NONMEM Users Guide Part IV - NM-TRAN - Chapter I
I. Introduction

NONMEM Users Guide Part IV - NM-TRAN - Chapter I

I. Introduction

NM-TRAN stands for NONMEM Translator, a preprocessor to NONMEM which translates user-inputs into i) a NONMEM data set, ii) a NONMEM control stream, and iii) various subroutines which must be included in a NONMEM load module. It is a separate computer program which is written in FORTRAN 90/95, and one precedes a NONMEM run by first running it. This document describes NM-TRAN and how to use it. In order to read this document the reader should be familiar with the concepts and nomenclature associated with the statistical models expressible in NONMEM. This familiarity can be obtained by reading modeling discussions in Guides I and VI. At the same time attention should also be paid to material describing the concepts and nomenclature associated with NONMEM data records and data items (especially Guide I, section B.1) and PREDPP event records and data items (especially chapters I, II, and V of Guide VI), and to the concepts and nomenclature associated with the various kinds of NONMEM output. However, material in these guides describing how control records, file records, and user-supplied subroutines are constructed may be skipped. Beginning NONMEM users who desire to analyze pharmacokinetic data will find it particularly helpful to first read Guide V. That document is written especially for the beginning user and from the point of view that the user is going to use NM-TRAN. Much of NM-TRAN, as well as much about NONMEM modeling, is described there.

The inputs for NM-TRAN include a data set, the NM-TRAN data set

but this data set need not be formatted quite as rigidly as a NONMEM data set. NM-TRAN translates the NM-TRAN data set into a NONMEM data set. The part of NM-TRAN which performs this translation is called the Data Preprocessor

The inputs for NM-TRAN also include a control stream, the NM-TRAN control stream

but, again, the language for this control stream is much more user-friendly than the fixed-field numerical-code type language used for a NONMEM control stream. NM-TRAN translates the NM-TRAN control stream into a NONMEM control stream.

The NM-TRAN control stream can (optionally) also include abbreviated FORTRAN codes from which various completely FORTRAN-coded NONMEM subroutines are generated. Thus, for example, from one such abbreviated code a PRED subroutine can be generated which computes the partial derivatives of the statistical model with respect to @eta@ and @epsilon@ random variables and stores them in the G and H arguments of the PRED routine. The abbreviated code itself does not directly involve partial derivatives. In effect, NM-TRAN performs symbolic differentiation, and this ability probably represents its most useful purpose. An abbreviated code also allows the statistical models to be represented in a natural and perspicuous symbolic way, wherein the @eta@ and @epsilon@ variables are explicitly expressed. Indeed, one need not even understand the allusions that have just been made to partial derivatives and G and H arrays; it is enough to understand that a statistical model may be represented in a natural way and that from this representation NM-TRAN automatically generates information required by NONMEM.

As powerful a device as is NM-TRAN abbreviated code, such code is still somewhat limited, and certain complicated subroutines which could be useful cannot be generated from it alone. It will probably be adequate, though, for the purposes of any beginning NONMEM user.

It should be emphasized that NONMEM can be used without NM-TRAN. NM-TRAN simply makes the user’s tasks easier, and we strongly recommend the use of this preprocessor, especially for beginning NONMEM users.

Here follows an example of an NM-TRAN control stream; it is meant to be used along with the example of an NM-TRAN data set shown in Appendix II. This NM-TRAN control stream is recorded on the NONMEM distribution medium as CONTROL4; see Guide III. NM-TRAN will translate the data set and control stream to a NONMEM data set, a NONMEM control stream, and a completely coded PRED subroutine. The effect of using these three NONMEM inputs in a NONMEM run will be to produce essentially the same output obtained from using the NONMEM control stream and PRED subroutine shown in Figures 75 and 74 of Guide I. That is, the effect will be to produce the same data analysis for the population theophylline data as that presented and detailed in chapter F of that guide. The data set, control stream, and PRED routine produced by NM-TRAN are given in Appendix III. They differ somewhat from the data set, control stream and PRED routine of Figures 75 and 74. (In fact, the NONMEM control stream of Fig. 75 contains the data itself, rather than the data being in a separate file. NONMEM data can be embedded in a NONMEM control file.) However, the NONMEM output is the same, no matter whether NM-TRAN is used or not. Subroutine PRED shown in Appendix III is a simplified version of the subroutine PRED generated by NONMEM 7.3’s NM-TRAN.†

† In order to obtain subroutine PRED for Appendix III, the record $ABBR NOFASTDER DERIV2=NO, was added to the control stream so that code for eta first partial derivatives is not collected and performed separately, and code for eta second derivatives is not generated. Other statements usually produced by NM-TRAN (such as those for NMPRD4; see Chapter II) were deleted because they are not needed for this example. Other code not relevant to the Estimation Method of figure 75 was also omitted for the sake of clarity.

$DATA       THEO


$THETA (.1,3,5) (.008,.08,.5) (.004,.04,.9) $OMEGA BLOCK(3) 6 .005 .0002 .3 .006 .4 $SIGMA .4


Much of the remainder of this document is devoted to describing the language illustrated in this example.

An NM-TRAN control stream includes control type information. It also can include information indicating that a FORTRAN-coded PRED routine is being supplied by the user, or it can include an abbreviated code from which a PRED routine can be generated (as in the example). However, NM-TRAN is also designed to make the use of PREDPP easier. PREDPP is a special, but elaborate, PRED routine that has been developed to assist with the task of analyzing pharmacokinetic data; see Guide VI. So, the NM-TRAN control stream can also include special control type information which can be used only when PREDPP is used and which facilitates the use of PREDPP, and it can also include abbreviated codes from which routines for PREDPP, which are otherwise user-supplied (INFN, MODEL, PK, ERROR, DES, AES), can be generated.

It may also contain abbreviated code from which a user-supplied from which a user-supplied PRIOR subroutine can be generated. This is independent of the choice of $PRED vs. PREDPP.

Accordingly, this document is divided into a few major parts which separate PREDPP considerations from general NONMEM considerations (see the Table of Contents).