 |                                                                    |
 |                         $COVARIANCE,$COVR                          |
 |                                                                    |

 MEANING: Instructions for NONMEM Covariance Step
 CONTEXT: NM-TRAN Control Record

              [TOL=n] [ATOL=n]
              [SIGL=n] [SIGLO=n]
              [PARAFILE=[filename|ON|OFF] [PARAFPRINT=n]
              [SIRSAMPLE=[numberlist] [SIRNITER=n] [SIRCENTER=n]
              [IACCEPT=x] [IACCEPTL=x]
              [SIRDF=n] [RANMETHOD=[n|S|m|P] ]
              [SIRPRINT=n] [FILE=filename] [FORMAT=s]
              [SIRMINWT=x] [SIRMAXWT=x] [SIR_CAPCORR=x]
              [SIRSEED=n] [SIRCLOCKSEED=[0|1]]
              [SIRPARAFILE=[filename|ON|OFF] [SIRPARAFPRINT=n]
              [PRECOND=n] [PRECONDS=TOS] [PFCOND=n] [PRETYPE=n]
              [CHOLROFF=n] [KNUTHSUMOFF=n]


 Optional.  Requests  that  the  NONMEM Covariance Step be implemented.
 This step outputs: standard errors, covariance matrix, inverse covari-
 ance  matrix,  and the correlation form of the covariance matrix.  May
 also be coded $COVR.

 If $COV is specified, then for IMP, IMPMAP, and ITS methods,  standard
 error information will be supplied for every $EST statement.  Standard
 error information for the classical methods (METHOD=0, METHOD=1)  will
 be given only if they are the last estimation method, and only if NOF-
 COV is not specified.


      The special computation will be used in the Covariance Step  with
      a recursive PRED subroutine.  A recursive PRED subroutine is such
      that, with single-subject data, the PRED computation with a  data
      record depends on information passed to it with any of the previ-
      ous data records.  This is the default when PREDPP is used.

      Specifies that the covariance matrix will be different  from  the
      default  (R  sup  -1 S R sup -1).  MATRIX=R requests that 2 times
      the inverse R matrix be used.  MATRIX=S requests that 4 times the
      inverse  S  matrix be used.  (R and S are two matrices from  sta-
      tistical theory,  the Hessian and Cross-Product  Gradient  matri-
      ces,  respectively.)   With  MATRIX=R the standard errors will be |
      more consistent with other nonlinear regression  software  imple- |
      mentations.  MATRIX=R should not be used with option SPECIAL.
      MATRIX  has  no  relevance  to  the Covariance step results for a
      BAYES method.

      Additional outputs will be  printed  besides  the  defaults.   E:
      print  the  eigenvalues  of the correlation matrix.  R: print the
      matrix .5*R.  S: print the matrix .25*S.  PRINT=R (or S)  is  not
      needed with MATRIX=R (or S).

      Covariance  Step arrays are printed in compressed format, even if
      their size is such that NONMEM would normally print them  in  the
      usual format.

 SLOW Requests  a slower method of computation.  Required when either a
      mixture model was used along with CENTERING  on  the  $ESTIMATION
      record,  or NUMERICAL was used on the $ESTIMATION record.  If not
      present, the option will be automatically supplied in  these  two

      Requests  a  faster  method  of computation.  This is the default
      (but see SLOW).                                                   |

 FAST (NM74)                                                            |
      This is equivalent to FAST for the $EST record.  record.  If $EST |
      FAST is set, then $COV will be set to FAST, unless SLOW or NOSLOW |
      is specified.

 TOL=n (NM72)
      Tolerance.  Used only with General Nonlinear (differential  equa-
      tion solver) ADVAN's. Sets NRD=TOL.  By default, the value set on
      $SUBROUTINES record (or $TOL or TOL subroutine) is used.  If  TOL
      is  coded  on  $COVARIANCE, it overides the default.  With NONMEM
      74, this feature is deprecated.  A user-supplied  TOL  subroutine
      should test NM_STEP and set NRD accordingly.
      TOL  has  no relevance to the Covariance step results for a BAYES

 ATOL=n (NM72)
      Absolute tolerance. Used  only  with  ADVAN9,  ADVAN13,  ADVAN14,
      ADVAN15,  ADVAN16,  ADVAN17, ADVAN18, for which TOL is a relative
      tolerance. Sets ANRD=ATOL. The default is 12 (that  is,  accuracy
      is  10**(-12)).  Usually the problem runs quickly when using this
      setting.  On occasion, however, you may want to reduce ATOL (usu-
      ally  set it equal to that of TOL), and improve speeds of up to 3
      to 4 fold.

