mean values of the individuals’ parameter estimates can then be used as the initial parameter estimates in the population analysis. Results from individual runs can also be used to obtain initial estimates for elements of Image grohtml-150733-38.png and Image grohtml-150733-39.png ; see below.

Another approach is simply to let NONMEM find an initial estimate. NONMEM has an automatic strategy for so doing; see Chapter 12, Section 4.4.

3. Providing Initial Estimates for and : the $OMEGAand $SIGMA Records

Recall that Image grohtml-150733-42.png and Image grohtml-150733-43.png are variance/covariance matrices for the following random variables:

Individual Model Image grohtml-150733-44.png (OMEGA) for Image grohtml-150733-45.png (Random Intraindividual Variability)

Population Model Image grohtml-150733-46.png (OMEGA) for Image grohtml-150733-47.png (Random Interindividual Variability) Image grohtml-150733-48.png (SIGMA) for Image grohtml-150733-49.png (Random Intraindividual Variability)

In all the examples in this document, Image grohtml-150733-50.png and Image grohtml-150733-51.png are diagonal matrices, in which covariance elements such as Image grohtml-150733-52.png (which is Image grohtml-150733-53.png ) are assumed to be zero. NONMEM also allows full variance/covariance matrices; this is beyond the scope of this text, but see Chapter 12, Section 4.1.

Initial estimates for the variances must be provided to NONMEM via the $OMEGA and $SIGMA records. Initial estimates of all model parameters ( Image grohtml-150733-54.png , Image grohtml-150733-55.png , and Image grohtml-150733-56.png ) must be provided even if estimation is not requested. $OMEGA and $SIGMA records each contain a list of values, separated by spaces or commas, which are the estimates for the corresponding variances. As in the $THETA record, the position of a value in the list corresponds to the position (subscript) of the corresponding variance (along the diagonal) in the matrix.

3.1. $OMEGA Record With Individual Data

With individual data, Image grohtml-150733-57.png variables are used in $ERROR records, where they are called either ERR or ETA. For example, in the theophylline problem of Chapter 2 (figure 2.1) there appear the records:
$OMEGA 1.2

Here, ERR(1) corresponds to Image grohtml-150733-58.png , and the initial estimate for its variance is 1.2: i.e., Image grohtml-150733-59.png .

3.2. $OMEGA Record With Population Data

With population data, Image grohtml-150733-60.png variables are used in $PK statements. For example, in the phenobarbital problem of Chapter 2 (figure 2.6) there appear the lines:
$OMEGA .0000055, .04

The $OMEGA record says that the initial estimate for the variance of Image grohtml-150733-61.png is Image grohtml-150733-62.png , and of Image grohtml-150733-63.png is .04: i.e., Image grohtml-150733-64.png and Image grohtml-150733-65.png . Some users of NONMEM prefer to code each value on a separate line so that they can include comments:

3.3. The $SIGMA Record

This record is used only with population data, and is similar to the $OMEGA record. It gives the initial estimates of the variances of the Image grohtml-150733-66.png variables used in the $ERROR statements, where they are called either ERR or EPS. For example, in Figure 2.6, there also appears the records:

Here, ERR(1) corresponds to Image grohtml-150733-67.png , and the initial estimate for its variance is 25: i.e., Image grohtml-150733-68.png .

3.4. Fixing Elements of or

It is sometimes desirable to hold one or more elements of Image grohtml-150733-71.png or Image grohtml-150733-72.png to constant value(s). In the population example of Chapter 2 it is possible to ignore interindividual variability in CL by fixing Image grohtml-150733-73.png to 0†.

† One could also re-write the $PK statements to eliminate ETA(1) in the model for CL, which also requires that ETA(2) in the model for V be re-numbered as ETA(1). It is easier to modify only $OMEGA.

The variance of an Image grohtml-150733-74.png or Image grohtml-150733-75.png variable is held constant by inserting the word FIXED after the initial estimate:
$OMEGA 0 FIXED .0225

Parentheses may be used to make the statement easier to read:
$OMEGA (0 FIXED) .0225

As with Image grohtml-150733-76.png , the value 0 may not be used as an initial estimate for any element of Image grohtml-150733-77.png or Image grohtml-150733-78.png unless the element is fixed to this value.

3.5. How to Obtain Initial Estimates for and

The initial estimates for the variances will depend on the particular (interindividual and/or intraindividual) error models chosen. The estimates do not have to be particularly accurate, although values which are much too small can cause difficulties for NONMEM. In general, it is better to over-estimate the variances rather than to under-estimate them. As with initial estimates for Image grohtml-150733-81.png , initial estimates can sometimes be obtained from published literature or from prior runs with NONMEM or other regression programs.

Initial estimates can also be obtained by an approach which we illustrate with examples for both intraindividual and interindividual error models. The standard deviation of a physiological quantity is generally some fraction Image grohtml-150733-82.png of its typical value Image grohtml-150733-83.png : Image grohtml-150733-84.png .

