| |
| $MSFI |
| |
MEANING: Gives the name of an input Model Specification File
CONTEXT: NM-TRAN Control Record
[NEW] |
This record gives the name of an input Model Specification File.
Name of the Model Specification File. Must be the first option.
Filename may not contain embedded spaces. If it contains commas,
semicolons, or parentheses, then it must be surrounded by single
quotes ' or double quotes ". Filename may also contain equal
signs if it is enclosed in quotes. If filename is the same as
any option of the $MSFI record, it must be enclosed in quotes.
Filename may contain at most 71 characters.
If a search is continued, it is continued just as it would have
been in the previous run. This option has no effect if the Esti-
mation Step is not implemented or if the step is implemented, but
using different options on the $ESTIMATION record from those used
with the previous run. This is the default option.
The search is to be restarted with initial estimates taken to be
the final estimates from the previous run, so that a UCP value of
0.1 now corresponds to a final estimate from the previous run.
This option may be used only if the search with the previous run
terminated successfully and all the options used on the $ESTIMA-
TION record coincide with those used with the previous run
(except the MAXEVAL option).
If the data are to be understood to be population data, the
option NPOPETAS may be needed, and then the part "=n", n>0, may
also need to be coded. The integer n should be the number of
population eta variables. The part "=n" is required when the
$ERROR block describes a model that changes the value of F, and
there is no $PK block. It is also required when variables A(n)
are used in the $PK abbreviated code. If the data are to be
understood to be single-subject data, the option NPOPETAS=0 may
be needed.
May also be coded POPETAS.
This option should be used if and only if the model specification
file is being used to convey prior information to a succeeding
problem in the control stream (See TNPRI). No task records may
appear in a problem specification containing a $MSFI record with
this option.
When the $MSFI record is used in a problem specification, $THETA,
$OMEGA and $SIGMA records should not appear in that specification. It
is permissible for the data file to differ from the original data
file, but usually this is not done.
Prevents an MSF file from being utilized in a subsequent control
stream file or problem if there were errors. This is the
Sometimes the MSFI error check is too strict. This occurs par-
ticularly when using classical NONMEM methods. To turn of MSFI
error checking, use NOMSFTEST.
Read in MSF files from previous versions. With NONMEM 7.5.0, |
choices are: |
$MSFI myfile.msf VERSION=7.4.0 |
$MSFI myfile.msf VERSION=7.3.0 |
$MSFI myfile.msf VERSION=7.2.0 |
$MSFI myfile.msf VERSION=7.1.2 |
$MSFI myfile.msf VERSION=7.1.0 |
$MSFI myfile.msf VERSION=6.2 |
$MSFI myfile.msf VERSION=6.1 |
NEW When the problem that created the MSF file has successfully com- |
pleted, calling for a resumed or new estimation is prevented when |
the method is FO/FOCE/Laplace. To allow analysis to continue, or |
to allow an analysis on a new data set, resuming from the final |
parameters of the MSF file, use the option NEW: $MSFI myfilename |
With NONMEM 7.3 and later, when MSF or MSFO option is used to specify
an MSFO file in the $EST record e.g.,
$EST ... MSFO=msfroot.msf
then in addition to the main MSF file msfroot.msf, file msf-
root_ETAS.msf containing individual etas will also be produced, and
provide additional information when a $MSFI record is used in a subse-
quent problem or control stream. This is referred to as an "extra"
msf file. If the Covariance Step is also implemented, files msf-
root_RMAT.msf and msfroot_SMAT.msf containing intermediate information
on the R matrix and S matrix will also be produced. These files pro-
vide information when a $MSFI record along with a $COV ... RESUME
record is used in a subsequent problem or control stream.
The use of an extension, e.g., .msf, is optional. If the _ETA file is
not present, NONMEM issues a warning:
There is no warning if _SMAT and/or _RMAT are not present.
REFERENCES: Guide I Section B.3
REFERENCES: Guide II Section E.3
REFERENCES: Guide III Section 3.2
REFERENCES: Guide IV Section III.B.12
REFERENCES: Guide Section Introduction_7
Go to main index.
Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)