      By default, the value set on $SUBROUTINES record (or $TOL or  TOL
      subroutine)  is  used.  If ATOL is coded on $ESTIMATION, it over-
      rides the default for that step.  If ATOL is  coded  on  $COVARI-
      ANCE,  it overrides $ESTIMATION and/or the default for that step.
      With NONMEM 74, this feature is deprecated.  A user-supplied  TOL
      subroutine should test NM_STEP and set ANRD accordingly.

 SIGL=n  SIGLO=n (NM72)
      These  options  may  be  used to specify different values for the
      Covariance step.  The step size for evaluating the R matrix (cen-
      tral difference second derivative) is set to SIGL/4.  If only the
      S matrix is evaluated (central difference first derivative),  the
      step  size  is  set  to  SIGL/3.  SIGLO is the precision to which
      individual etas are optimized.  Classical NONMEM methods in  par-
      ticular  often  require  a  different significant digits level of
      evaluation (usually more stringent) during  the  Covariance  step
      than  during Estimation Step.  For example, during the Estimation
      step, NSIG=2, SIGL=6, TOL=6 may be  sufficient,  but  during  the
      Covariance  step,  you  may need SIGL=12 TOL=12 to avoid positive
      definiteness issues.
      By default, values specified on the $ESTIMATION record are used.
      (See $ESTIMATION).
      SIGL and SIGLO have no relevance to the Covariance  step  results
      for a BAYES method.

      No  $COV  step for any classical estimation steps.  This would be
      useful if you wanted EM  estimation  analyses  performed,  and  a
      final  FOCE  analysis  performed, but did not want the program to
      spend time on standard error assessments for FOCE, which can take
      a long time relative to the other methods.

      Name  of  the  "parallel file" (the parallelization profile) that
      controls parallelization (distributed computing).   Default  file
      name if not specified: parallel.pnm or parafile name specified on
      nmfe command.
      PARAFILE=ON turns on parallelization for this $COVARIANCE record.
      PARAFILE=OFF  turns  off  parallelization  for  this  $COVARIANCE

      The print iteration intervals to the parallelization log file can
      be controlled by this option during parallelization of  the  $COV
      step.  See also $ESTIMATION record and nmfe7 command.  Default is

 THBND=n (NM74)
      If THBND=1, any theta boundaries specified in the  $THETA  record
      causes  NONMEM to impose a non-linear transformation of the theta
      parameters so that  the  transformed  parameters  may  vary  from
      -infinity  to  infinity.  It  does this with logistic transforma-
      tions. This is suitable during the estimation step,  but  may  be
      desirable  have this off (THBND=0) for covariance assessment, and
      assess partial derivatives of the objective function with respect
      to  the thetas themselves, or some linear transformation of these
      thetas. By default THBND=1, in keeping with the behavior of  ear-
      lier  NONMEM  versions,  which  effectively  has THBND=1. Usually
      boundaries that are fairly wide will not impact how the variance-
      covariance is assessed, such as when a lower bound of 0 is given,
      but if you have very narrow boundaries set, then this can  impact
      the  assessment  of the variance-covariance of the estimates con-
      siderably, and you may wish to set THBND=0. If no lower or  upper
      bounds  are  given to thetas in $THETA record, this option has no

 SIRSAMPLE=[numberlist] (NM74)
      Option  SIRSAMPLE  requests  the   Sampling-Importance-Resampling
      algorithm (SIR)
      (See  Guide Introduction_7, "Importance Sampling of the Variance-
      Covariance of the Parameter Estimates").
      By default SIRSAMPLE=-1, so SIR process does not occur.   SIRSAM-
      PLE  should  be set between 300 and 10000, to indicate the number
      of random samples to be generated for each of the SIRNITER itera-
      tions.  This  will  produce SIRSAMPLE importance samples, each of
      which will be placed in the raw output file.  As of nm75, SIRSAM-
      PLE  may  contain a list of integers, one for each of the SRNITER
      iterations  (use  double  quotes  around   the   list):   SIRSAM-
      PLE="1000,200,500"  If  there are fewer than SIRNITER values, the
      last value in the list will be used as the  SIRSAMPLE  value  for
      the  remaining  iterations.   Utility  programs table_quant (fre-
      quency and quantile sorting) and table_resample (resampling)  may
      be used to analyze $COV Sampling-Importance-Resampling data.