For the additive model:

Image grohtml-1507333.png

Image grohtml-1507334.png

Image grohtml-1507335.png

Some ambiguity exists about what we mean by "the typical value" of y. For the purpose of obtaining an initial estimate of the variance, we need not be too particular about this. For the theophylline example (Figure 2.1), we may choose the mean of the observed values as the typical value. This value is approximately 5.4. Assuming 20% error, i.e. Image grohtml-150733-88.png , then Image grohtml-150733-89.png . Similarly, in the first phenobarbital example (Figure 2.6), the mean of the observations is approximately 25. Again assuming 20% error, then Image grohtml-150733-90.png , and Image grohtml-150733-91.png . For that same example, the typical value of CL was estimated according to the model for the parameter: TVCL=THETA(1). We used the initial estimate of Image grohtml-150733-92.png , .0047, as the typical value of CL, and assumed 50% error: Image grohtml-150733-93.png . The model for V is TVVD=THETA(2). Again, we used the initial estimate of Image grohtml-150733-94.png , .99, as the typical value of V, but assumed 20% error: Image grohtml-150733-95.png . Note finally that in the second phenobarbital example (Figure 2.12), we used as initial estimates of variance the final estimates obtained from the first example (understanding that these estimates could be somewhat large due to some of the variability being explained in this example by a systematic influence of weight).

For the constant coefficient of variation model:

Image grohtml-1507336.png

Image grohtml-1507337.png

Image grohtml-1507338.png

If we identify t with the value of f (whatever it may be), we have:

Image grohtml-1507339.png

In other words, using the CCV model, we do not need to estimate the typical value of the variable. For example, assuming 20% error, Image grohtml-150733-100.png .

As with Image grohtml-150733-101.png , it is possible for NONMEM itself to obtain initial estimates of Image grohtml-150733-102.png and Image grohtml-150733-103.png automatically; see Chapter 12, Section 4.4.

4. Specifying Optional Tasks

Two main tasks of NONMEM, the Estimation Step and the Covariance Step, are optional and must be specifically requested by including the $ESTIMATION and $COVARIANCE records. To skip the Estimation Step, simply omit the $ESTIMATION record. To skip the Covariance Step, simply omit the $COVARIANCE record.

In every run NONMEM computes and prints the value of the objective function and the final parameter estimates. The values printed are based on the final parameter estimates if the Estimation Step is requested, and are based on the initial estimates if it is not.

4.1. Requesting the Estimation Step: the $ESTIMATIONRecord

In the Estimation Step, NONMEM performs a search to obtain those values of Image grohtml-150733-104.png , Image grohtml-150733-105.png , and (for population studies) Image grohtml-150733-106.png which give the lowest value of the objective function. The output of this step is the pages whose titles are " MONITORING OF SEARCH: ", " MINIMUM VALUE OF OBJECTIVE FUNCTION ", and " FINAL PARAMETER ESTIMATE ". This step is requested by the presence of the following statement:

There are several options, which are described in the NONMEM Users Guide, Part IV. The most frequently used ones are as follows.


NONMEM always sets etas to 0 during the computation of the objective function. Also called the "first order (FO) method." This is the default. It may also be coded as METHOD=ZERO .


NONMEM uses conditional estimates for the etas during the computation of the objective function. METHOD=1 is also called the "first order conditional estimation (FOCE) method." It may also be coded as METHOD=CONDITIONAL . When the option INTERACTION is also present, the method is called the "FOCE with INTERACTION method". It is recommended for continuous variables unless the data are very sparse. These methods are discussed in Guide VII, Conditional Estimation Methods.


By default, the search continues until the estimates of all elements of Image grohtml-150733-107.png , Image grohtml-150733-108.png , and Image grohtml-150733-109.png have been determined to at least 3 significant figures. Because only 3 significant digits are used to print parameter estimates in the output, and for other reasons as well, this amount of accuracy is often sufficient. However, the SIGDIGITS option can be used to request a different number (n) of significant digits.


The Estimation Step always runs with a specific limit on the number of objective function evaluations allowed during the search, as a protection against infinite loops and excessively long runs. The default maximum is computed according to the number of parameters being estimated. The MAXEVALS option can be used to request a different number (n) for the maximum number of function evaluations.


As the Estimation Step progresses, by default it prints intermediate output summarizing the progress of the search. The search proceeds in stages, called iterations. At the end of certain iterations a summarization is printed which consists of the values of the objective function, its gradient vector with respect to the parameters, and the parameter values themselves. By default, this summarization is only printed for the first and last iterations. The PRINT option can be used to request a number (n) such that starting from the first iteration, only n-1 iterations are skipped before another summarization is printed†.

† The PRINT option can also be used to suppress intermediate printout altogether, but this should usually not be done because the information is often of value. See Chapter 10, Section 4.

An example of the use of these options is:
$EST SIG=6,MAX=900,PRI=5

In addition to the first and last iterations, summarizations are printed every 5th iteration. Notice that abbreviations of the record and option names were used; this is a matter of style.

