NONMEM Users Guide Part I - Users Basic GuideAppendix I. Control Record Formats

NONMEM Users Guide Part I - Users Basic GuideAppendix I. Control Record Formats

Image grohtml-210893.png

FILE record (FILE) (A4,4X,A72)

Image grohtml-210894.png

SUPER record (SUPR) (A4,4X,I4,I8,I4)

Image grohtml-210895.png

PROBLEM record (PROB) (A4,4X,A72)

Image grohtml-210896.png

DATA record (DATA) (A4,4X,18I4)

Image grohtml-210897.png

ITEM record (ITEM) (A4,4X,18I4)

Image grohtml-210898.png

INDEX record (INDX)* (A4,4X,18I4)

Image grohtml-210899.png

LABEL record (LABL)* (A4,4X,9(A4,4X))

Image grohtml-2108910.png

Image grohtml-2108911.png

OMIT record (OMIT)* (A4,4X,18I4)

Image grohtml-2108912.png

FORMAT record (FORM) (A4,4X,A72/A80)

Image grohtml-2108913.png

FIND record (FIND) (A4,4X,18I4)

Image grohtml-2108914.png

initial STRUCTURE record (STRC) (A4,4X,18I4)

Image grohtml-2108915.png

If the dimension of SIGMA is 0, the following fields may be ignored.

Image grohtml-2108916.png

Image grohtml-2108917.png

STRUCTURE record for OMEGA or SIGMA (STRC)* (A4,4X,18I4)

Image grohtml-2108918.png


Image grohtml-2108919.png

THETA record (THTA)* (A4,4X,9A8)

Image grohtml-2108920.png

LOWER BOUND record (LOWR)* (A4,4X,9A8)

Image grohtml-2108921.png

UPPER BOUND record (UPPR)* (A4,4X,9A8)

Image grohtml-2108922.png

DIAGONAL record (DIAG)* (A4,3X,A1,9A8)

Image grohtml-2108923.png

BLOCK SET record (BLST)* (A4,3X,A1,9A8)

Image grohtml-2108924.png

SIMLUATION record (SIML) (A4,4X,18I4)

Image grohtml-2108925.png

If the value is 1, the subsequent fields may be ignored.

Image grohtml-2108926.png

SOURCE record (SORC) (A4,4X,2A12,I4)

Image grohtml-2108927.png

ESTIMATION record (ESTM) (A4,4X,18I4)

Image grohtml-2108928.png

If the value is 1, the subsequent fields may be ignored.

Image grohtml-2108929.png

ESTIMATION rec. continuation rec. (    ) (A4,4X,18I4)

Image grohtml-2108930.png

ZERO record (ZERO)* (A4,4X,18I4)

Image grohtml-2108931.png

GRID record (GRID) (A4,4X,9A8)

Image grohtml-2108932.png

NONPARAMETRIC record (NONP) (A4,4X,18I4)

Image grohtml-2108933.png

COVARIANCE record (COVR) (A4,4X,18I4)

Image grohtml-2108934.png

initial TABLE record (TABL) (A4,4X,18I4)

Image grohtml-2108935.png

If the value is 2, the next field may be ignored, and there should not appear
any individual TABLE records.

Image grohtml-2108936.png

individual TABLE record (TABL) (A4,3X,I1,18I4)

Image grohtml-2108937.png

individual TABLE rec. contin. rec. (    )* (A4,4X,18I4)
(as needed)

Image grohtml-2108938.png

individual TABLE record option rec. (    ) (A4,4X,18I4)

Image grohtml-2108939.png

initial SCATTERPLOT record (SCAT) (A4,4X,18I4)

Image grohtml-2108940.png

If the value is 2, the next field may be ignored, and there should not appear
any individual SCATTERPLOT records.

Image grohtml-2108941.png

individual SCATTERPLOT record (SCAT) (A4,4X,6I4,2I8,4I4,16X)

Image grohtml-2108942.png

If the value of field 3 is 0 or blank, the next two fields should be ignored.

Image grohtml-2108943.png

If the value of field 3 is 1, the next field should be ignored.

Image grohtml-2108944.png