      The number of times SIR sampling should occur.  Default is 1.

      Where  the sampling (proposal) density is to be centered.  On the
      first iteration, the mean of the sampling density is at the esti-
      mate.  On subsequent iterations, the mean of the sampling density
      is at the estimate (SIRCENTER=0) or at the mean  of  the  (trans-
      formed) samples of the previous iteration (SIRSAMPLE=1).  Default
      is 0.

      Limit the correlation of omegas and  sigmas  generated  form  the
      proposal  density  to  have |correlation| of SIR_CAPCORR or less.
      This is similar to PSN's cap_correlation option.


      Limit the weight range that a sample may relative to the proposal
      density,   to   avoid   extreme   values.    Default  values  are
      SIRMINWT=0.001, SIRMAXWT=1000.0

      Starting seed for SIR analysis (default=11456).

      If SIRCLOCKSEED=1 (default is 0), actual starting  seed  will  be
      10000*(seconds  after  midnight)+SEED.   This  allows  a  control
      stream to produce  different  stochastic  results  for  automated
      replications,  without  the  need to modify the seed value in the
      control stream file in each replication.

      The acceptance ratio acts similarly to importance sampling in  EM
      analysis.  Default is 1.

      IACCEPTL=0 (NM74) Default is 1.  The IACCEPTL option performs the
      same as listed for IACCEPTL in "Monte Carlo  Importance  Sampling
      EM".  Default is 0.

 SIRDF=n (NM74)
      The  proposal density is to be a t distribution with n degrees of
      freedom.  Default is 0, a normal density.

 RANMETHOD=[n|S|m|P] (NM74)
      See the corresponding option of the $ESTIMATION record for impor-
      tance sampling in EM analysis.

      Set  the  console print iterations interval. This does not impact
      the iterations listed in  the  raw  output  file.   Default  SIR-

 FILE=filename (NM74)
      By  default,  the  raw  output file is whatever was listed in the
      $EST step, or root.ext, where root is the root name of  the  con-
      trol  stream  file.  You  can re-direct SIR sample listings to an
      alternative file with this option.

 FORMAT=s (NM75)
      By default, the format for the raw output file and all additional
      output  files is whatever FORMAT was specified for the $EST step.
      You can change its format with the FORMAT option.  s defines  the
      delimiter [,|s(pace)|t(ab)] followed by a Fortran format specifi-
      cation.  The default is s1PE12.5.  For more details, see the for-
      mat help item:
      (See format).

      As  with the deterministic covariance assessment step, by default
      the transformed parameters are sampled,  so  that  no  sample  is
      below  the  $THETA  lower bound specification, and no higher than
      the $THETA upper bound specification.  To  allow  a  boundariless
      search  in  the original theta domain, set SIRTHBND=1. You should
      also set THBND=1, so that the deterministc covariance matrix used
      as  the proposal density is also not hindered or contorted by the
      boundaries.  Default is the value of THBND, which in turn is 0 by

      Name  of  the  "parallel file" (the parallelization profile) that
      controls parallelization during SIR sampling (distributed comput-
      ing).   Default  file  name  if  not  specified:  parallel.pnm or
      parafile name specified on nmfe command.
      SIRPARAFILE=ON turns  on  parallelization  for  this  $COVARIANCE
      record during SIR sampling.
      SIRPARAFILE=OFF  turns  off  parallelization for this $COVARIANCE
      record during SIR sampling.

      The print iteration intervals to the parallelization log file can
      be  controlled  by  this option during parallelization of the SIR
      sampling portion of the $COV step.  See also $ESTIMATION  record
      and nmfe7 command.  Default is SIRPARAFPRINT=1.

      Options PRECOND through PRETYPE affect the preconditioning of the
      R Matrix.
      (See Guide  Introduction_7,  "Preconditioning  the  R  Matrix  to
      Improve Precision and Success Rate of $COV Step").
      By  default,  PRECOND (Preconditioning cycles") is 0, and no pre-
      conditioning of the R matrix is performed.  When PRECOND=n,  then
      up  to  n  preconditioning cycles are performed.  This is used in
      combination with the PFCOND setting.