4.2. Requesting the Covariance Step: the $COVARIANCERecord

In the Covariance Step, NONMEM obtains information on the precision of the parameter estimates obtained in the Estimation Step. The output of this step are pages with titles " STANDARD ERROR OF ESTIMATE ", " COVARIANCE MATRIX OF ESTIMATE ", " CORRELATION MATRIX OF ESTIMATE ", and " INVERSE COVARIANCE MATRIX OF ESTIMATE ". This step is requested by the presence of the following record:

There are several options, which are discussed in NONMEM Users Guide, Part IV. The Covariance Step cannot be requested by itself; the Estimation Step must precede it‡.

‡ The Estimation Step may be omitted when the run is continued from a prior run using a Model Specification input file; see Chapter 12, Section 4.3, and Chapter 13, Section 3.2.

5. Specifying Optional Output

$TABLE and $SCATTERPLOT records are used to request NONMEM steps which generate additional output. If one of these records is omitted, NONMEM does not produce the corresponding additional output. Tables and scatterplots are generated after all other tasks have been performed. This affects the values displayed for PRED, RES, and WRES. If the Estimation Step is not run, then the initial estimates of the parameters are used to compute these quantities. If the Estimation Step is run, then the final parameter estimates are used. Residuals (RES) and weighted residuals (WRES) are defined in Chapter 11, Section 4.4.2.

The UNCONDITIONAL option of the $TABLE and $SCATTERPLOT records requests that output of this type be generated even if the Estimation Step terminates unsuccessfully, and is the default. The CONDITIONAL option of these records requests that output of this type be generated only if the Estimation Step terminates successfully.

5.1. Requesting the Table Step: the $TABLE Record

The values of DV, PRED, RES, and WRES are always printed in every table. Other data items to be printed should be listed on the record. The data items are printed in the order in which they are listed. This does not have to be the same order as in the data file, nor does every data item have to be listed. For example, the following record appears in Chapter 2, figure 2.12:

Figure 10.10 in Chapter 10 shows a portion of the resulting output.

It is possible for the lines of a table to be sorted into a different order than that of the original input file; this is discussed in the NONMEM Users Guide, Part IV.

More than one table can be printed. A separate $TABLE record is used to request each one.

5.2. Requesting Scatterplots: the $SCATTERPLOT Record

Chapter 2 contained many examples of $SCATTERPLOT records and the resulting output. Here, for example, are the records from figure 2.6:

The word UNIT requests a unit-slope line, which is the line PRED=DV. Figures 2.10 and 2.11 show the resulting output.

Similarly, the word ORD0 can be used to request a zero line on the ordinate axis.

It is possible to generate several scatterplots with a single record, by using a list of data item names:

This produces three scatterplots, and has the same effect as the three records:

Sometimes it is desirable to partition a scatterplot into a number of separate scatterplots. For example, if the data contain both plasma and urine observations, it would be better to separate the scatterplot of PRED vs. DV into one scatterplot where the DV values are the plasma observations, and another one where the DV values are the urine observations. To do this, it is necessary to specify a partitioning data item, in this case, the CMT data item, which gives the compartment number of the observation. The following record could be used.

This will produce separate scatterplots: one with plasma observations (CMT=1 if ADVAN1 is used), and one with urine observations (CMT=2 if ADVAN1 is used).

Two partitioning items can also be specified:

One scatterplot is produced for each unique combination of values of the two partitioning data items.

6. Placement and Order of Records

Two main rules control the placement and order of records within a NM-TRAN control file:

The $INPUT record must appear before any records which contain data item names ($PK, $ERROR, $TABLE, $SCATTERPLOT)

The $SUBROUTINE, $PK, and $ERROR records should appear in the indicated order, but do not have to be consecutive.

The records $DATA, $THETA, $OMEGA, $SIGMA, $ESTIMATION, $COVARIANCE, $TABLE, and $SCATTERPLOT can be placed anywhere among the control records, in any order. However, NONMEM always performs its tasks in a fixed order:

Estimation Step
Covariance Step
Table Step
Scatterplot Step

Thus, even if the $TABLE record precedes the $ESTIMATION record, the values of PRED, RES, and WRES in the table will be based on the final parameter estimates.

7. INCLUDE records

One or more records of the form

INCLUDE filename n

may appear anywhere among the NM-TRAN control records. The characters INCLUDE may be upper- or lower-case. "n" is an optional integer, and gives the number of copies (default is 1).

NM-TRAN opens the named file and reads it to end-of-file. The contents of the named file may be any portion of an NM-TRAN control stream, e.g., NM-TRAN control records and/or abbreviated code. After reaching end-of-file, if the number of copies is greater than 1, NM-TRAN rewinds the file and re-reads it the specified number of times. After reaching end-of-file on the final (or only) copy, NM-TRAN resumes reading the original control stream after the include record.

There may be more than one INCLUDE record, but they may not be nested. That is, an included file may not contain INCLUDE records.

For example,

$PROBLEM Model "a" with data set 27, proportional error
INCLUDE data27.def
INCLUDE modela.def
$THETA 1.3 4
$OMEGA .04

The file data27.def contains the $INPUT and $DATA records.
The file modela.def contains the $SUBROUTINE record and $PK block.