 |                                                                    |
 |                            $ETAS,$PHIS                             |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: Specifies Initial Values for Etas or Phis
 CONTEXT: NM-TRAN Control Record

 $ETAS  [[value1  [value2]  [value3] ... [valuen]]
        [FILE=filename  [FORMAT|DELIM =s] [TBLN=n]]

 $PHIS  [[value1  [value2]  [value3] ... [valuen]]
        [FILE=filename  [FORMAT|DELIM=s1] [TBLN=n]]

 $ETAS 0.4 3.0 3.0 5.0
 $PHIS 0.4 3.0 3.0 5.0
 $ETAS FILE=myprevious.phi FORMAT=s1pE15.8 TBLN=3
 $PHIS FILE=myprevious.phi FORMAT=s1pE15.8 TBLN=3

 NONMEM  describes the use of these records with messages in the report
 file such as the following:



 By default, the initial value used for ETA's in  the  Estimation  Step
 search  is  0.   The $ETAS and $PHIS records provide different initial
 estimates.  Optional.


 There are two forms:

 $ETAS  value1  [value2]  [value3] ...[[valuen]
      All of the subjects in the data set will be given  these  initial
      values  of  etas.   If fewer values are listed than the number of
      etas in the problem, the value 0 will be used for  the  remaining
      etas.   Any  real  value (positive, negative, zero) may be speci-

      When the record is $PHIS, values are entered as phi values,  con-
      venient for EM methods.  The eta values will then be evaluated as
      eta(i)=phi(i)-mu(i) for each eta, where mu(i)=mu_i  is  evaluated
      according to their definitions in the $PK section.

 FILE=filename  FORMAT=s  TBLN=n
      Uses  initial etas and/or phis for an entire set of subjects from
      a file  .phi or .phm (in the case of mixture problems) of a  pre-
      vious analysis.

      With  FORMAT,  s defines the delimiter [,|s(pace)|t(ab)] followed
      by a Fortran format specification. The default is s1PE12.5.  FOR-
      MAT  should  at  least have the delimiter appropriate to read the
      file.  May also be coded DELIM.
      For more details, see the format help item:
      (See format).

      TBLN is the table number in the file.  If TBLN is not  specified,
      it  defaults  to  1, i.e., the first set of etas/phis are brought

      In matching the etas/phis to the data set given in $DATA  of  the
      control  stream  file,  the  attempt  will be to match ID numbers
      rather than subject numbers, if an ID column in the file  exists,
      which  it  will,  if  you are using a .phi or .phm file generated
      from a previous nonmem analysis.  The phc/etc variances will also
      be brought in.

      One purpose to bringing initial eta/phi and etc/phc values is you
      can readily resume an analysis, if an MSF file was not set up  in
      the previous analysis (the MSF file system is still the most com-
      plete information transfer for resuming an analysis.


 The etas from $ETAS/$PHIS can be used in several ways.

 In METHOD=0  (FO),  they  are  ignored,  because  FO  is  specifically
 designed as a first order Taylor series approximation process centered
 around eta=0.

 In METHOD=1 (FOCE), they are ignored unless  MCETA>0.   When  MCETA>0,
 then  various  starting  etas  are tested, including a set from $ETAS,
 when available.

 In Bayes, SAEM, IMP MAPITER=0 they are used as the starting etas.

 In MAP estimation methods, such as METHOD=1, or ITS, or IMP MAPITER>0,
 or  IMPMAP, and if MCETA>0, then these etas are one of the initial eta
 vector positions tested (during the first iteration), and the one giv-
 ing the lowest OBJ is then selected.

 In  cases  where  FNLETA=2,  the  estimation step is skipped, and etas
 inputted from $ETAS are treated as if they were the final result of an

 For examples and discussion:

 See INTRODUCTION  TO  NONMEM  7,  $ETAS and $PHIS Record For Inputting
 Specific Eta or Phi values

REFERENCES: Guide Introduction_7

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)