      By default, if preconditioning is performed, it is done on Thetas
      (T), Omegas (O), and Sigmas(S). Specify PRECONDS (Preconditioning
      types)=T to do only thetas, PRECONDS=TO to  do  only  thetas  and
      omegas, etc.

 PFCON=n (NM74)
      PFCOND means 'forced' precondition cycles. Preconditioning occurs
      exactly PFCOND times, without testing if the R matrix is positive
      definite  or  not on each preconditioning cycle. On the remaining
      PRECOND-PFCOND cycles, the R matrix is tested for positive  defi-
      niteness,  and  upon  success, will terminate the preconditioning
      cycles.  Default is PFCOND=0.

      By default PRETYPE(preconditioning type)=0 and the R matrix  cor-
      rector  is  V*square_root(eigenvalue). If you set PRETYPE=1, then
      the corrector is V*square_root(eigenvalue)*Vtranspose. If you set
      PRETYPE=2,  then the corrector is the correlation version of PRE-

      By default FPOSDEF(forced positive  definite)=0.   If  FPOSDEF=1,
      then  if  the Rmatrix is not positive definite, it will be forced
      positive definite.  If PRECOND>0, this will occur after the  PRE-
      CONDth try.

      If CHOLROFF is set to 1, then one part of the R matrix evaluation
      (before inversion) will be evaluated in  the  manner  of  earlier
      versions of NONMEM.  This is strictly for comparison with earlier
      versions for diagnostic purposes.  If CHOLROFF=0, then a part  of
      the  R matrix evaluation will undergo cholesky decomposition, and
      if not positive definite, only then will  it  undergo  evaluation
      according  to earlier versions of NONMEM.  If CHOLROFF=2, then if
      cholesky decomposition fails, it will be slightly adjusted to  be
      positive  definite.  The CHOLROFF=0 is the safest option, in that
      the Cholesky decomposition (if positive definite)  provides  more
      precision  in evaluating the R matrix.  The CHOLROFF=2 setting is
      useful if you wish to increase the rate of success  in  obtaining
      an  R matrix (followed by its inverse) that could be suitable for
      SIR sampling.  If you use CHOLROFF=2, then positive  definiteness
      has been corrected before the inverse occurs, so POSDEF will have
      no additional effect.  If you use POSDEF, then CHOLROFF should be
      0 or 1.  Default is 0.

      In NONMEM 7.4, the Knuth summing method is used to allow the most
      accurate summation of individual objective function values,  even
      with large variations in values of the individual objective func-
      tion.  To turn this off, and allow a standard summation (not rec-
      ommended  except  for comparison purposes from earlier versions),
      set KNUTHSUMOFF=1. If KNUTHSUMOFF was set in the $EST  step,  but
      not  in  the  $COV  step,  the KNUTHSUMOFF value of the last $EST
      record will be used.
      Default is 0.

 POSDEF=n (NM75)
      If POSDEF=1, then if the R matrix is not  positive  definite,  it
      will  be  forced positive definite, by method of shifting the ei-
      genvalues by an amount slightly greater than  the  most  negative
      eigenvalue.  If POSDEF=2, then R matrix is made positive definite
      by making the negative valued eigenvalues approximately 1/100  of
      the least positive eigenvalue. If POSDEF=3, then R matrix is made
      positive definite by using the absolute values of the eigenvalues
      POSDEF  is  0 (no correction) by default for classical covariance
      step, and 3 for EM methods.
      The preconditioning method is a more sophisticated, but time-con-
      suming  method of making the R matrix positive definite (See PRE-
      Default is 0.

      The Covariance Step is implemented, but only when the  Estimation
      Step  terminates  successfully (in this run or in a run continued
      via $MSFI).  This is the default.

      The Covariance Step is implemented regardless of how the  Estima-
      tion  Step  terminates  (in  this  run  or in a run continued via

      If MSFO=msfile was specified  in  the  Estimation  Step  for  the
      FO/FOCE/Laplace  method  and  analysis was interrupted during the
      Covariance Step, then the Covariance Step may be resumed where it
      was interrupted in a subsequent problem.  Use the $MSFI record to
      specify the MSFO file of the interrupted analysis, and the RESUME
      option of the $COV record:


      The Covariance Step is not implemented.


REFERENCES: Guide IV Section III.B.15
REFERENCES: Guide V Section 9.4.2, 10.6

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Created by nmhelp2html v. 1.0 written by Niclas Jonsson (Modified by AJB 5/2006,11/2007,10/2012)